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Messages - FighterWolf399

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Lionflower heard her deputy's yowl a she raced from Hawkstar's side. When she arrived she was hidden in some bushes and thickets around where the large cat was attacking Ebony. She leaped out of her cover like a rubberband being shot. She landed on the cats back as she sunk her claws into his back. "Ebony GO!!" she yowled. She started at Ebony with her eyes full of sorrow and worry. Lionflower hoped that Hawkstar would soon come and save her.

"Make sense." she muttered as her head throbbed in pain. Her tail swished on the ground moving leaves around. She let a small mrrow of amusement to her own stupid feeling in front of her love. She felt her heart slow down a bit as she focused on Hawkstar with her beautiful amber eyes staring into his. "I feel kind of stupid now, and embarrassed.' she mewed as she laid down on her side letting her throbbing head rest on the cool ground which made it feel better. Her head lay at Hawkstar's paws and she knew that she might start something with Ebony if she got him instead of her since she could tell that she liked Hawkstar also. 'What do I do I know Ebony likes him too. What if that starts something between me and the deputy, but I love Hawk to much to let him slip away now.' she thought silently to herself. The breeze came every so often and her fur flew up making it look even more beautiful. When she recovered and got back to her paws she saw the fresh-kill pile dwindling so she decided better go hunt. When she padded out of camp she smelt the stale scent of pheasant which Hawkstar had brought in a while ago. She went deeper into the forest constantly stopping to taste the air. Once when she stopped she smelt a vole sccurying under some reeds. "She droped into a hunters crouch. She krept closer to it staying down wind so it didn't know she was there. When she got in good spot with leaves covering her long-haired pelt from the trees. She pounced on top of it and grabbbed it by it's neck and slowly sunk her fangs deeper into it's neck until it stopped struggling. She did the same for another vole, one starling, and a few mice. She also managed to fight off an adder that tried to steal her pile of kill she collected for her hungry clan. She picked all of it up in her jaws and carried it off back to camp. When she arrived Hawkstar was still sitting where he was when she left. She dropped it into fresh-kill pile. The she-cat padded along side her crush and sat down next to him  not noticing her tail was wrapping around his. -LE SHORT-

"Wha. . ." she mewed still a bit dazed. She flicked her ear and shook her head. "What happened??" she meowed to him.

She sighed as she raced her mind lost in thought as she was still unfocusing on her path she ran into a tree and remmed her head into it. She fell unconsious her long-haired pelt lay flat to the leaf covered forest ground her amber eyes closed as she fell asleep in the middle of the clearing.
((Sowwy I keep changin Lionflower xD Her bio has been updated.))

She sat down on a pile of leave. "He likes me, but why am I so afraid to go to him. Why do I feel so helpless." she muttered. she shuffled leaves with her paws as her heart raced from the feeling of joy and fear of his acceptance. This had only happened once when she almost got a mate and then he left her for another. She didn't want that to happen with Hawkstar too. -Le short-

She causly flicked her tail-tip in embarrsment and she took off underneath the bramble feeling happy and she felt somthing she never had before love. She had always been rejected and she was scared. (shortie xD you should make this in-game)

Lol xD and updated my bio.))
Her tail swished in the leaves as the brezze run through her fur. She laid down on her paws and put her head down and looked at him with her icy blue eyes.

Realize people there is literate arena with no powerplay/auto-hit/godmodding. Just talk to Boa or Atrox if they are on or whisper me and I will get you tested for the arena there to see if you are worthy. You must be super literate to join or you will be kicked and outcasted from that arena. FIcho is filled with noobs that is why everyone left. So whisper FighterWolf399 if interested to try out our arena before jumping to conclusions about all arenas in the public FH maps. SO don't make on there is already like 10 fightmaps anyway and I won't join I'm good staying with my literate friends. User to Beta and Alpha of the arena: Atrox- Braginskystar\Irisdecentgem, Boa- Yashoiko Yue or me.

It is ok o3o))
She let out a purr full of love as her tail swished as it hit Hawkstar with her tail. "I love you." she mewed admitting her feelings.

*Lionflower O.o))
She let out a soft small purr as she felt the brezze ruffle her fur. She looked at him with a gleam of hope that her crush might like her as well.

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