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Messages - Whitefangkiba

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7
Other Mods/Creations / Re: Free Warrior Cat Markings For you guys!
« on: July 19, 2011, 08:58:46 pm »
nice markings^^

Finished Maps / Re: Rouge place ~Public~ v1.09
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:27:09 am »
Thanks? BTW where'd you get the house?

I cant remember, I got it a while back, just search around the forums, everything is moved so I dont know the were abouts, if i find it again ill be sure to send it over^^

Finished Maps / Re: Rouge place ~Public~ v1.09
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:00:25 am »
@ wounds: no im just a derp at times and forgot to put the actual link, its there now^^

@ tripwire: thank you^^ and yeah they are more then welcome, adds to the realistic part of the map, i mean houses arent always for cats right? :P

Finished Maps / Rouge place ~Public~ v1.09
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:35:44 pm »
This was a map I made for a group I was thinking of creating, tho I have decided that warrior rp's are far to common and not my style anymore. I decided that there wasnt much point to let this map go to waste, I'm fairly happy with it, only took short time to make (1 day) definatly not my best map or most complex. the download is fairly simply, few extra meshes,ground texutres and sky but othing to hard and there is instructions with download.  But enought rambling like a crazy old fool :}


Map is a bit laggy, you can turn water reflection off and veiwing distance to 0 and it goes away^^

On one half of the map is kittypet place, houses,fences,yards,ect. On the other ide there is more forest, dens, prey, ect. I hope you all enjoy^^

Mountain over here C:

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:24:36 pm »
Sendspace is good^^

Full Name: Lundkaon
Nickname(s): Lund,lundy
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Rank: Platoon Leader
Species: Fox
Breed:Red fox
Personality: Lundkaon is fairly calm, she judges not harshly but her temper can sometimes get the best of her. She will always treat her pack-mates with respect until they have lost it. She is usally a bit colder to outsiders as she does not trust easily. She is strong willed and will do everything to protect what she cares about. Her rather bitter-sweet personality can sometimes confuse others as she doesnt give away ful detials on her feelings.

History: Lundkaon once belonged to a pack known as the under-takers (UT). After her pack had split up and gone there seperate ways Lundkaon found it hard to accept the fact she had to move on. Living alone for so long gave her a bitter attitude towards others and her trsut became thin and hard to gain. Putting her past behind her Lundkaon has decided that its time to move on and start a new begging.

Roleplay Sample: The wind tore viciously at her fur as she trudged hopelessly throught the bitter never ending night that had fallen before her. Rasing her dome to the sky she prayed for some way out, her orbs in meer slits as she searched the sky for an answer. Nothing but darkness lay before her and she soon realised she was on her own. Rain poured down heavily around her, filling all the crevices and caves with the endless amount of water. A crash of lightening broke through her troubled thoughts and lit the world around her, suddenly a hope flared deep within her as she spotted a cave that had been raised from the ground. Without hesitation she scampered quickly as a mouse across the drenched forest floor, scrapping her belly along the sharp rocks she pulled herself into the warm and dry cave. She let a long breathe escape her maw as she bent over to lick the water dropplets that clung to her fur. Finishing she curled herself into a tight ball, drawing in a breathe, the nights crispt air filled her lungs as she layed her head down curcled tightly to her body. Her eye lids seemed to have weights attached as they closed tightly, soon the balckness consumed her as she feel into a deep slumber.

Site/Forum Help / Can't Log in
« on: July 04, 2011, 09:22:56 pm »
When I try to log in on this account from the main part I get this error:

The error says:
joomla_int Session Create: You do not have access to this page! Your usergroup is Public Frontend. As a minimum, you should be a member of USERS.

I can log in here:

Not all to sure if this matters or not, just wondering why this is.

Presets & Markings / Re: Wolf Preset
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:24:45 pm »
I can make you it C:

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