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Messages - Owly

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Discussion Board / Funny Faces Everywhere!
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:06:34 pm »
I am doing this because a certain SOMEONE was egging me on to. So here's the deal. Two pictures, a nice one of yourself, and one with the funniest face you can muster. Sound easy?

Well if you're shy of showing your true self, then show one of your feral heart character!


Go on and share yours.

Game Help / Re: Item pack help
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:51:49 pm »
I have to say then it's possible that some of the item meshes and textures didn't move over properly. But if she sees hers, and not yours [you having different items] then the case would be to redownload and reexport the files to the proper folder. This time be sure no other applications that may lag the computer are up so it can transfer successfully. If you are wearing the same items, and she can see her own, but not the ones you are wearing, then either the downloader has another item.cfg updated than yours, or there's a corruption in the game itself and would be best to reinstall Feral heart [please use as a last resort since it may take longer to download]

Game Discussion / Re: Funniest Mate/Pup/Attention Beggar Situations
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:35:22 pm »
I've run into quite a few of these in my years on Feral Heart. I remember one in my earlier days when I used to lounge in Bonfire, I had a male come up to my lioness and ask to be her mate. After politely refusing a bunch of times, and the guy still didn't get the hint, telling me that I was "the prettiest in all of Feral heart" I asked a friend of mine to get a male lion and sit next to me. In of which they were just attacked with "hey get away from my mate she's mine!" We responded with mad laughter since we were in call at the time. Eventually we went to Fluorite and never saw them again.

Another one, it was with my friend since she was messing with the mate center. Got paired up with a male lion that kept following her. It's now a running joke with us. [If this said friend sees this, I AM NOT SORRY!]

Game Help / Re: Item pack help
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:21:06 pm »
It could be possible that they can see items, but different ones that you have. If they have a different item pack than you that could be it.
If you can see all the items in the pack that you downloaded then you, in fact, did it correctly. It's the matter that others may not have the same exact item pack than you do. Since FH only reads the codes in the order that they are placed in the item.cfg and not the code itself, so it won't recognize an item if it's in a different placement. [If that makes sense.]

Game Help / Re: Weird Line Things
« on: September 18, 2014, 03:45:35 pm »
I actually had this issue before, and out of all the help I got nothing would fix this. It may be the way Feral Heart and your computer are processing it. Another attempt, if Ruby's suggestion doesn't help is to delete what ever file it is and redownload it, another possibility is if you absolutely want to see it, to redownload Feral Heart altogether. Or if seeing the texture doesn't matter, try substituting the image by getting another image and naming it the same thing.

That glitch is one of the more tricky ones to fix as I've encountered.

Game Discussion / Re: Lion-sized Warrior Cats?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:31:53 pm »
According to my logic, I think that cats in Feral Heart should be the smallest size
Because: The cubs on Feral Heart are usually the smallest size, and domestic cats are usually the size of a cub, so that is why my cat character is the smallest size...

I am pretty sure all of this was covered, but again I have to say this.

If you are mapless, and are open to others role playing with you, then yes. Being a smaller size matters. Because you are directly interacting with other species.
However when using a map, that there are NO OTHER SPECIES interacting with you, that's when size matters.
I used to run many cat based role plays, I kept my adult members over default. Why? Because we're going by size base from kit to adult. The kit should not be shoulder to shoulder with its parent when just being born. Logically that would kill the mother. Usually the maps that hold cats are huge base so make this more realistic to their sizes. Making the role play sizes realistic. "being the sizes of lions" no offense but if you've noticed lions are usually capped height, or near, and then they size next to "dragons" that should be gigantic. If we're going by realism here, adult LIONESS are as BIG AS lions themselves. It's all about perspective and what you are role playing, and who with. To each role play is their own, their own requirements. The feral heart sizes are only so much, so little room to actually make sizing 100% accurate.

Game Help / Re: Can't Connect to Map Server
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:13:33 pm »
Usually when one cannot enter a map it's because it corrupted in some way. Since you are the map maker, just delete the fhm, unfortunately the best fix is to change the map file name and export it as a "new map". If a group was using it, I'd recommend having them get the new download. [Maybe take the time to update some things as well if you need to]

Plus if I may also add to line of posts. When FH does a party, THEY DO A PARTY. It's a custom map made for the party, DJ(s), advertisements, and contests that are ALSO held. It's really not just the party itself but the many other events that tie into it that make them uncommon and special.

Discussion Board / Re: Latest obsessions
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:22:28 pm »
I have to say Pirate101, my latest role play project, and various contests/events

Discussion Board / Re: But first, lemme take a selfie
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:11:59 pm »
Shallow, you should have put your duck face.

You. Are. All. Pretty. I am VERY jealous.
Seriously how

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