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Messages - Tearless

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Game Discussion / Re: I Know That, But My Character Doesn't Know Yet
« on: September 09, 2013, 06:25:10 pm »
Gah, I hate it when that happens... though I've more often had the reverse problem, with others knowing way more about my characters than they should. It's so often really hard to effectively RP into a pride when starting as a loner, because as soon as the players know that my character is harmless, suddenly every lion in the pride trusts him without question, even when he's given them no reason to. I've literally had Newt in mid-post, hiding around the edge of a pride's territory trying to tell if it's safe to approach them, and inevitably, no matter how deliberately suspicious I make my actions, one lioness will always run right up to the hidden-from-view, unfamiliar lion encroaching on her territory whom she knows nothing about (not to harp on realism with talking animals, but, y'know, rogue lions have been known to kill cubs, even if we both know Newton wouldn't) and says "Hi there! Want to join the pride? I'm sure [leader] won't mind!" I don't know where I should even go from there. I usually just have whatever character I'm playing become alarmed/unsettled/suspicious and hope the actual leader is less blindly trusting, but even then the tension is still pretty thoroughly killed and I end up sitting there in a pride full of unnervingly welcoming strangers not sure what to do with myself.

Honestly at this point, I wouldn't mind running into the 'get out of our territory or we'll make you into a rug!' type of pride once just for a change.

My other major pet peeve is characters who mysteriously change personality completely if they want an interaction to go a certain way, or just characters whose personalities don't match their bios in general. If your lioness is supposed to be shy and mistrustful of strangers, don't have her run up to me and strike up a conversation if we've never met. If your bio says 'cheerful, friendly, looks on the bright side' then why has your character been sitting  off to one side of the group scowling at his reflection in a puddle and not talking to anyone for the last three passive-aggressively angsty posts?

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:53:42 pm »
I'm ambidextrous; I can draw somewhat more easily (and write almost exclusively) with my right hand just because of muscle knowledge, but sculpting, tools, utensils, chopsticks, and almost everything else I can do with either one.

It was really handy when I was wearing a wrist brace for a week.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: September 09, 2013, 06:02:45 am »
I started drawing before I started talking... so it took about twenty one years of just doing it nonstop, and I've still got a ways to go. ^^

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: August 30, 2013, 06:09:08 pm »
No, of course not. I am definitely an organic human creature. Completely. Do not question this.

As for games, I don't play many, but I do enjoy Minecraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Game Discussion / Re: firts time preset
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:36:20 pm »
If you install markings and items, people will only see them if they also have the exact same pack installed, otherwise your character will appear either white or with the wrong markings.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: August 24, 2013, 02:45:22 pm »
My online handle (which, usually, is TearlessRain, I just shortened it because there was a FH glitch that wouldn't let me log in if my name was too long... it's probably fixed by now) actually has quite a lot of various meanings, and keeps accumulating more over the years. ^^

It came about rather spontaneously one afternoon when I was around... sixteen, I think, and I decided I was done with my previous deviantart name which was the incredibly-original-and-not-at-all-embarrasing Winged-Wolf with some string of numbers after it because I went through a phase in early high school. So long story short I thought about it for a while and it happened to be raining at the time, which is something that never, ever happens in Southern California in mid summer I can promise you, and I happen to really love rain so I went out to walk in it and the name just sort of happened while I was doing that.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: August 23, 2013, 05:54:54 pm »
1. I have not. I have, however, conversed with and hugged trees in my lifetime.

2. I love that movie! Not sure I can pick a favourite character though, for me it's more about the dynamic between all of them; they all add a lot to the movie. As for which character to be... I think I identify most with either Alice or the Hatter, for different reasons (sort of the obvious answers, I know).

3. I'm here, aren't I? :]

4. Well, none of those are in my top three, but given a choice between those four I have to go with invisibility. Has the most practical applications (though cloning could definitely help a lot of endangered animals, so there's that).

5. The infinite yet impossibly miniscule one in which the entire universe along with all humanity's existance, knowledge, and linear time itself is contained. The question, therefore, is what is the bucket sitting on?

6. I wouldn't call it disasterous, but I made some pretty salty cinnamon butter puffs once.

7. Hard question to answer; I tend to love all my characters FH or otherwise to bits. Maybe Gethin; I liked him enough to create a non-FH humanoid version of him so I could use him in other places as well.

8. Not particularly.

9. Well, all right then, suit yourself.

10. You lied to me.

Game Discussion / Re: Interspecies relationships
« on: August 22, 2013, 09:15:31 pm »
If you're not trying to be super realistic, I actually like the idea. It could make for a very entertaining RP. For all people are bringing up the resulting hybrids, it would be just as interesting if, like in real life, a tiger and a hyena couldn't reproduce. They could always adopt if they really wanted to raise a cub.

You could always specify in the heading that it isn't; it would fit better than in Game Discussion.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:19:03 pm »
I guess it really sort of depends... my preferences lean toward unrealistic, but not usually the kind of unrealistic you see in FeralHeart, which seems to always involve bright colours, demons, and elemental powers while I'm more of a sci/fi person, or pseudo-sciencey, somewhat more subtle magic. But then again most of the fully realistic RPs I've ever joined have mostly been sitting around and hunting. So I guess semi-realistic. It lets me be a bit creative in my character designs, and allows for more intricate plotlines without people swinging around fire-bending demon powers.

I dunno, I'm honestly way too picky about it; any type of RP can be either fantastic or painful depending on how willing the people in it are to cooperate and make it work.

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