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Messages - yazoo

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I'm the one who made Halo the preset. I followed this to make it. It works perfectly fine when I try it, so I don't know why it doesn't work for her. I've tried to figure it out, and can't

Name: Enya
Animal: Koi cheetah
Age: 4 months
Pelt: cream
Pelt markings: orange blotches, and the typical cheetah tear duct marking
Eyes: neon green
Gender: Female
Rank wanted: Cub/Young
Mother: Unknown to her
Father: Unknown to her
Sisters/brothers: Unknown to her
Abilities: Typical cheetah abilities, except the fact she can breath under water
Personality: Very skittish and shy, but once she gets to know someone, she is a loveable ball of fluff who loves to cuddle
History: Enya was 'born' in a laboratory, She was the only successful cross between a feline and a fish by these select scientists. Enya grew up there for the first 3 and 3/4ths months of her life. She eventually escaped when the lab lost funding, and darted out admits the chaos of trying to load up, or exterminate, the other experiments. That was, until she came across the TFPR.

Only pic of her ATM:

Really? Ok -starts filling out a bio-

-would ask to join, but unsure if I would be allowed-

Presets & Markings / Re: Yazoo's presets
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:57:34 pm »
Yes, we shall X3

and thank you guys ^w^

Presets & Markings / Re: Yazoo's presets
« on: January 17, 2011, 04:42:16 pm »
I would love to see if you redo it :3

Characters / My characters
« on: January 17, 2011, 04:12:48 am »

Name: Yazoo
Rank: Alpha Male of Mako Falls
Creature Species: Mako Wolf
Age: 2 1/2
Gender: male
Fur type: Medium length silver fur with longer darker 'mane' and dark markings
Fur base color: Silver
Markings: Dark gray markings on his ears, muzzle, paws, chest, belly, back legs, and tail tip
Scars: two on his right eye, one going down the left side of his muzzle
Eye color: Misty Green to Teal(ether one X3), right eye is blind
Height: standing 7.5ft, on fours shoulder reaches 4 ft
fang and claw size: fang: 6 inch\claw: 5 inch
Strong point: speed and quick reflexes
Weapons\Powers: His Velvet Nightmare
Those held dear: his brothers, Anyone his brothers hold dear, Jenova
Mate: Luna
Pups: none for now
Brothers: Kadaj, Loz and Sephiroth
Sisters: none
Mother: Jenova
Father: Hojo
Other relitives: none
Personality: Cold and uncaring to those outside his family, unless it comes to small pups which he has a weakness for that he hides rather well unless not left alone by said pup, doesn't care to speak and has a habit of saying 'Humph' too much, he prefers to show his affection by torturing and/or biting those he cares for. Also apparently has an OCD when it comes to grooming. He also has acquired an insane side that shows when he gets angry, so it would be best to avoid him at all costs then.
Likes: His family, shooting, hunting, shooting, his velvet nightmare, shooting, his mate, shooting, blood, and did I mention shooting?
Dislikes: Anyone who harms something he cares for, Any thing that happens to get on his nerves, when someone insults Jenova, his fur being wet, and Loz sitting on him

Name: Hiei
Rank: Loner
Creature Species: Mutt
Age: 6 years
Gender: Male
Fur type: long
Fur base color: white
Markings: brown and dark brown mask and splotches on his ears and body
Scars: none
Eye color: Crimson
Height: 1 & 1/2 feet at the shoulder
fang and claw size: average for that size
Strong point: Speed
Weapons\Powers: Ability to control fire
Those held dear: None atm
Mate: BlueStar
Pups: SwirlHeart
Brothers: none
Sisters: Yukina
Mother: Deceased
Father: Unknown
Other relatives: none
Personality: Appears very cold and uncaring, but he does have a set of rules and morals that he goes by, and will protect those he deem worthy
Likes: Fire, snow, fighting, trees
Dislikes: Almost everything else

Name: Zexion
Rank: Loner
Creature Species: Fox/Wolf
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Fur type: Long
Fur base color: Slate
Markings: Dark muzzle, stripe down back, and tail tip, along with 'VI' on his hip
Scars: None
Eye color: Blue
Height: 1 & 1/2 feet at the shoulder
fang and claw size: dainty
Strong point: Intelligence, extremely strong sense of smell
Weapons\Powers: Illusions
Those held dear: None
Mate: None
Pups: None
Brothers: Unknown
Sisters: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Other relatives: Unknown
Personality: Very solitary except for when he needs to interact with others, very sarcastic and calm in most situations
Likes: Reading, solitude, cleanliness
Dislikes: Horrid scents, being bothered by someone obnoxious, perverts

Still adding...

Presets & Markings / Re: Yazoo's presets
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:44:26 am »

preset wip

Edit: done XD

Presets & Markings / Re: Yazoo's presets
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:01:45 am »
added another

Presets & Markings / Re: Yazoo's presets
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:30:13 am »
Thanks ^w^

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