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Messages - leda

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I have a few map ideas I wanted to share with the community as well as with some private RPs, but me and a few friends that I've discussed said ideas with can't decide on something!
Basically, do you all feel it's more fun and cooler when you have a large area to explore, at the cost of outspread detail and barren areas (I can't completely cover a giant map, obviously), and to just feel like you're surrounded by land, OR do you think it's cooler to see a large piece of land or territory represented in a few (say... 4-7) smaller maps with high detail all over, but to get to different areas in the land you gotta cross through portals and such.

A large map sounds ideal and cool, but it couldn't be nearly as detailed as a smaller map/if I were to cut that territory and map idea into pieces and sections.  I'm not sure if I should release my maps as large and extensive with spread out details and little detail scenes in certain areas of the map, or in detailed sections and divided mini-maps.

Do feel free to expand on your opinion or answer!


(pwease don't repost the art here, it was made specifically for the RP by me/widdledraven on tumblr.)

Are you looking for a roleplay that gives you something new, something you haven't yet experienced? Perhaps with cool lore, but lore that's easy to learn, lore that you can learn about through role playing? What about a role play you are not required to be committed to or active on?

The Asters is here to offer that to you, in the form of a Watership Down inspired rabbit role play set on the Feralheart game.


- LITERATE. For the most part. We ask for literacy or at least attempts to be when role playing. People who may not be there yet or have trouble role playing are still entirely welcome, but because the role play's preference is to try your best to write fairly, kind tips for improvement may be given over whisper to those who may need it in order to remain in the RP. If you aren't okay with such tips, you may be asked to leave. Every RP has it's preferences, ours is simply to have smooth flowing role play sessions.
Don't be nervous or something about your writing though; our main asks are that you role play using post order and don't post cut, something we can explain to you if you don't fully understand.

- REALISTIC. Again, for the most part. There isn't anything entirely realistic about talking rabbits, but in terms of the way the rabbits will act, and of course their appearances, they will be realistic. In order to join, you need a realistically colored rabbit character. Realism is also required in other elements such as backstories or use of "powers." No rabbits who come from other dimensions or who can bend fire. JUST NORMAL BUNS.

- SOON TO BE MAPPED. Currently, our warren remains nomadic after having been forced from their home after a few strings of bad luck and their long time home became riddled with White Blindness. However, when we gain our map, the warren will finally find their new home, their paradise. Although it isn't the most fun to be in the FH default maps, if you join now, you get to provide input and ideas on the map, and even make requests for your rabbits own personal burrow within the warren (decorations and such to their nests!) Our map will contain never before seen custom textures, and a version adjusted for slower computers if they need it.

- WATERSHIP DOWN INSPIRED, BUT NOT HEAVILY BASED. We've taken the core, unique elements from the Watership Down lore, such as the Thousand Enemies, Frith, and the Black Rabbit. But we've also mixed things up with our own stuff, essentially simplifying the way the warrens are and putting it in a simple way most everyone will understand. This means that you do not have to have read the books or seen the show/movie in order to join, because we have our simplified spin on things.

- PLOTTED BUT MEMBER DRIVEN. We have a base storyline/background we're working with, but the direction of the warren and the future of it depends on the members. Staff of the RP will bring fourth interesting plots and conflicts for members to react to, and their reaction will lead to either more resolution or more conflict. If you're joining late, don't worry! Our plots are summarized under the plot information board.

- EASY TO JOIN! EASY TO LEARN! EASY! No RP samples, you don't even need to speak with Leda to join; send a request to the in game group of Warren of the Asters. All you need is a realistic looking rabbit that doesn't too far exceed the size of Fowler (fowler is around the height limit, if you just measure up to him when you meet him). If you're alright with that, and have read our rules, then you're set to go. We're also simply "easy to learn." Yes, it appears there's a lot of information to read, but you can actually just skip reading the lore because it is referenced and explained the most through role play sessions. You don't need an entire book or a large reference in order to participate; you'll learn easily the ways of warren life in a nice, immersive way by experiencing it for yourself... or yeah, you could also just read the lore board.

All you need to join is a realistic rabbit OC, and a willingness to read these here rules on our site:
After you've read the rules, you can join our (optional) discord at
OR simply add in game user leda and whisper her when she's online.
Whilst you wait, feel free to take a gander at our lore board on the site.

We hope to see you there.  I now leave you all with some map previews, more to be added, and more to be seen in our discord chat!

Other Mods/Creations / free shorthair kitty preset texture
« on: July 21, 2019, 11:55:28 pm »

posted to my dA here as well:

all the short hair textures look great and all but a lot of them already have spots and stripes.  This is just a basic short hair with no stripes or anything, only a smooth shiny coat.  Looks best with a multiply layer and a lower opacity overlay layer.

download here! if you get a DS_Store file just ignore it it's a log file mac computers give off to window users but mac users can't delete it it's annoying

please credit if posted publicly to dA user rookfox/in game user leda

lmk what you think and if you have any ideas for future textures.

