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Messages - Untamable

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 36
Jake sighed and asked for one. Once he got it, he nodded in thanks and downed it before reaching into his pocket and got out the appropriate coin. He set it down on the bar and walked over to everyone else. "Alright y'all. I say it's time to get the hell out of dodge." He breathed and rubbed his neck as he walked out the door.

Jake came out next, settling his hat on his head. "Alright, y'know what? I'm sick of waiting for him. We've wasted half the day already waiting for his hungover ass to c'mon." He said as he rubbed his jaw. "We've still got a couple hundred miles to ride, and we ain't got forever to do it." He said, mostly to Charlie. Elizabeth wasn't part of the plan, and he was still trying to figure out what to do about her. "God, I need a drink." He said and started down the stairs. He looked over at the woman sitting at the bar and raised a brow. She didn't look like a saloon girl. Jake walked past her, leaning against the bar gently. "Please tell me y'all are serving whiskey by now." He said to the bartender.

Jake glanced over at her. "Don't worry about it." He said and got his saddle bag off the ground, putting the items in and setting the bag back on the ground. "You shut up, prick. Get up and drink some water." He said and sat on the bed.

Jake came back a half hour later as Billy sat up. "God dammit. We might as well pay for another night in the room so he can ride out his hang over " he sighed as he put his wrapped papers on the nightstand.

I typed a whole damn paragraph. You get....the readers digest.)

Jake nodded, finishing getting dressed. "Alright. I'm going to buy some stuff. If they wake up, come get me?" He asked.

Jake nodded. "Nice." He said as he buckled his belt and walked over, picking up the necklace. He looked over it quickly before looking at her and handing it over. "Here." He smiled.

"Me." Jake smiled as he stood up. He stretched again, rolling his shoulders before picking up his yellow shirt and pulling it on.As he began to button it, he looked at Billy and Elizabeth. "Hurry up, y'all. We gotta get out of here." He said and threw a pillow at each of them. He unbuckled his jeans, using his hand to tuck in the tail of his shirt, looking over at Charlie. "What did you get?" He asked curiously.

Jake lifted up with the commotion. "Damn, y'all are loud." He yawned and stretched just in time to see Charlie heading out. He smiled and laid down on the bed, enjoying it as he waited for her to come back, folding his hands behind his head.

(Sorry. I get confused with so many people posting.)

Jake chuckled as she turned him, laying down on the floor and pulling the quilt over him. "I don't remember." He yawned.

Jake stepped forward, raising a brow. He put his fingers on her chin, pushing her face up gently. "Are you blind? There's two beds. bBilly and Elizabeth are sharing, because they've got some strange relationship going on." He nodded and cracked his neck again, standing up straight. "Otherwise you're gonna be on the floor with me." He said and tossed the blanket and pillow onto the floor.

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