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Messages - MadMoai

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Presets & Markings / Re: Moai's Presets [Requests Maybe]
« on: March 09, 2013, 07:30:22 pm »
OK guys, no new presets at the moment, but at long last I decided I'll go ahead and open up requests now. ^o^ Remember, there are only two slots at the moment so sign up while you can.

Game Discussion / Re: I did NOT "steal"your markings!
« on: March 08, 2013, 11:07:10 pm »
<Key> Easy on the caps....
<Lion> YOU COPIER!!!!!
<Key> My character doesn't have any markings....

This is awesome. I feel like I should save it somewhere... "You stole my markings!" "I don't have any..." xD

I've never had anybody claim that my characters have stolen their markings, which is probably just because I don't walk around on my non-preset characters very often. When I do, I usually just lurk so nobody notices me. x)

Game Discussion / Re: FERAL HARLEM SHAKE!
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:26:00 am »
This is Saturday, correct? Just making sure, since that sounded like the day most people could make it.

10 PM GMT is 2:00 my time, so I should be able to make that, providing I'm not out doing something...

Game Discussion / Re: Actors and Actresses needed!
« on: March 04, 2013, 11:38:13 pm »
This looks fun~ :3 I think I already sent in an application for the Harlem Shake before this thread existed, but I might as well join in on the other videos too.

Ingame Name: MadMoai [same as it is here.]
Preferred Character to use: Vincent (the green wolf) would be my first choice, since he has a more playful personality, but that might eventually get boring, in which case I would like to use Andon (dark blue wolf) for some cameos or smaller parts.

Preferred Videos to be in:
They all sound fun, but I think I'd like to be in the music/dance videos more since those are the topics in which I'm most interested.
Other: I do also have a deer character in case you would ever need a deer for anything. Just let me know if you need a deer/prey animal. xD

Discussion Board / Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:32:02 pm »
I have some weird dreams, although I don't usually remember them unless I write them down.

The one I remember best (I wrote it down) was when I was treasure hunting with Allen Walker, the main character of D.Gray-man, on an iceberg. A humanoid blob that was supposed to be a demon rose out of the ice, so I stabbed it with an icicle and fled back to our pirate ship (apparently we had one). One of the blob's blob friends was mad, so it threw a sandwich at me. I didn't like the sandwich, so I threw it back and smacked the blob friend in the head, killing that one too.

So we left the iceberg and we ran into Captain Crow from Dragon Quest (basically your average pirate captain with the hat, jacket and everything), and his crew ended up merging their ship with ours and partying the whole night. Then it started raining.

That's about it though.

Game Discussion / Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« on: March 03, 2013, 07:30:42 pm »
I've never experienced problems with people bothering cross-gender roleplayers... maybe I just haven't been active enough, but I hope this doesn't escalate into anything big. I myself have been roleplaying a lot of male characters for as long as I can remember, despite being female in real life. I reserve female characters for my own individual writing for some reason...

One thing I noticed, though, is that many real authors are "cross-gender roleplayers" if you want to call them that. I also noticed that manga artists in particular are really good at telling stories about people of the opposite gender. My favorite manga author/artist is a female in real life, but her characters are almost exclusively male, and yet her drawings are very well developed and the stories she writes are just amazing.

So... yeah, I don't have a problem with it.~ After all, your characters are your characters, so you should be able to do whatever you want with them, whether that's feed them chocolate for the rest of their lives or throw them off a cliff. :P

Game Discussion / Re: How was I supposed to know?
« on: March 03, 2013, 07:25:54 pm »
The downside to talking to other people over the internet is that it's near impossible to tell when someone is being sarcastic or making a joke (unless they use an emotion such as xD or :V ). I forget about this sometimes and have to go back to change what I say. That being said, even I couldn't tell until you mentioned later in the post that "Person" was joking about their RP sample... I guess a lot of people (even me! xD) often forget that they are speaking through writing and over the internet, so even if something sounds like a joke in their head it might not come across that way to whoever reads it because they don't have the same voice in their head.

Don't worry, this wasn't you being ignorant or anything. I imagine anybody else would have reacted the same way, since to be honest "Person" didn't make it clear at all that he was making a joke. :U

Game Discussion / Re: FERAL HARLEM SHAKE!
« on: March 02, 2013, 06:06:48 pm »
Oh, this sounds fun! Might as well join in, since I've seen some samples of the dance now... I'll probably be able to make it any time in the afternoon (unless it's a weekend, in which case I'll be able to make it pretty much any time).

Game Discussion / Re: What Music Do You Listen To While Roleplaying?
« on: March 02, 2013, 03:40:50 am »
Usually if there's a strong emotion I'm trying to write I will listen to a song corresponding with that feeling. Also, if a character I've made up was influenced by a song I was obsessed with during his/her creation, I'll play that song in the background while roleplaying with that character.

Other than that, I usually need total silence to focus properly. What I do listen to while roleplaying is usually either Vocaloid music or from the album Wild Execution, but can also consist of other random songs that are stuck in my head.

Game Discussion / Re: The Craziest thing YOU have done!
« on: February 28, 2013, 11:36:50 pm »
Last night I was hanging out in Ficho Tunnel discussing a lesser-known video game series with a new friend, and I noticed a wolf walking by. He was a mostly-white wolf who was a ghost, and he also had the name of one of the anime characters I'm obsessing over at the moment (which is a real name, but it is very uncommon). I began following him around a little, acting generally friendly - he didn't appear annoyed at all - until I noticed he had green eyes. That reminded me of something I had read over in English class the same day that said "the eye of the ghost is green." Naturally, being the English freak that I am, I screamed at him (not in caps, thankfully) "The eye of the ghost is green!!" and turned and ran away.


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