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Messages - FlewToTheCity

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Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« on: July 24, 2017, 11:42:21 pm »
@Valhayes @Vespian @VortexAlive @Kikiorylandia

Thank you for the information, I was not aware of the new Community patch that is yet to come and I am happy to say I am glad for it. My apologies if I sounded needy for an Update, I'm very aware of how hard working the staff are especially over the 24th of July ordeal that went down last night. The community is very grateful of how Feralheart is transforming into the game it set out to be, I'm sure the new patch will be just as stunning as the last. Again, My apologies for sounding desperate for such information, But thank you for taking your time to giving a small heads up of what is to come for Late 2017 & Early 2018.

Game Help / Re: Problem with getting into FH map servers.
« on: July 24, 2017, 04:17:13 pm »
I'd say just be patient and chill in the maps you can get into with no problems. The staff have probably already been informed of this and are well on their way to fixing the problem, and it's probably something Razmirz will sort as quickly as possible. It's not rare that these things happen so they're aware of the potential losses of connections to map servers, it'll just be a matter of time before we're all back in the maps that are currently unavailable.

Indeed, Not rare at all. A small group of us in EP are informing the stressed out users that it is not a giant issue and that they will be able to jump back on their characters and the maps possibly later on in the day. I'm more then positive that the Staff are well on their way to fixing this issue seeing it has been a few hours and the 'glitch' has not corrupted any other of the still running maps.

Thank you to everyone who has remained calm during this situation, Again, You will more then likely be able to get back onto your characters later in the day/evening. Our staff here are Feralheart are some of the best anyone could ask for, please remain patient like what good ol' Shurtle has suggested and keep to the maps that have been stated up and running for the time being.


lowkey relatable

Game Help / Re: Problem with getting into FH map servers.
« on: July 24, 2017, 02:54:25 pm »
Same I can't get in. My friend said she's on (over skype) so I don't understand why /we/ can't get on...

Currently the only maps I am aware of that are open are Eastern Pass, Kiwimbi Beach, Bonfire Islands and Zama Grotto. As of now I can not check Cherika or Seaside Grove.

I am aware that nobody as of now ( 12:53am UTC+10) can get into The Grounds, Lonely Cave and some Personally made maps.

Game Help / Re: Problem with getting into FH map servers.
« on: July 24, 2017, 02:06:14 pm »
Hello FluffyPluff123,
I am also currently experiencing the same issue along with many other people. It is nothing to do with your IP (internet), Feralheart is common with the servers crashing. Hopefully the Staff get onto this issue soon, it should be fixed in atleast an hour or so if the notice the disruption within the server. There should be nothing to worry about c:

Game Help / Re: "Failed to connect to map server, retry?"
« on: July 24, 2017, 01:50:02 pm »
I am currently having the same issue along with 2 other mates of mine. It is not just you and it does not involve the Summer map seeing I don't own it and I am still getting the server failure. I had just put up a post of my own regarding the issues I am having if you want to check it out, they are pretty much the same as yours but I experienced a Bad Token before and was not able to get back in.

Game Help / The Grounds: Server Failure [11:42PM UTC+10]
« on: July 24, 2017, 01:47:18 pm »
This will be short and quick because I don't know weather or not it will solve itself in this time.
Currently Eastern Pass is working for myself and 2 other friends just fine. But if we attempt to go into the Grounds or reset our homes and go the Lonely Island it will not let us, Either giving us bad tokens or the classic 'Cannot connect to front server'.
This started to occur shortly after I was given a bad token and it hasn't allowed me to login ever since,
My friends are from Indonesia and Scotland where as I am in Australia. So its not an IP issue from my understanding.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Eclipse Pride
« on: July 24, 2017, 12:28:17 pm »

Art Gallery / Re: Taking requests (closed)
« on: July 24, 2017, 08:23:18 am »
Aww, Must have just missed out. If you ever open again would you draw >>Benjen<< how you draw him is completely up to you. I can message you his biography if it helps get his vibe ;o;

again your art style is so fricken cute, i love it c: +Floof

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« on: July 24, 2017, 08:12:11 am »
Good morning/evening to whom this may concern,

My request may not take much time to read through but hopefully it is enough to understand, I also hope that I have it within the right place upon the forum. Every time a person is to re-load the page, their attention is caught by the vibrant scrolling text in the upper right-hand corner of their screen. This had happened to me (obviously because of bringing it to the attention), multiple times. Every time I fall gullible to the scrolling text ' //Feralheart Game Update June -' and before I even finish reading the last little bit I am already loading the link to be put onto the news of 2016. What I am saying is that seeing it is July, almost august. I think it should be time for the Mid year or End of year update for 2017, I'm sure I am not the only one who dedicates their life religiously to this game and the people in it, and I'm sure other people would like to know how 'We' as a community are going and little things of whats in stall to come.

Now, I am fully aware that their might not be much happening as of yet to report on. I'm also fully aware that its most likely not my place to speak about Updates of the game (assuming its our wonderful mod's duty to sort that out). But as I am a very honest person, I think I am speaking for the community. I'm 80% sure people want to know what is going down for the rest of 2017.

This input/idea is mainly for the gorgeous staff members, but I do encourage the community to place their input on the matter as well. Hopefully this all made sence.

Thank you for your time,


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