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Messages - BrusselsSprouts

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Finally I can safely go to Bonfire Island without seeing a whole bunch of trolls dancing over people. This needed to be done, 'nuff said.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:59:23 am »
Name: Aiden

Age: 20 human years ( I'm not too sure how to do conversions XP )

Gender: Male

Personality: Aiden is a mischievous young wolf with a tendency to try and do things "his way". He is a rather active and playful spirit who gets along with others fairly well; that is, aside from those who despise his lack to be serious.

Picture/Discription: ( @ the bottom of this form )

Magical Ability(Unusuable): The ability to breath fire at command and will a sphere of fire to hurl at the enemy.

Loner or Group?:Group

History/Past: Aiden was the rambunctious son of Comet and Dawn; they both were red-orange wolves, like Aiden, but Dawn owned the fawn-colored markings that her son inherited. Aiden grew up in the group, from boisterous pup, to boisterous adult.

Other: N/A

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