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Messages - AmarisMingan

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Discussion Board / Re: This is just... Wow...
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:58:25 pm »
Honestly, the forum is still a better place to be at than the game, maybe because things here get dealed with more quickly than in-game. But that's only my view, correct me if I'm wrong.

Neither I think this thread would go towards any hate. Every opinion should be spoken out to fill the mind of every person who dealed with misleaded information. It's a good reminder.
Simple, if zombies were likely to exist and eat brains, people like that are safe.

I'd still agree with Sura on this!

Game Discussion / Re: Different roleplaying styles?
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:22:40 am »
Physical roleplays work best for me most of the time. But other than that I do a mixture as well whenever I know a good story to mirror upon the character I'm on at that moment.
I rarely make them think though, but it would be better to mix it up sometimes to make a story understandable for others whom I roleplay with.
Mainly because of what Crookfish said. If one roleplays about a character's mental actions most of the time, it gives you very little to respond to, in my opinion. It makes singly.

Whenever I give myself the opportunity to roleplay, which I hardly do, I use mental over physical when starting the first lines, but end up using both or only physical.

Game Discussion / Re: What was the first custom map you downloaded?
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:03:50 am »
-What was the map that you downloaded?
Halloween Party Map 2013, I reckon. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots with me, but many might know what I'm talking about.

-Does the map still exist?
Nope, it was fun to have it and I hope that one will come back sometime in other Halloween events. But I deleted it because of space taking.

-Who made the map?
The one who created this topic, Sura. Yes, you can be classified as Map Master! ~

-Where did you find the map? Did a friend tell you about it or did you find it while browsing the Feral Heart map board, DeviantArt, or other source?
In an announcement topic. Happened to catch subjects about it via others to go there and download it.

-What about it interested you enough to download it?
At least something that changes every year, new other maps and all gatherings make it interesting.

-What did you use the map for? Was it a calm escape, a place for friends to socialize and play, or a map used for roleplay?
A place for friends to socialize and play, of course. Over a game or internet I won't hide that quickly. I just see it as an opportunity to be crazy and enjoy my time within in a lovely event.

-If you roleplayed in the map what memorable adventures did you have?
Nope, I actually never did. Maybe I can focus myself more on roleplaying since 7 feb is big day again.

-What was your favorite thing about the map?
The objects/meshes and it's whole atmosphere with the floofs in it. Just fascinating how ye can go in a map you've never seen before and ye see all of the stuff that triggers ye to keep it while there comes a new one every year. It's mostly because of other people I meet in there.

Discussion Board / Re: Kik or Skype?
« on: February 05, 2015, 09:59:23 pm »
I pretty much know meself using social network bases everyday, which will also include Skype and Kik. I got Skype since beginning 2014, mainly because I got triggered by the interwebs friendos and of course in real life. Same story with Kik, which I got at the very end of 2014. All this, just for small chit-chats, reminding or informing peepes, calls to socialize etc. None o' my relatives use it as far as I now, Imma rebel.

Forum Games / Re: Give the person above you a nickname
« on: February 05, 2015, 09:35:58 pm »
Crafted Japan.

Forum Games / Re: Drop the Grenade
« on: February 05, 2015, 09:28:28 pm »
New grenade to hearty Annieareyouokay.



Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:40:02 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:22:36 pm »


If I spelt it right

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