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Messages - greenart6

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Site/Forum Help / Re: What just happened to people's signature.
« on: August 02, 2016, 02:05:22 am »
Tinypic doesn't work anymore? Oh boy, I'm going to need to replace a ton of images on my threads :o

Why exactly doesn't Tinypic in particular work anymore, though, if I may ask?

Discussion Board / Re: What is your favorite kind of chips?
« on: August 01, 2016, 07:14:00 pm »
I like Ruffles, Lays, and Pringles. Sour Cream and Onion would have to be my favorite chip flavor.

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Candy?
« on: July 31, 2016, 09:04:00 pm »
I really like Mike and Ikes for some reason.


Game Discussion / Where Do You Hangout In-Game?
« on: July 31, 2016, 08:35:00 pm »
The forum currently feels a bit tense and hostile... I decided to make a thread for some nice, peaceful discussion, where hopefully no arguments will break out.

Where do you hangout in-game? Where's your go-to spot to relax? Not which map, but where in each map?

I myself usually like to lie on some of the structures in the Grounds, like that one rock/plateau that's surrounded by trees. Otherwise I just try to find some rock or clearing to lie in in somewhere like Kiwimbi or Seaside Grove. When I'm with friends, I usually just go wherever they are. Honestly I'm not picky at all lol. If it's peaceful (and maybe I can get a few nice screenshots out of it), I'll go there.

EDIT: Images of some spots I usually am:

What about you? Any go-to spots, maybe the central hub in Cherika? The entrance of the Grounds? Or is just any rock fine with you?

Forum Discussion / Re: An Honest Rant
« on: July 31, 2016, 08:19:43 pm »
Just a question, but you know how you say that you are rather tired of people seeming to copy and paste the same thing over and over in the help threads? Well, what if someone is having the exact same issue as someone you helped in the past and they just simply pasted their past reply to help the current person out? Is that bad?

Really sorry if I sound stupid here...

I think as long as the solution works for the problem and is the easiest solution, then it's completely fine!

What Twisted is referring to I believe is more towards people who just say the exact same solution for every thread, even if it doesn't work or the OP has specifically stated it hasn't. Or people who tend to give incorrect answers when they know nothing about the topic at hand---a wrong answer is completely fine every once in awhile, but if someone really doesn't know a lot about a topic in the slightest I feel like it'd be best to leave it to the members who do.

I don't go in the help boards much nowadays so I'm honestly not sure if it still happens, but it has definitely happened in the past. But basically, yeah, if you have the right answer and you know it can help and there's nothing much easier to do, then it's fine to say the same answer!

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: July 31, 2016, 07:22:37 pm »
Eeek it looks so nice ! But wait . You can't install items ?

You can install items, at least now at this point! You just have to make sure they're updated to fit the new update.

>The Legendary Items Pack< [Click Me!] is fitted to the newest update, so I'd recommend downloading that c:

Forum Discussion / Re: An Honest Rant
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:18:46 am »
I agree fully.

I can't say that I'm not guilty of doing this before and might sound like a massive hypocrite, but I've kinda noticed myself fall into this pattern and have tried to correct it. I mostly stick to discussion threads now, giving my actual opinion, otherwise I just feel like some machine copy and pasting the same thing over and over... and sadly most people doing this haven't realized it yet. I've noticed some members around that mass-spam the same things on every thread without a thought, yet receive more praise than someone with well-thought out responses. And this is kinda the reason why I took a break from the forum as well. It's stressful and aggravating seeing these certain users getting so much praise and love for contributing absolutely nothing. I'm not saying that I want that praise instead or anything, but I do see some other people who are 10x more deserving of that recognition.

I've seen so many lovely users on here who are both friendly, care for the game, and actually know things about the game that are overlooked far too often, usually it seems it's because they aren't as 'outgoing' or... well, I guess I'll put it as "aren't as childish". It's just sad that the only way, or at least the easiest and laziest way imo, to gain popularity in this community is to just basically spam like this and constantly have on a fake mask.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A few suggestions
« on: July 30, 2016, 10:18:03 pm »
I like these ideas!

I remember there was also a Character Contest that one time---I remember it being a bit hectic, but I had fun participating in that! (Even though my edgy characters with tragic backstories back then weren't even close to winning x'D) I like all the other contests listed as well, it'd be nice to spice things up instead of the usual preset contests--which are fun, but to be honest they get a biiit repetitive.

Just to tack on an idea related to the Tumblr page--I honestly think there should be some more FH social media, if the staff are able to manage them. There was that one Feralheart Facebook page, but I'm fairly certain the staff don't have access? A nice, new, official FH FB page would be nice. Or really anything--Twitter, Youtube, etc. Maybe once registration is open again, this could help bring in more new members.

As for the awards, I believe it's been said that the awards system is glitchy so they've stopped using it, but with the new forum revamp, maybe they're fixed and could come back? Or at least in a different way. I do like the awards idea though!

Site/Forum Help / Re: Err, I shouldn't be able to lock things.
« on: July 30, 2016, 05:12:00 am »
Yeah, not supposed to be showing up at all

Anything else that has been happening?

Nope, I haven't noticed anything else odd like this.

I have asked a few other people and it seems they have to ability to lock/delete their own threads in the inputbox section too.

Site/Forum Help / Err, I shouldn't be able to lock things.
« on: July 30, 2016, 04:15:28 am »
Happened to notice this today. I was about to go make a thread in the Inputbox when I noticed I had the ability to lock/delete my own threads (only my own, no one else's). And when I visited one of my threads, I saw the option to lock/delete there too. (Note that I didn't actually lock or delete anything, as I assume this is a glitch)

I checked some other forum boards, but I only have this option in the Inputbox, no where else. I have noticed this happening once before, except it was with my Ask Me thread a week or two ago.


Pretty sure this is just a glitch because of the site work, but I figured I might as well report it anyways. Just wondering if this is a glitch, intentional, etc.

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