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Messages - Cecilia~

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51
I have a question. The thread name is "All animal RP" but theres only wolves.. why?

POSTED IN THE WRONG SPOT IGNORE THIS LALALA I forgot that you had to post in the child board for signin up

Name: Ptash
Rank/s desired: Sand Cat
Wolf/Clan/City: City dogs&cats
RP sample:

Yawning, Ptash opened her eyes as she awoke from a nap. She stood up to stretch and groom herself and shortly ran off to find food. Ptash jumped into an open trash can, only to find wrappers and containers, no left over food. She shook wrappers and other trash off her fur as she hopped out of the trash can. Looking across the street she noticed a large figure staring at her.. it looked much like a stray dog. Ptash backed up, only to find a wall behind her and the figure slowly walking forward..

Please download my preset.

Sure, I can be smaller. I just made that character really fast just to get a pic up :) Rank.. i think ill be a warrior (I was scrolling up and saw a bunch of ranks, figured id choose that one :>)

Name: Ptash
Age: 10 months (If she were a human she would be around 9-10 years old)
breed: Chinese Mountain Cat
Cat or dog?: Cat
Parents: Unknown at the time
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Gender: Female
Wheee get the preset! Or you wont see my textures

My in-game username is Cecilia~ and the character's name is Ptash

Ok, Mia Phegly, I will save the blue spot for you! Also, what do you really mean by 'I cant get in'? Do you get a error or osmething?

Game Help / Re: Weird map issue
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:59:42 pm »
I put the objects in the my_objects folder, Ive never had this issue before. Do they need there own folder and .object file?

Game Help / Weird map issue
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:55:36 pm »
Ok, so basically, I made a map. I used custom objects and most of those objects where trees and waterfalls. Everything works perfect in the Map Maker, however, in game when I go into the map, I only see objects that aren't custom. Anyone know how to fix it?


Map maker:

Ive tried exporting, saving the map under a different name (I have two of the same map, just named differently) and nothing works.. please help.

Approved :)

Finished Maps / [1.09] The Mountain Forest (Complete) For RP Claimable
« on: August 15, 2011, 04:42:15 pm »
Hello, this is only my second or third map. It is a map for roleplay. In this map you will find three den sites. The den sites are all near the mountains. Do note that yellow territory is claimable, however, if I come to roleplay, It will be in that spot!. (I will probably join the group of whoever claimed it) However, the other three sites are fully claimable.

Here is a map:

Red- Unclaimed, claimable currently


Blue- Unclaimed, being saved

Yellow- Claimed by me temporarily-- READ ABOVE PARAGRAPH

Territory that is not claimable is free land. Anyone can go here, but if you do, be aware that in RP you can be attacked by another clan/pack/pride/whatever member.. So its kinda just neutral territory.Those are the rules for my map :)

And now some screenshots!

My den-

Den site 1-

Den site 2-

Den site 3-

Download me!
To claim a map, post a biography of your pack/pride/clan/whatever on this board and I will say 'Approved' or 'Not Approved, heres why..' If your roleplay group has under 3 people, there is no need to take this amount of territory for such a little group!!

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