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Messages - akimra2622

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Spirit Walkers (Wolf RP)
« on: January 26, 2014, 02:50:55 pm »
1. Name: Cann
2. Age: about 1 year old
3. Gender: female
4. Mate: none yet
5. Pups: none yet
6. Description/photo: Can's fur is the colour of new-born snow. She has grey underfur, which look like shadows on the surface of the sun. Her eyes are the colour of a frosted lake and an early winter sky. (sorry that was a bit cheesy ^^)
7. Any MINOR powers: none
8. History: Cann was born into her pack as an omega. As she grew up, she started to realize the hardships of being in this minor position of her pack. As weeks passed, she grew more and more strong-willed and knew that she wasn't meant for this standard of life. When she reached the age of nine months, she made a strong decision. That night, while everyone was asleep, she silently got up and slipped away into the night. For two days, she searched for a new pack she could join, where she would be more respected than her previous one. However, she found none.
Eventually, she saw a speck on the horizon. Even from that far away, she knew it was another wolf. She howled to get his attention and ran towards them. From their reply, she heard it was an old male. When she caught up with him, they greeted each other. He told her that he was a retired warrior of his pack. He had left his pack to become a lone wolf. Cann instantly knew that being a warrior in a pack was what she needed to be.
For four months, she stayed with the old male who trained her to be a warrior. When her training had ended, he told her where his old pack resided. She said goodbye and fared him well on his lone journey. Their parting was difficult but he promised that they would meet again some day. With that promise in mind, Cann left him in search of his old pack.
9. Desired rank: warrior
10. Username on FH: akimra2622

Name: Cann

Gender: Female

Species of wolf: Banks Island Tundra Wolf

Pack: Eioss

Rank you'd consider having: adopted daughter of the Alphas who yearns to be a scout or spy for the battles against the Kako pack.

Eyes colour: Ice-Blue

Soul Colour: My soul is a very light shade of blue but now and then there is a hint of grey within.

Past History: I was born into the Kako pack but when my parents saw that my soul wasn't dark, they sent me away. As a lone pup, survival was not easy. I struggled down the icy slopes of the mountains for days on end. My only source of food was the occasional insect or small reptile that had been frozen in the thick snow. After a painful decent, which had taken me many days, I finally reached the end of the mountain range and the edge of a forest. The warmth filled my frail little body. I crept on among the trees until I collapsed. When I was found, I was already half-dead. I was taken to the council of the Eioss pack where the Alpha couple decided to keep me as their daughter. They took care of me and I soon became stronger and was able to live the normal life of a wolf without having to fear death at every step I took. I grew fast and when I reached nine months of age, I started to learn the art of stealth.

Roleplay Sample:Cann slowly crept along among the trees. She crouched so low, her belly skimmed the leaves, which lay scattered all around her. It was the beginning of Autumn but she didn't fear the approaching chill that hung in the air. The poor creature before her had no idea what was coming and it continued to graze silently. Helplessly.
For a moment, Cann froze and looked back to where her teacher crouched, almost invisible, in the shadows. He gave her a slight nod. Cann refocused her attention her prey. Her challenge was to get as close as she could to it before it noticed her. She aimed to get within a paw's reach of the beast.
All her life, Cann's sole wish had been to become a stealth hunter and become a scout or a spy in the battles against the Kako tyrants. Secretly, she knew that this would be the only way to get close to her true parents without having to kill them.
Cann shook her head. She must not let herself get distracted by her thoughts and emotions. They would be the only things that would let her down when she was in the midst of battle. She stalked on. She was now a full grown wolf's length away from the poor creature. A few more steps and she would have reached her aim and she could start the chase. Slowly, she inched closer. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling howl resounded in the forest. Cann froze and the beast fled. Her master hurried to her side, ready to protect her if the need would arise.
A long time later, there was still no alarm or commotion. It was probably just one of the younger wolves playing chase. Cann cursed; another challenge failed.

