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Messages - Shadow13131

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 [45] 46 47 ... 51
Alright thanks :)


I did not make the picture just so you know
Preset #: 4
Feline or Canine?: Canine
Texture?: No
Transparency?: No
Mane: Yes, make it red please :)
Wings?: Yes but if it is possible can you make them invisable? So when i fly it looks like i dont need wings? if you cant then you dont have to :3
Private but include the download for friends
Email: Removed since you don't need it since I have the preset; and I got a email from someone I don't know, and I think it's because of this, just so you know.

I would put the picture in here but it won't let me

Can I request a preset?

Presets & Markings / Re: Silvers's Preset <3 *Open*
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:54:38 am »
Yay thanks! :-)

Presets & Markings / Re: Silver's Preset <3 -open-
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:20:13 am »
Can't believe no one has requested yet. O.e
Anyway, I would like to make a request. :-D
So here you go
Username: Shadow13131
Preset Number: 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12 any of those
Sparkly: no
Glow: No
Two Sided: No Same on both sides
Special Mark: nope
Transparency: no
Wings: no
Eyes: blue and glowing, if you can can you Make it realistic?
Reference sheet: 

I'm applying my female... I know bla la bla to many female... But I dun carez
Picture: look in my other post.
Name: Delilah
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Family: Deceased Accept her brother Lightning lives on in Forbidden Lands :-)
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Swift and agile, she is very smart and her words can be very encouraging at times, she loves cubs and s very lovable to almost anybody. Although she is trained in speed she would like to learn how to fight, knowing she will need it.
Desired Rank: Warrior
Username/Forum Username: Wolfrazz/~Shadow
Rp Sample: Delilah gracefully padded across the land jumping from rock to rock, she knew someday she would be a good fighter but for now she was just good at speed. She wishes that someday she will be an amazing fighter, with that thought from her mind she jumped down from one of the rocks and began running forward, in her bath she saw a young zebra, all alone. So she kept running. Claws blazing she pounced at the zebra with full speed, she had s much speed that the zebra went flying and dieing right away, maybe her heart belonged to speed, who knows. But someday she will find out.

There ya go :-) I may join with Lightning later but for now there is Delilah!

Erm... I might make my cheetah Lightning and join this x.x But i may not cause i have like 3 Rps i have to go on and be active on so... I might...
Herp Derp PewDiePie is awesome!
Anywho, i might join :3
I may not...
'Cause im just that derpy...
May not be on all the time but...
Be happy im giving it a chance. :3
Shadow Is Out! Peace! *Throws smoke bomb down and disapears*

Edit: I think i will, sounds cool, looks cool anywho what you guys think, yer or no. And if so female or male? Lolz for randomness i am going to post a pic of my cheetah i have in another rp and you decide if i make a female or make another one of him to join ur group :)

Me being eaten by a croc :3

Tomorrow i will fill out the form :3 But you can trust i can do this cause i got into forbidden lands :3
Random pic of my awesome cheetah <3

Another Edit! (Good gosh how many will you do?!) Should i go on Feralheart now and take a screenie of what my female cheetah would look like? :3

Final Edit!

Game Help / Re: Map crashes?
« on: August 07, 2012, 06:47:18 am »
If that does not work it may be because the map is to full that your computer to handle it, im on a laptop and  it can barely handle fuorite. 
I suggest getting a game enhancer, because i cant think of any other reason why it would be doing this
Hope this helps!

as Ouka said it may be because fluorite plains crashes alot, try going into another map. or try going on when it is later in the day when not many more people are on. Another suggestion is try getting a game enhancer. If that doesnt work then it might be something on your computer messing up or something got deleted.
Hope this helps! :)

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: August 07, 2012, 06:37:55 am »
6/10   I see you quite a bit on the forums :3

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