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Messages - DimensionGal

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Site/Forum Help / Forum logs me out even though I select "stay logged in"
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:17:37 pm »
What the title says. Every couple hours the forum likes to log me off, even though I select "stay logged in forever".

That means it's close to being done to loading, pressing enter might mess that up

Right, I know it's close to loading. I'm just having issues with this being the case every single time.

Anywho, I've made progress. I deleted the old version of the exported map, still didn't work, but then I renamed the newly regenerated file. The renamed version worked, the old file name didn't.

It seems once a map's reached a certain number of downloads or installs the server gives it tons of sass.

Aside from there being no error messages when you load it into the map maker are there any error messages when you actually try to get into the map or it just stays stuck on the loading screen up until you close the window or esc to the menu?

It just stalls at the loading screen. The music changes and I can hear the sound effects of a waterfall I placed inside it, I can even hear the feet of my character on the ground if I did the "hold w" trick. The screen just stays at the loading image, however. And if I press enter, the game crashes.

Game Help / Loading Problems on Specific Map - (Please, no noob answers!)
« on: December 31, 2012, 05:56:11 am »
So as the title says, I've got a bit of an issue. Normally I'm content to sleep on a matter, but this has been going on for far too long.

I have a map that everyone seems to get stuck on the loading screen. Even me, most recently. Granted, I've got well over 3k+ downloads on the darn thing, but that can't be the problem as plenty of my other maps have over 1k+ downloads and still work fine.

It's only this map.

It loads fine in map maker, there's no errors popping up... I've tried renaming the map and seeing if that helped and it didn't.

So, any ideas or advice? And pleaaaaaase, no noob answers. I've been around the map making block long enough to know all the "server reset" and "keep trying" crapola. This is a persisting problem that happens every time nowadays. If you give me a noob answer I will squish you with a giant cookie. @.@

The past two or three times I've been in there today the rock texture has worked. Odd. o.o Anyway, it's working now! :D Thanks!
Must have just been a first-time access thing. FH is silly sometimes. :3

I'VE MISSED THEE TOO ;____; *snugtackle*

Here appears a wild screenie~

Hmm, seems you're missing that rock texture? Funny, the exporter should have packaged it fine. This happens every single time? o.O

What font did you use in the pictures?
Amazing map. c:
I believe it's called "Bobcat", funny enough. XD

And thanks.


Incredible map! Great job <3 Except the rock formations are showing up as a yellow and black banana-y color D:


Gimme a screenshot and I'll try to help!

Where the download link?
Bottom of first post.

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