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Messages - Genesis9

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Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: February 08, 2013, 08:58:19 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Guys, let's count to 30 before a girl knocks you down.
« on: February 08, 2013, 08:54:02 pm »
-3  >:3

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: February 08, 2013, 08:47:48 pm »
4/10 I think i've seen at least a few of your posts ; o ;

Finished Maps / Re: Ember Island [Public Map]
« on: February 06, 2013, 08:55:32 am »
Very nicely done! Looks amazing!:D

I have a question though, the den on the sixth picture down, with the nest texture, where did you find it? I used to have it, but I lost it, and I have been looking for it for ages. If you would, please please tell me.

Unfortunately I don't have that mesh anymore, but I'm pretty sure that I found it via the Feral Heart Art Groups on Deviant art, and then I just made sure to re texture it to the straw texture that was provided. I wish I had something a bit more specific to give you, and I really hope you are able to find it again!

Genesis9's Bundle of Stuff

Guild Wars 2 Music MOD

Deviantart download:

Title Screen ~ Overture, Zhaitan, Of Tides and Quaggans, Promenade of the Gods, A Land Restored.

Flourite Plains: Journey through Galedon, Sunrise over Astorea, Out of the Dream, Explorers and Artifacts, The Tengu Wall, Eir's SOlitude, The Shiverpeaks, Dawn in Shaemoor, Tyria Awaits, Mepi's Ranch, Hope Falls, Logan's Journey.

Caves: Lornar's Pass, Gendarran Fields, Bear's Spirit, The Sea of Sorrows, Fallen Comrades, Kormir's Whispers, Ventari's Legacy.

Silver Interface with GW2 Icons

Deviantart download:

Kingdom Hearts Music MOD


Title Screen: Dearly Beloved

Fluorite Plains, Cape of Distant Worlds, Bonfire, South Pole: Traverse Town, Lazy Afternoons, Destiny Islands

Ficho Tunnels: Halloween Town Theme, Dive into the Heart, Treasured Memories.

Finished Maps / Genesis9's Bundle of Maps [Update! 07.18.15]
« on: January 22, 2013, 05:16:34 am »
Genesis9's Bundle of Maps

A lot of people have been having trouble finding all my maps that are pretty much scattered all over the place, so I thought it was about time that I put them all on one topic that I will update as I release new maps. I'm going as far back as Elysium, but if you have any interest in checking out some of my older maps, feel free to take a look at them on my DA account (Genesis199)


The Tears of Lysa


The last of my map so far...this was an experimental piece focusing on simplicity. It's quite small compared to my other maps with a focus on atmosphere. There's also a 'jumping puzzle' of sorts that was inspired by the game Guild Wars 2 which I adore. I recommend listening to the music at least once for the full effect. This map was listed quite a while ago but I figured I might as well put it here with the rest of my maps!

Finished Maps

The Mountains of Melandru Map Pack
(Contains both Melandru Mountains and Frostfall)

Dropbox (ZIP):

The Rift

Dropbox (ZIP):

The Underworld (Previously a Private Map)

Dropbox (Zip):

Verto Animus Map Pack

The Forest of Lights

Full Post:

Ember Island

The Pride Lands
The Dark Moors


Finished Maps / Re: The Forest of Lights [Public]
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:59:38 pm »
Wonderful map!! If you dont mind me asking...Were did you get some of those Meshs/Mod/textures from?

I got most of my meshes from around the FH forum, from Glave and Wombat in particular, and the WoW converted meshes as well. The rest came from around Deviant Art, and they took quite a while to compile. As for the MODs that I use, I have Naturalistic, Heavenly sunrise and Sci-fi moon mod, as well as a Silver Interface MOD I made myself :3

Username: genesis9
Reviewing: Carpe Diem Map Pack v2
Review: Being a map maker myself, I can appreciate the time and effort that is put into making /good/ maps for Feral Heart, and Delay's Map Pack takes the cake in my opinion. Their clever use of height maps and basic objects to make something extraordinary is, in my opinion, a rare sight. The mood that is set with each map is different and creates a feeling of peace. I like the way that the trails seem to lead off out of sight, as if alluding to something that's just around the corner, and making it feel as if all of the maps are cohesive. Not to mention that there is so much to explore! The maps have a very nice pace to them, and aren't overcrowded with a massive amount of shrubbery. There is just enough to make it feel very realistic, and at some points magical. Along with the great choices of music and ambient sounds, Delay has created a whole world for their RP, and it's something very special. If anyone ever gets a chance to download this Map Pack and try it out, I would highly recommend they do. Thank you so much Delay for making it available to everyone!
Rating: A well earned 5/5

Finished Maps / The Forest of Lights [Public]
« on: December 10, 2012, 01:16:51 pm »
:Edit: To everyone having problems seeing all the items, I apologize for not making my own Object files as I should have to avoid this, however, there are a few ways you can fix it, one of them being to copy the .fho files and put them in you my_objects folder /as well as/ your export folder. As long as you don't already have files such as myplants, myrocks etc. in your my_objects, all of the objects in the forest of lights should turn up. I really wish there was a way to fix this problem, but my game always crashes without fail whenever I export a map, and I lose all of my data on it, and I am forced to re-install. Otherwise I would change the object files and re-export it. If anyone knows how to fix the problem concerning FH crashing per export, I would highly appreciate it if you could tell me how to fix it. Thanks again for all the kind words.

The Forest of Light

Once again, this is a PUBLIC map, and anyone is allowed to download and roleplay here, however, please keep in mind that it was created for CopperWolf1 and their group, so please do not disturb them whilst exploring, thank you, and Merry Christmas!!

Download Link:

This map includes four seasonal sections, a central tree home, and lots of places to explore. It also about 5 camps :3

Some Screenshots

Check out my other maps and FH Mods here:

Other Mods/Creations / Re: .:Tetsu's Wearable Items: New! WING ITEMS!:.
« on: November 18, 2012, 09:52:28 am »
0-0 Must...have...*reaches towards computer screen*
These look absolutely amazing! Great job!!!!! And thank you soooo much for sharing them!

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