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Messages - Whisperingwaves

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 167
Discussion Board / Re: #Selfie
« on: February 22, 2018, 08:22:12 pm »
So many fabulous faces here <3 Love them all!

Forum Discussion / Re: Custom Titles: What would yours be?
« on: January 29, 2018, 02:33:57 am »
My would probably be changed to something with the title of 'mother' as for whatever reason, i'm the mom friend in every situation ~ *mother hen noises*

~ Whisper

Game Help / Re: In Game Lag issues
« on: January 06, 2018, 09:59:23 pm »
It may be the laptop itself. Usually when my computer gets hot during gameplay, it does the occasional lag as well.
You can also try turning down the view distance in-game and shadows if you can. This will limit some rendering power FH is soaking up.
The game itself is sort of a resource hog and can really soak up CPU power from your computer, which can make it laggy etc. Hopefully adjusting some of the video settings in-game can help limit or solve it for you.
Best of luck!

~ Whisper

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Looking for this mesh! (Image)
« on: January 06, 2018, 07:49:09 am »
That mesh looks like a WoW mesh, and I do believe it can be found in this package by Bloo:

It's the only pack that looks similar to the color pallet of the mesh pictured above.. if anything it's worth a shot.

~ Whisper

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: December 27, 2017, 02:15:53 am »
Sura's a hacker guys
that's it
we solved the case

But seriously, that made me smirk so hard. It's always good to login and see something of pure joy on the site <3 Thanks for the laugh staffers!

~ Whisper

News Archives / Re: 2017 Years End Update Thread
« on: December 27, 2017, 02:13:49 am »
Thank you for the update Sura, and I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a happy 2017! Let's get the hype train going for 2018!

~ Whisper

Game Discussion / Re: Is anyone on FH right now? o3o
« on: December 06, 2017, 11:21:48 pm »
You can also see the number of online players at the top of the FeralHeart home page. Typically the most populated areas in the game are the bridge to the Lonely Cave portal in The Grounds and the left hand swamp area in this map.
You can always make movies in-game to ask around for fun activities as well :)

~ Whisper

Discussion Board / Re: #Selfie
« on: November 29, 2017, 10:15:26 pm »
All fantastic faces here! We have such a beautiful community <3

~ Whisper

Game Help / Re: Hacker
« on: November 29, 2017, 10:10:35 pm »
If the recruiter password got into the wrong hands that could be the cause. Have any ex-staff had access to the recruiter account that may have been angered and shared the password with someone? This seems to be a matter that staff would need to look into... not much anyone else can do at this point.
I suggest creating a new account with an entirely new password for the character instead of using the one mentioned here. That would keep the exploiter out of it. I also recommend asking a staff member for further assistance on looking into this issue.

~ Whisper

Game Help / Re: HeightMap Issues
« on: November 22, 2017, 06:17:01 pm »
If all else fails, you could try loading the height map as a .jpg after resaving it under the .jpg file extension. Mine has been buggy like that in the past, and sometimes changing the file extension worked great for me.

~ Whisper

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