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Messages - RaivenWings

Pages: 1 ... 42 43 [44]
Member Bio & Journals / Re: The Real Rai
« on: April 09, 2011, 02:45:25 am »
Hehe thanks guys ^^

Member Bio & Journals / The Real Rai
« on: April 03, 2011, 09:21:17 pm »
Hello guys! Because I feel like I need to do it, I'm going to be making... and about me thingy... page... thing.
Real Name: Mel (Short for Melanie)
Username Nicknames: Raiven, Rai, Raiv
Age: 16
Personality: I can be kind of awkward and weird sometimes, especially when meeting new people. I don't get mad easily, but when I do, it must have been for something seriously nasty. I love making new friends and I consider myself pretty sociable, but I do need my 'me times'.
Likes: I love doing art, creative writing, gaming, and roleplaying!
Dislikes: Touchy people, people who pick on others, and people who hurt animals. Hell, I just don't like people sometimes XD
Characters: You'll often see me around as a few of my characters (I'll post screenies of 'em later):
And a few others XD

I'll prolly come back and work on this later, so, cya guys! :D

~ Rai

Finished Maps / Re: Water Temple (Zip File Fixed)
« on: March 29, 2011, 03:58:58 am »
Hey Lem :D
I'm so snatching this up btw XD I love it :D

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