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Messages - Senrova

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 212
Introduction / Re: Back from an untold hiatus...
« on: October 07, 2017, 02:51:29 pm »
Welcome back! I never play the game anymore so...*shrug*

I'm sure the game is still enjoyable though ;)

Introduction / Re: partially coming back after a short hiatus?
« on: October 07, 2017, 02:49:27 pm »
(honestly i'm not sure if this post is even nescessary because i was only gone for two months lol)


i doubt anyone will notice this or recognize my username because i never really contributed to the community much, but i've decided to come back to the game and forum for a little bit

i'm pretty sure after a month, i will be gone again though
i took a smol break before for a few reasons, mainly because i wasn't interested in the game or forums anymore, and i didn't have anything to lose by leaving, tbh

this is kind of a super short rant/vent, but also, i left because i've always found it difficult to make friends or be valued in a community like this, and i felt like i don't belong here, and i wasn't being myself on the forums and ingame
i was attempting to somewhat fit in, but i realized that i didn't like putting up an act, if that makes any sense

but anyway, i'm mostly going to hang around the forum games like i used to, and sometimes go on the game

see you later, i guess
Ay welcome back! Well I can see why you left, the forums aren't as active as they were before and I haven't been in game in AGES (I don't have time for games XD). There's no need to be putting up an act to fit in though, we all accept each other here :D you can pm me anytime if you just want to talk to somebody ;)

But nonetheless, welcome back! Hope to see ya around, peep! :)

Introduction / Re: he's back
« on: October 06, 2017, 09:51:41 pm »
Aaaa thank you all for welcoming me back. I didn't expect to get so many responses.
The new Desktop is *decent*, minus the kinda bad processor on games. But FH works smoothly with little to no lag, so that's a plus
as opposed to my old Win8 laptop. (Win7 master race)
I'm considering changing my name to morqque rather than Malkabre, because morqque is what I go by most on the internetz.
its like a set name for me.
That name is a lot easier to remember, go for it :D

Game Discussion / Re: How Long Have You Been Apart Of FeralHeart?
« on: October 04, 2017, 07:21:09 pm »
14 July 2013 soooo....

4 years or so :D

Discussion Board / Re: How do you help people?
« on: October 04, 2017, 02:28:33 pm »
Ay,  I see what you two mean. I'll keep that in mind.

Discussion Board / Re: How do you help people?
« on: October 04, 2017, 06:43:36 am »
It's sometimes quite difficult to help out a down friend, especially if you don't exactly know how to handle things. I tend to sometimes be quite awkward in situations such as this, but I just try my best to be there for them and cheer them up with things they like. ^^
I can't believe I didn't know it was that simple o~o

I've used blender for a while now. Is that an older version?
I use version 2.49b of Blender.
Did you know there's a version 2.79? Or does that not work with blender models?
I used to use Blender 2.79, any animations that are made in 2.79 can't be exported.
Ah, I thought so :p

Introduction / Re: he's back
« on: October 03, 2017, 10:14:44 pm »
Zircon! That definitely rings a bell ;D

Glad your back! I guess we should call you 'Malkabre' from now on eh (or Malka for short hehe)? :D

Discussion Board / How do you help people?
« on: October 03, 2017, 10:11:07 pm »
I just read through the rules of this discussion board and I'm not sure if this is too personal or anything...

But when a friend comes to you feeling down about something, how do you help them? What do you say?

I never know what to do or say when people go around saying their depressed or something. It's like feeling powerless and maybe awkward? Pfft, I dunno XD
(I posted a status on dA about this if you wanna check it out?

Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: October 03, 2017, 03:15:26 pm »
I know how to use blender ;D

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