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Messages - animals_rock

Pages: 1 ... 42 43 [44] 45 46
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Glow in the dark?
« on: August 19, 2012, 11:35:41 pm »
I agree, this would be pretty epic xD Even better if it only glowed at night so we could see bright, vivid colors. o3o But then again, if this came out, everyone would use it the first few weeks which would lead to having clusters of glowing light everywhere ene But other than that, if it's possible, this would be a great thing to add to Fh. :3

This is a great idea! :D Of course, if we have too many maps we might lag to death >3> But, large public maps are an awesome idea o3o Until the staff decide whether or not to make more large maps, I use this --> ouo To me, it's like a 2nd fluorite (except for the fact that almost no one's there xD)

Game Discussion / Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« on: August 19, 2012, 03:45:54 pm »
It all depends on the species fighting.

For example, domestic cat vs. domestic dog(large dog)= Dog winning because of it's size and strength of its muscles. But, if it was against a smaller dog, the cat would most likely win because of its sharper teeth and claw.
Another one would be: Big cat(lion, tiger, jaguar etc.) vs. Wolf= Big cat wins because of its strength and size over the wolf.
Domestic cat vs. Wolf= Wolf wins, obviously, because of its larger size, strength, and stamina.
Big cat vs. domestic dog(large or small)= Big cat win since its so much larger, stronger muscles, and bigger jaws meant for killing.

So, basically, it all depends on which species you are referring to. However, if I had to pick one of the two, it'd probably felines because there's more of a variety to the species and they tend to be larger/stronger than the canines. As much as I love canines, cats do have sharper claws/teeth and there's more species that are stronger and faster than canines of any kind.

Game Discussion / Re: Whats your RP style?
« on: August 19, 2012, 03:35:22 pm »
Personally, I prefer literate Rps. I have been with stuck-up literate role players, but if the Rp I'm in is strict , I can usually avoid meeting those people. If I'm seriously role playing, I can only Rp with literate people, since I can't stand the simple style that would be like '*runs away*' (Plus I'm a grammar nazi, so I get annoyed by people's grammar mistakes xD). On the other hand, if I'm not seriously Rping (like just derping around o3o), then, obviously, I use the simpler Rp style. :3

But, yeah, that's just me. ouo

Game Discussion / Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
« on: August 19, 2012, 03:27:57 pm »
I was stalking people on dA and came across HinaUchi's screenshots of Fh. I thought it looked epic and stuff so I found the website, downloaded it, and here I am :3

Site/Forum Help / Re: Recording Program?
« on: August 16, 2012, 02:28:39 am »
I use HyperCam ( to record things, but I don't think it works on Macs. So, I went and found these for you: and
They both cost money, I think, but they do have free trials too, if you only need them for just the video contest.
Good luck in the video contest! c:

Mapping Tutorials / Re: Music in your map
« on: July 17, 2012, 09:44:22 am »
Thanks for posting this 8D it helped so much :3

This looks epic, Red :D And Lilly the lioness xD That's mai main character's name :3

Thanks for posting this 8D it helped a bunch :3

Thanks for making this :3 It helped a lot 8D Thanks again

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