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Messages - DivineHeroine

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Forum Discussion / Re: Modify and Delete
« on: June 12, 2012, 09:35:02 pm »
Oh ok now I understand :D joyfulness!
thx everybody!

How about adding some of these in? I wrote them on paper- planing on my bed on some days, oh those ideas O_O o3o

Buddy Features------
But 1st a little scenario!
A cub is wounded by a god modder and then a canine comes up to try and pick up the little cub who fainted.
In-game it looks silly and unrealistic!
There is no animation or simulation in-game like that to pick up the cub realistically,
instead in-game the cub has its eyes close and stands up like it is half dead and alive!

Why not add a "transportation" feature with a permission dialog or message etc?
like...Permission to:
? be carried by (put name here)
? carry (name here)
Carrying types:
Childish carry:Like in lion king how Mufasa carried Simba when Simba was a cub!
Back: How Kovu (Red  8) ) carried Kiara.
Drag: Like dragging a dead creature like an antelope, or someone wounded and still hanging from the ground
Hover: If you are a flyer, you can carry by your 2 paws or by 1 jaw. idk

Hug:..... ;D you get the point how about a hug feature?

Graphics for good computers.
Leaves that are robust and strong literally shine with a smooth bumpy texture I literally went outside today and found out this tree my dad used to water, so yeah I water it and thought it looked beautiful.
Why not also make the tree sway? O_o plants are not dead!!

Lip sync: This is perfect, it will force people to rp >:D..o3o maybe not.
Lyp sync will be on only in between words by " " (Quotation marks)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:50:35 pm »
Awesome, Red, for organizing to make things easier!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Admins and Mods Idea to help
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:37:47 pm »
Many of the things suggested by members should be do-able or to an extent at least. But KovuLKD is as mentioned above the only one able to make these changes to the game and is the one deciding what gets made and what gets not since he's the one doing that work.

"OK yes master!,"covers mouth from the shout then recovers and salutes.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Admins and Mods Idea to help
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:33:20 pm »
Even though it's not the exact same thing, we've suggested a Server speech/announcement speech so we are able to broadcast messages to all the maps within the game when we would need to restart the server, posted news or other happenings in the community.

If kov makes this it would be something similar to your idea.

In general though it's not a bad idea or anything, wed would be really happy if thar was such a function in the gamez for these types of messages in generalz.
So can this be "do-able?" or never?

Buddy features idea if you have not read.(most likely not taken so far)

1.--------"False View" problem/glitch/enhance?
Scenario example:
You ask a lion that is headswinging in celebration and sees him periodically pausing and turning in random directions on one spot without moving to a diff location. (Pauses and turns, pauses and turns)
You ask what the lion is actually doing.
He says that he is actually turning on full clockwise nonstop.
Your problem: you cannot actually see what the animal is doing, calling it "false view" or "glitch appearance"

Anyway to fix that issue?

2.Morphing our own style of body parts and manes etc?

Like adding a pinck feature to mold your canines ears or make the muscles of the canines arms stiffer or bigger or something like that.
Maybe adding a:
spike     tools? Sort of like a photo manipulation program!

3.-------Inbox or PM mail box in game? idk i think it woul not work for the data thing or space of the server.

Other peoples ideas that I like and agree that I want to be brought up in view again:

Color notification.(read all the way down)

Shanith's ideas

Idling kicks to make things safer and faster!

Crin's ideas


Whoa, such knowledge is given nicely.


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