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Messages - zillyphyn

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 10
Other Games / Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:18:02 am »
Great C;
I owe you :3

Game Help / Can't open Map Maker?
« on: June 22, 2014, 01:12:25 am »
So, here's what's happening.
I open my game, everythings fine, whoopdedoo, meshes are in, blah blah blah.
I click the Map Maker button and I get this:
OGRE EXCEPTION(9:): No GuiComponent by name 'MapMakerScreen/NoFlying' in
I might've deleted some files or something, probably by accident, I have no idea, but I get that error.
Any help?

Other Games / Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
« on: June 19, 2014, 06:26:56 pm »
For now, it'll be off of my own computer and network until I gain or figure out how much it is, and gain the money needed. Although I am on everyday, 24/7, working on the server.
It would be great if you would help!
I wouldn't mind images, if you could.
You can communicate to me by my skype, demonz.soulzz
Your minecraft username will also really help for me to Op you.

Other Games / ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:56:21 am »
So, I've finally made a MC server, but Kiara (Shadow Team {FeralHeart Username}) is mostly offline, and I can't find any nice people to test things out and help.
Here are the openings:
Connection Tester:
OPEN 1/2
Moderators/Ops: OPEN 3/6
Spawn/Builds Helper: OPEN 3/4
Website Maker/Helper: CLOSED 2/2

There are more to come, but for now thats it.
First off, I need the Connection Tester, to see if you can join or not. I need a really patient and kind person for this; I'm kind of a noob at this.
Secondly, I need the Spawn/Builds Helper. I can't make the spawn and builds myself. By BUILDS I mean player-made villages, or towns. So, help would be appreciated.
Lastly, I need the Ops/Mods. I can't keep my server in one piece by myself, right? So I don't want anyone that really wants to force people.

The Server name will be Hoxlaire. But you can contact me by PM here, or PM on my site, which will be up sometime soon, when I edit this post.
Thank you! I need all the help I can get!

** I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to post this type of stuff anymore, you can delete it if so. I haven't been on in a while, sooo.... **

Misc. Roleplays / New Regions, New Adventures! [Inactive since 08/02/2014]
« on: February 08, 2014, 12:26:23 am »

Welcome to the Pokemon Roleplay!
Here, have some Pokeballs!
Oh? Your a POKEMON, not a trainer? Heh, well, here's some.....*dashes off trying not to get hit*

Well, luckily for you, you can be a trainer as well! ^^

- Be nice to each other in OOC and IC unless allowed by other user
 - Using the same type of Pokemon is allowed as long as yours DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME NAME.
 - Anime trainers ONLY.
 - Please be appropriate unless allowed to, which is extremely rare.
 - Please stick to the pokemons moves!
 - Do NOT go and overpower your pokemon. This is labelled as cheating and will NOT be tolerated.
 - Legendaries are aloud unless they are violating the rule above.
There WILL be forums!
There WILL be a dA group!
You are aloud to speak freely on both!
Don't forget, literacy is key! (Although I will allow those times when you don't feel like roleplaying! :3)
Okay, to the sign ups.

Starting city:
Do you have a Pokemon?:
If not, choose a type that you would want!:

Appearance(if no picture):
If so, who?:

The forums will have the cities so it will be shorter.
Theras Region
Zion Region
Oras Region

This is my first time posting my gaming ideas. Please, if you don't like it, please do not exceed the line for disrespect.
Dark Whispers

Dark Whispers will be similar to FeralHeart and all of those IT Servers out there. isn't an IT server! Actually, it's going to be my well built game similar to this. I don't know everything yet, and I'm learning the basics of blender. There are going to be a limited amount of staff.

Forum Admins (2)
Server Admins (4)
Game Moderators (5)
Forum Moderators (3)
Head Admins (2 AT MOST) [I'm one of them.]
Global Moderators (4 AT MOST)

Everything is on the site.

The url for the BASIC IDEA OF THE GAME:


! The Forums aren't fully corrected. I am just now working on the icons. Please ask before posting. !

Miscellaneous Tutorials / .
« on: December 08, 2013, 02:14:42 am »

Request Maps / Re: Seeking an experienced Map Maker!~
« on: December 01, 2013, 09:10:57 pm »
Hello again Moon~ <3
Since I get the chance now and since I have free time in between SCHU's maps, I decided to pay you back for being a leader for mine! c;
v There are seperate maps, so don't worry, I'll making it like you want it c;
Here a preview~
ThornClan's Map

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