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Messages - Shadow13131

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48] 49 50 51
Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: July 29, 2012, 10:02:06 am »
This happened to me today when I was rping as a lion:

Me: so you guys wanna go our territory now?
Members: Sure.
Random Pup: Will you be my daddy?
Me: I-I'm a lion :(
Random Pup: To bad! If its a problem I will make my older bro rape your mate!
Older Bro: -Humps my mate and makes pregnant-
Me:  D:
Pup: -Is born- Now your my daddy :D
Me: D:
Pup: -Flirts with adult female lion-
Female Lion: ?
Pup: -Humps lionesses leg-
Female Lion: My leg does not like this :(
Me: D:
Pup: -Goes down on knees-  Will you marry me?
Female Lion: No.
Pup: Then I must kidnap you! Bro, take her away!
Older Bro: -Ties up lion and takes her away-

I Actually never seen that lion again :( but I saw in the distant the pup as a teen actually mating with her :/ it was awkward cause the female lion was typing noises like "Uh uh, oh ya".  Me and my pride were sitting there like :o

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:51:37 am »
Oh my lord it's 3:30 am and I started laughing really hard and my sister came ino my room and is like:
Wtf I'm trying to sleep!
Me: but it's funny!
Sister: What is?
Me: Shows a post to her-
Sister: -laughs really hard-

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:19:54 am »
this happened to me a little while ago
Person1: I'm bored...
Person2:Hey bored nice to meet you!
Me: Pancakes...
Person1: Pancakes?
Me: Pancakes!
Person1: Ice cream...
Person2: Why you scream!?
Me: Because.... Pancakes!
Person2: I wander what pancakes means...
Me: It means... Waffles!
Person2: Do you like waffles!
Person1: No :3
Me: -Gasp- How could you! -Strangles-
Person2: But I'm allergic to what's in them :c
Me: That's no excuse!
Person2: But I will die if I eat them :(
Me: That's still no excuse!
Person1: Ladies, Ladies, Break it up!
Me: Heeeeey.
Person2: I'm not a lady!
Me: let's get her!

Ps. I was a boy. Person2 was a boy and Person1 was also a boy :3

Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: July 28, 2012, 09:01:01 pm »
Lol Ouka that's me in your pics, I made a second account for derping :D ask Maxy if you don't believe me :)

Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: July 28, 2012, 06:24:36 pm »
Ok Wolffie, I will probably go hangout in the theatre till it starts :)

Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: July 28, 2012, 05:48:24 pm »
I am so excited it will be my first movie :D
Are you going to ye in here when it's 4,3,2,1 hours until the movie Wolffie?

Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: July 27, 2012, 04:59:28 pm »
There is like 6 people on randomly fooling around :D

Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: July 27, 2012, 04:35:10 pm »
I'm hanging there right now :P

User Creations Collection / Re: //Reds Corner//
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:25:16 pm »
I love the textures for lions Red <3 it makes them look better to me :D

Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:17:51 am »
I want to come :I I have it downloaded but i don't understand UTC time so can someone please tell me how many hours after ths post? Thankies :D

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