Why you believe you'd be a good member of Onyx Chain: I love to write stories for fun, so I have quite a bit of literary experience. Also, when I was younger, my friends and I would spend every single moment of our spare time together acting out adventures in the form of an oral Role Play. However, we moved away and ever since, I have been looking for someone to do Role Play with like I used to but because I am now older, people my age think that sort of thing childish. I soon learnt that internet-based role play is much better for me now.  I will always stay in character and play according to the rules and the story line.

Activity:I am on most days for about an hour or so at a time but because of school, I am not free all the time. However, I will dedicate my free time to this whenever I can.

Do you have skype?: Yes.

Also, is this also a roleplay IN feral heart? If so, could you tell me which map it is and if it is a custom map, could you please send me the download link!!! Thank you.

Sorry about that, I was only reading the first page and I didn't realise until later that there were 22 pages!!! SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zaeyla's mother softly nuzzled her. Zaeyla looked up into the deep green eyes that she loved so much and knew from the way they were looking down at her that it was time to say goodbye. She stood up and in turn nuzzled her mother. The two of them then stood there, looking at each other. Both of them were waiting for the other to leave. Neither wanted to leave first. Eventually, Zaeyla approached her mother one last time and deeply inhaled the smell of her silky, grey fur; she never wanted to forget it. She stepped back, stared into those melancholic green eyes and then turned her back and ran off. She ran as fast as she could. Wanting to get the separation over and done with as quickly as possible. As she ran, the tears that flooded from her eyes and drifted back through the wind to where her mother stood alone. As their tears mixed, a bird sang the first morning song.

Zaeyla was nervous. She was awake but kept her eyes closed in order to have some time to herself before the others noticed. Today was the first time she left her mother for good. From now on, she would have to survive alone. Even though she was excited and curious to be able to explore the was wilderness beyond their territory, she felt a tear slide down her snout. She was going to miss her mother.

Greetings fellow wolves.

From this point in time onwards, I declare the pack of Grey Lights open to any greywolf from a lost or abandoned puppy to an old wolf who has well past his or her prime.

I introduce myself as Zaeyla. I am a two-year-old female greywolf in search of a loving pack of greywolves who will look after me and each other and whom I, in turn, can take care of.

Although I am happy to welcome any new personality to this pack, I do have some preferences:

- It would be great if you were a greywolf although you may choose to be a different colour. But remember, this is a REALISTIC pack so please keep the colours within a realistic spectrum. However, I don't mind a bit of red, purple or blue but please keep it subtle.
- We will be doing a realistic semiliterate role play in the forum AS WELL AS in the actual game so you may choose your preference although everyone cannot be on both at once.
- It would be great to build up a little family within the pack. I am the Alpha Female but I don't have a mate or puppies yet so if you think that you fit into any of the above categories, whisper me or send me a message.

Every week I will introduce a slight twist in the story every week just to keep the story going so be prepared.....

I am online whenever I can but not so much in the week because of school so I shall make the most of my weekend free time to come on.

I hope that you are interested in this RP or even just to be part of this pack!!!!

If you aren't sure, just try coming on the forum RP as a taster!! Don't hesitate!!!

See you on here soon!!!!


Noctis looked up from where she was sheltering under a tree. That noise..... She could never mistake the sound of a wolf howling. She stood up and shook the stiffness from her body. She had been lying there for a few  hours since the rain had started. Before trotting out from under the protective branches however, she hesitated. She had never liked rain. She hadn't liked it ever since that night when her mother....... A second howl saved her from re-living her scarred childhood. She hurried out. The first howl had definitely been a male and the reply had come from a younger female. It had been so long since she had seen another wild wolf..... Ever so long...... She quickened her pace, hurrying to where the sounds had come from. She rushed through the trees, gracefully avoiding the obstacles. It wasn't long until the edge of the wood came into view and beyond it, the shapes of the two creatures she had been yearning to see for so long. She tried stopping under the cover of the trees but she slipped in the mud. Her paws were swept out from underneath her and she half rolled, half skidded to a halt at the two wolves' feet.

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