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Messages - kayla1235

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Ask Me / Re: Ask The Vask!
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:09:28 pm »
-Puts on hipster glasses-
Ahem.. owo

Have you ever died from your fabness before?
Dew you like dwagons?
Are you a dinosaur?
Can Sly make you his slave c:?

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: ^The Abandoned^ Open&Accepting
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:54:28 pm »
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

As Kirito padded along in the forest, he heard more shrieks and roars. Some where close by which made him worry some more and some were far off. "Ich brauche zu holen das Tempo..." The black Shepherd said, glancing behind him to see if anything or anyone was following. Luckily there was nothing. After a moment, Kirito sniffed around for any signs of food. A scent of another dog, seemingly healthy, walked through here. It was most likely about a day or so ago but it was still fresh in his personal opinion. And maybe the other dog wasn't that far ahead of him. It was risky, but where there is another dog means there is probably a carcass not far off.

The black Shepherd sprinted throughout the forest, hoping to find left over scraps of food along the way. The only reason he was following the scent of the dog is because it would have to eat sooner or later, and that's a fact. No living thing can go a long period of time except a zombie, but besides that, other living things would end up starving. Like if all the plants died, the herbivores on this island would start to die, and if the herbivores started to die so would the carnivores that eat the herbivores... Kirito stopped in his tracks again and started to sniff around again. Still nothing. He normally wasn't the kind of dog who complained but is this dog an idiot? No one could possibly pass by here and not have to eat sooner or later.

Kirito had no choice, he came this far and he wasn't going to stop now. He was going to continue on and possibly try to find something the other dog possibly killed. "I bet I can find this dog by today if I keep traveling on..." Kirito muttered, and started to quickly run through the forest again.

(Ich brauche zu holen das Tempo= I need to pick up the pace...")

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: ^The Abandoned^ Open&Accepting
« on: July 02, 2014, 02:12:20 am »
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

The black Shepherd known as Kirito stopped dead in his tracks as he heard a roar of one of the prehistoric beasts. Now a run in with a small, simple creature like a rabbit would be okay but a dinosaur? Now that'd be bad. Dog vs. T-rex. How fair does that sound? Looking back, Kirito gave a soft sigh. That roar was a bit to close, so he had to move faster before the prehistoric creature got him, and hopefully he could find a spot to rest in, maybe into some tall grass, by a large tree stump, in a tunnel that was left hidden... Anything that could protect him for another day or so would be great.

A few minutes passed when Kirito finally noticed how hungry he was but hearing that roar from earlier was making the Shepherd have second thoughts about staying out and wondering around longer than he intended. It was already dangerous out here as probably everyone saw it, but it was suicide to stay out here for a long time in his opinion and Kirito didn't want to take the risk of getting hurt even more,infected, or in other cases, eaten by one of the damn dinosaurs. "Verdamm..." Kirito growled lowly. This was a hard choice, he'd been without food for at least two days and he didn't know if he'd be able to hunt something if he waited for another day. He was already low on energy how it is. But yet he didn't want to become food for any larger creatures...

The black Shepherd made up his mind, he was going to go hunt. Despite the risks that he was going to have to take, he didn't want to loose his energy if he decided to wait a third day. Shaking his head, Kirito continued on, quickly and quietly on his paws. "I will not die yet... I need to stay alive. For my family."

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Attack on Titan character?
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:53:31 pm »
Levi all the way bro c:

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: ^The Abandoned^ Open&Accepting
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:27:33 pm »
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

The black shepherd awoke with the bright sun shining in his eyes. He didn't exactly know what time it was but he knew he had to get a move on sooner or later otherwise he'd probably be dead by the end of the day. The dog known as Kirito lifted his head with a slight wince from the pain in his neck which was from his last fight. "Verdamm..." He muttered as he realized that it was not yet healed then after a moment taking a second to look at his surroundings. Nothing, yet that is. But that'd probably change in the next hour or so, so the shepherd got to quietly to his paws and started to move on.
(Translation for Verdamm: Damn)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: ^The Abandoned^ Open&Accepting
« on: July 01, 2014, 02:58:02 am »
Never thought I'd say this but can I start us off...?

Discussion Board / Re: Fears/Phobias?
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:37:20 pm »
Ahem. Some of my fears may be stupid but here we go...

Zombie Apocalypse(Do not ask why...)
Friends IRL finding out I watch anime x3
Standing on stage and preforming.. Alone
Roller coasters
Clowns... (-Cries- They so scary..)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: ^The Abandoned^ Open&Accepting
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:14:48 pm »
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."


3 Years


German Shepherd


Kirito is more of a quiet shepherd along with a very serious one. But he does tend to have a soft spot and when that soft spot is found Kirito can become very playful like a puppy. But that doesn't happen very often counting that he doesn't really like to hang around others, so I'd say he is more of a 'lone wolf'.

Kirito was a bit of an outcast as a pup. And by that I mean he actually didn't like to hang out with his family and he mostly wanted to be alone. A few months after he was born, his parents died fighting another 'infected' canine as they call it. As shocking as it was, Kirito quickly got over his parents death and began to 'train' himself to survive on his own because when he got older he didn't plan to join in any packs. When Kirito was about 7 months old, his brothers and sisters were also killed by one of those infected canines. At that point he knew that he had to survive. For his parents that fought for his life. For his brothers and sisters that were killed. For him.

Yeah, no...
(Subject to change.)

(Subect to change.)

(Subject to change :D)

90% Some wounds bite wounds that have not yet healed from his last fight


Mostly Loner
(Subject to change)

Kirito likes to speak German at random times. If you ask him a yes or no question he will most likely answer with "Ja" or "Nein". (Ja means Yes and Nein means No.)

(Sorry if my character is like yours Taylor, I didn't try to copy)

Species / Re: |The Killodon|
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:42:07 am »
D:    Nuuuuuuuuuuuu
Sorry, I do have people I trust but I don't want this species to keep being made without me being active.

Species / Re: |The Killodon|
« on: June 13, 2014, 04:01:42 am »
No you may not sorry, I am no longer aloud on FH and I don't have anyone I trust to take them. So I suppose this topic can be locked if needed.

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