Game Help / Re: Unable to connect to front server
« on: July 10, 2019, 06:25:21 pm »
Is there an option for you to install FH into a different virtual drive, and trying it that way? Do you have an Ethernet cable, if so is it properly plugged in? Lastly can I ask what computer or system you’re using? I apologize if you already mentioned the computer I didn’t see.

Game Help / Re: IP address changed don't know how to play FH
« on: July 08, 2019, 07:54:07 pm »
I can try to look into this for you, I've had a similar issue.  What kind of computer are you using? Forgive me if it was already mentioned I didn't see.

Other Mods/Creations / rabbit/hare preset texture!
« on: July 08, 2019, 06:19:23 pm »
posted originally on my dA here:
but not everyone uses dA so I figured I'd post it here as well.

(sorry that the pic is small and the writing is dark, it was made to be posted to dA.  You can click the link above to see the full image!)

since the release of the new watership down (which i 10/10 recommend if you haven't seen it) I've seen a lot of buns in game.  I'll be making more customized textures (like smoother coats, longer coats, etc) for rabbits but for now, here's a basic rabbit!  It's complete with a material code that gives you buck teeth (they're.. not great but it's literally the best I could do) and a shorter tail, as well as two different head options:  you can either go for more realism with a low set mouth, or less realism but the ability to show off those buck teeth without the mouth looking monstrous and parting above the low set lips.

Please see the read me, it provides plenty of information regarding the different heads, the codes needed for the teeth and tail, etc.

You are welcome to modify this as needed for your rabbit, but I will be making more versions including fluffy rabbits, softer looking rabbits, etc (:

enjoy!  I better see some more rabbits >:(

Game Help / Re: Crashing in the middle of exporting
« on: May 16, 2019, 02:20:05 pm »
if the clean export doesn't work, I've saved a lot of maps by going into the object maker and deleting collisions on objects that didn't need it.  If a character doesn't need to climb on something, there's no reason to make the map have to render a collision for it.

Another thing is trying to export it without the music, IF you have music installed to it.  I know music really sets a tone but it's worth noting that sometimes it's the last straw for a map to make it not load, in my experience.

Hope that helps a little bit.  If all else fails, feel free to PM me and I will export/upload for you.

Game Help / Re: Maps in map
« on: May 15, 2019, 08:24:31 pm »
Hello, an easy way is to just place an object exactly where you'd like a character to spawn (in front of a portal I assume) just make sure you give the character plenty of space, as some people play big characters that may glitch back into the portal.

See where my cursor is? Thats the placement of the plant!  You can use this as a reference to where the character will spawn at.  Just write down those numbers to remember. 
However, this method doesn't give you the Yaw number.  So position your little camera thing right where the object is, lift it slightly above the ground and have it face away from the portal.  If it's too close to the ground, the model may spawn beneath the earth.  If it's facing the portal, the model may spawn facing the portal.

After the camera is positioned, look at the bottom right of your screen where all the numbers are to get the yaw position.  That number is the fourth number you will enter in after you've entered in the other three sets of numbers from the object coordinates.

After you have four sets of numbers (three from object coordinates and then the Yaw you got from positioning the camera) simply delete the object.  Make sure the coordinates you took note of are in order, yaw being the last number entered on the portal.

Then, you'll open the other map you're wishing the character to go through to find the portal that will spawn them at that point you just wrote down, and just click on the portal that that map belongs to, the one they're going through to spawn at that point like I said.  Make sure "Select Type" under the controls panel is set to "Gate."  If the gate isn't selected, the coordinates will not save to the portal!

Here's the portal selected with the plant coordinates plus the Yaw I got from positioning the camera over the plant.  I rounded up the numbers, you'll have to do that because there is a character limit and you won't get every decimal in.

I just wanted to add on because I know how frustrating linking maps is.  Hope that helped!

Materials in the object maker are Case Sensitive; a texture will not render if you write ThisTexture when it's actually called thistexture.

Or if you're trying to apply an image file to the material of a different size or set up... it's all very finnicky!

Lastly, it may not work if the texture image is now a .jpg when it was previously a .png, and vice versa. 

I had luck retexturing the bones by just copy the default rock texture material line of code, and pasting it into my personal massive .material file (LedaMaterials.material) as a bone texture instead, then entered that onto whatever I needed it to be on.  Just had to change the image file in the material code to the bone texture I wanted, with a new name.  This may not work for all objects and I'm happy to help you if it doesn't, but--

Here's an example of what I mean

Opened up Rock.material (I believe it's called) from the Rocks folder
Copied the first code starting from the opening and ending with the closing tag }

Next I grabbed a BoneTexture for example called BoneTexture.png and put it under My_objects.  You can see here I have my own material file also under the same my_objects folder, which I just copy and paste in needed materials into.  You can make your own by copying any ol' material file from the FH folder and renaming it! 

Finally I just opened LedasMaterials.material and used the rock texture from before to paste it at the tippy top (it never matters where the code is pasted as long as it's not inside any other material lines or before another material files closing tag of } !)

And now I have a bone texture to render onto any ol thang.

If you've already tried that, still have issues, or are trying to work with a different material code, then just paste it below or PM me it and I'm happy to work and look at that one too, the above is more or less just a general fix!

updated !  come join!

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