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Messages - HowlStar

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47]
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Animals?...
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:32:21 pm »
I like this idea. It would be cool too if you were abe to carry the smaller animals around :3
RP would be more fun if animals were added so if you RP that you're eating the prey there would be something ther instead of you sitting there "eating" air. From the other replies I read there were animals in IT(I never played I only knew of FH :D)and everyone seemed to like that.

I personally dont like the level idea though, it might lead to godmodding/bullying (Ex."Oh, im a higher level than you! HAHA you suck >:D" and stuff like that)

Also there could be hunting grounds so people who aren't hunting dont have to deal with the larger prey running around all over the place. But bunnies/mice/squirrels/{insert small animal here} could go wherever :D

SO IN CONCLUSION= I support :3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Recording FeralHeart Gameplay
« on: July 26, 2011, 11:08:33 pm »
Thats okay :3 Everyone's opinion matters and its THEIR opinion.

Thanks for replying and I will add some things to the original post

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Recording FeralHeart Gameplay
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:22:09 am »
Ok, I've been wanting to take videos of FH for a while, but I dont have ManyCam or any other filming thing. So I thought maybe the FH team could add something to record gameplay. And then when you end the movie, it could ask if you wanted to upload it to YouTube or something.

-Easier uploading to (insert video sharing thingy here)
-Easier recording (by this I mean you can just click the button or whatever instead of having to minimize FH and set up your recording software)

-May result in lag if too many players are recording at once
-Would take time to make if even possible in a good way when there's probably other more needed things to work on
-The quality would most likely not reach the same standards as recording it the other way
-Might need permission to make a youtube uploader? And if not, it would just really bring you to the upload page of youtube, this means it would be a raw video file unless you edit it anyway
-The only time I've bumped into an ingame video uploader was from the game "Dirt3"(A game made by a professional studio), and even there it was horrible.

Like it? Hate it? Your criticism helps peoples :3

(EDIT I'm starting not to think this is a good idea. Red made several good points about it xD )

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Two Different Coloured Eyes!
« on: July 26, 2011, 12:47:26 am »
I love this idea!! Some animals actually have things like that. (EXAMPLE- Certain cats can have two colored eyes)

I cant figure out how to make presets with two different colored eyes either, so this would make it much easier ;3

I voted for Eagle. It would be fun to be able to fly in the game :3

Many people would love it if horses were added though.

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