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Messages - astraeus

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Presets & Markings / Re: Newtstar's Presets! REQUESTS START TOMORROW
« on: April 27, 2014, 04:49:25 pm »
You can request now  :-*

Presets & Markings / Newtstar's Presets! Closed for now :(
« on: April 27, 2014, 04:47:30 pm »
Welcome to the Newtstar's Preset Corner! You can see the details below!
                                                                        Closed for now :(
                                                                                 Request Form
Hello, would you please make a preset for me?
                                                                                                    Forum Username:
                                                                                                    Preset Number:
                                                                                                    When do you want it done?
                                                                                                    Feline or Canine?
                                                                                                    Public or Private?
                                                                                                    Would you like art?  
                                                                                                It usually takes me a day or two to make a preset.

                                                                                     1. courtlou123 Just beginning...
                                                                                         Get them before they're full!  

                                                                                  Presets that I made recently
                                                                              Destiny (Private, only download  to see me in it)
                DOWNLOAD LINK

                                                               I hope you have a wonderful day! -hands out cookies :3-            

In game user: newtnix
Character Name: Toxic
Pack Name: Tyorei
Other information/questions: Do you already have a rival pack?
Role play sample:  Toxic sniffed around the ruins of a strange structure. There was a strange smell that he recongnized. "Fox!" he exclaimed. He searched for the creature's den. Suddenly, the fox lunged out at him. Behind it, were two fox cubs. He decided to leave it alone, so he turned tail and ran back to his pack

Albino instead of a trailer I could make a banner because it is very hard to make a trailer cx

This looks cool. I will mail my preset that I made.           Pic-  Metallic on other side  :D

I'll start on trailer before answer cx

Looks interestinG I could lead the rival pack and make a trailer on youtube

Other Games / Re: Wolf Play (Brand NEW wolf SIM game)
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:43:25 am »
The only piece of prey I caught is a squirrel XD and there is a fox and 2 badgers in my territory

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: March 01, 2014, 08:18:34 pm »
I ban you for having a transformice account!

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