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Messages - moonshimmer100

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7
Game Discussion / Re: The Feral Heart Survival Guide
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:51:15 pm »
i like this it made me laugh :3

Game Discussion / Re: Color spectrum idea? :D
« on: January 22, 2013, 02:35:15 am »
That looks cool but it would be harder to get realistic colours

Game Discussion / Re: Feralheart on Youtube
« on: January 10, 2013, 11:54:45 pm »
Bandicam is a good hypercam program that i got it didn't do anything to my computer. If you want to do videos like that i think Bandicam is a good program to try

Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:41:42 am »
probably not i'm sure most people wouldn't abandon thier friends back in fh there are a lot of people who have many good memories from fh a few people might leave but i doubt many people would

Game Discussion / Re: Maps like Feral City and Feral Cinema.
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:07:00 am »
wouldn't it be laggy? it sounds really cool though :3

Game Discussion / Re: How do YOU play Feralheart?
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:01:02 am »
i try to join rps and sometimes i just spy on peoples conversations or rps

Game Discussion / Re: When I first joined I.....
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:22:43 am »
when i first joined i
1. always had a fat muzzle because i didn't think to shrink it
2. didn't know how to move without clicking
3. didn't know you could walk or crouch
4. didn't know what rp was and got really confused whenever i saw someone rp
5. thought bonfire island was the only map until i found ficho
6. when i first ran into fluorite i thought it was the same map as bonfire island so i spent an hour swimming through the ocean like areas looking for bonfire island after about 2 days i asked a random stranger for directions and they taught me how to click the go home button
7. didn't know that lots of people on fh knew about warrior cats so once when i was in Fluorite i saw some warrior cats running around so i got excited because i thought they would be the only people on fh to know what warrior cats was so i chased them around begging to join thier clan but they wouldn't let me because i was a lion cub and i wouldn't change because i was afraid i wouldn't be able to find them again
8. didn't know how to log out properly so whenever i got off i clicked the x to close it
9. didn't know you could have more then one character
10. didn't know what people meant when they said godmodding or powerplaying
11. didn't know what trolling was
12. i didn't know what mate begging was so when i saw people mate begging i thought that was the only way to get a mate

Game Discussion / Re: Feralheart on Youtube
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:28:18 am »
sometimes i make youtube videos using fh i usually use a hypercam to record my character doing certian things then edit it with windows movie maker to put clips together and add music. One time i made a slideshow of screenshots from rps a few people on youtube have made those they usually call it FeralHeart memories or something along those lines maybe you could make one of those  :)

Game Discussion / Re: Bored in Feralheart? e.e
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:20:29 am »
i am usually bored on fh now.. most of the people on my friends list have been inactive for ages and the ones that are active don't remember me at all and have no interest reconnecting with me as they are always in some serious rp or something.. :/ usualy now i just run around Fluorite trying to find a rp but i can never seem to find one and when i do find one they eithor never rp at all like just sit there talking ooc all day or they do rp for a short period of time then have to go then end up completely inactive afterwards..

Game Discussion / Re: Most common uncommon "felines"
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:10:43 am »
i have made a Serval, Bobcat, Ocelot, Lynx, Liger, Leopard, Cheetah, Jaguar, Panther, Snow Leopard, Tiger and a Cougar.

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