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Messages - cytofin

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Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: May 23, 2019, 12:42:23 am »

Presets & Markings / Re: Finn's Preset Gala [Commissions Closed]
« on: May 23, 2019, 12:25:30 am »
might scrounge up some mon for this
i like the way you style these, the 'art' blending well with the textures selected.
Wow! All of these look gorgeous, I love the style you use with these textures. I love the little marking details you added to some of them as well! :)
Mmmmm may have to take you up on a comm sometime. Your presets are stunning! <3
Wowo - your preset work is impressive to say the least! I may commission you in the future as well. o: Great work here. :D

Thank you guys so much! cx Commission slots will also be opening in June.~

Presets & Markings / Finn's Preset Gala [Commissions Closed]
« on: May 22, 2019, 03:47:38 am »

Back in the day, the old days, presets were never my foray
until now. Since summer has rolled around and school
has ended, it is time for me to start taking commissions.
I started preset making, seriously, a few years ago.
With improved knowledge, I want to get back
into the field of doing what I love.
Feel free to message me on discord, cytofinn#5014.

I. All textures provided are not my own. You are
   not allowed to claim ownership of the texture.
II. You have to provide a reference sheet for
    your preset. No descriptions.
III. Please DO NOT claim you have made the
     preset yourself.
IV. The files will not be sent until you have paid.
V. I accept deadlines that last up to two days,
    nothing earlier or later.
VI. The more complex your preset is, the higher
     the price. If you have read the rules type
     finn in reference.
VII. Points only, no money.

Disclaimer: The presets may take a few days,
but I will need your discord to contact you during it
to make sure the process is going smoothly.

FeralHeart User(s):
Discord User:
Preferred Fur Texture:
Preferred Eye Texture:
Preferred Deadline:

   No or Yes
Double Sided(+10):
Transparent Parts(+20):




{ Slot 1: Nawazish
{ Slot 2: Sassytrash
{ Slot 3: n/a

Commission Price link:

Preset Kit
Includes plenty of free fur textures found off of deviantart and even my own hybrid custom fur textures.

Characters / Re: TheSkylark's Entry
« on: March 28, 2019, 10:03:34 pm »
Oh gosh I love this character. His backstory is rather sad but emotional. He's so cute. I wish you the best of luck! <3
So pretty!
Well designed and easily creative. Kudos!

Thank you cx
He was so fun to make, expensively with his soft colors.

Characters / TheSkylark's Entry
« on: March 28, 2019, 12:51:35 am »


III years



Canis Lupus

Toshi has a medium sized frame, his pelt is soft and rather fluffy
expensively around his neck and tufts. With a long wisp-like tail, the brute holds
himself in a rather shy manor. Toshi is light in color compared to the
pack wolves from his past affiliation.


Toshi is a soft, loving brute who is very shy compared to most males.
He tends to stick to himself, even at times talking aloud. Even if nobody
is there. Toshi is also a very herb savvy lad, who knows almost
everything about plants.
He even grows his own small garden filled with herbs, which he tends to

Coming from a pack ruled by males, Toshi was birthed to one of subordinate
females. He was immediately shamed, for subordinate's were not allowed to bare young.
At the age of only three months, he was forcefully taken from his mother.
At first the lad had no clue what was going on so he resorted to crying
rather loudly to be returned to his mom. The cries did not seem to help, as the
huge dark chocolate brown wolf only grasped onto the nape of his neck tighter.
Toshi was trained alongside the other males to become guards. The females
were the ones who were intended to work in the medical field.
For some reason, he was captivated by it. Soon enough, Toshi snuck away
from training every so often to meet with a female.
This female's name was Delilah. She had a beautiful summer and winter coat,
similar to that of an Arctic Fox. The little lass taught him the various herbs,
how to care for them, and what their uses were. Within a few months,
Toshi could patch up a minor wound in seconds.
Sadly the days of fun soon came to an end. The Emperor, a huge brute with
a deer skull helmet, trotted into the medics den one day. There he found
young Toshi, who was currently aiding Delilah with patching up
a wolf who had gotten a thorn stuck in their paw.
Before the little laddie could even explain himself, he was snatched up
rather abruptly by the scruff and carried off. As a punishment,
he was forced to become an Omega.
Eventually he became so emaciated due to lack of food that he collapsed
to the ground, unable to move. Toshi went in and out of consciousness
for a long while. Finally his vision went black and his head sank back
to the ground. He appeared dead, frame barely moving.
When he woke up, Toshi found himself out of the camp with
a familiar pelt next to him. His almond hued eyes grew
wide with shock when he realized it was Delilah.
"We got some time, come on kid. Get up," She
said aloud, nudging them.
Toshi climbed to his paws, he was told to run.
Run as far as he can. Eventually he did so, at first
he did not want to leave Delilah. That was until
he heard all the angry howling.
Toshi took off, leaving Delilah behind. Now, he currently
resides within a barren wintery landscape. Kibou Ridge.
He is a young lone wolf, thirsty for adventure
and prepared to find a pack to settle down in.

Other Information:
Toshi currently posses's a gear set, that gear set being
made up of leather and metal latches. It was made from an
old dog harness, with knife holders attached to it.
He carries around two knives. Those are used to
slay and get the hide off of small animals.
The hide was never cut perfectly, but it kept
him warm for the most part.
He never goes without his tact, of course he took it
off when he slept but as soon as he woke up it
would be slid right back on.

preset (c) theskylark/macaw.

These presets are off the chain, they look absolutely amazing!
Once spotting that this thread was open, I decided to drop a good ole' song in.
I understand if this is not done due to the oodles of other requests above.
( Preferably canine. )

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 11:39:08 am »
If this was something over the registration, then why not set it for certain days of the week? Add a post with a list of the days for open registration and mention that the server may lag on those days. For example, have one weekend and one weekday to register for the game.

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:47:34 am »
Now I have finally come to understand your possible offering, but as seen now.. Without any moderators within the game to keep the peace, we have gone corrupt. I would understand if it was a 16+ community, but with Feralheart consisting mainly of youngsters this was bound to happen. As you can already see if you just login into the server for once and by these posts, the community has been damaged. You can already see what would happen in October, unfolding right infront of your eyes.. Yet you never post a response to this. Just sit back and watch, probably eating some popcorn. Very comfy isn't it?

Forum Games / Re: Post Your Mood With A GIF
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:05:36 am »

Lucifer Morningstar is my spirit animal

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 24, 2018, 11:00:33 pm »
If anything, this community needs more moderators. I agree with everyone else's statements above, this is down right illogical. This game was mainly created for what.. Thirteen and up? but it is mainly children who reside within these servers. This block system would, as said, cause people to get banned for NO REASON AT ALL. This leads to a sour community and what happens after that? We fall apart like an old book that has been sitting on the shelf for too long.

This was once a thriving community with dedicated members and it appears we are still here. So why give up on us now?

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