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Messages - ThunderClaw12

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Site/Forum Help / Profile video?
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:35:21 pm »
Hey guys!
    I've been wondering about how you post videos on your profiles. I know that you have to put the URL of it, but, then what? I don't know if you put or another code of some sort. That's what I used for my video/clip. I can't see the video and it just appears as a small document file picture. Can you guys see it, because I can't? Please let me know, thanks!

(Also, I would like a video on my profile and signature..)

Game Discussion / Re: How to make BETTER RP.
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:27:32 pm »

Site/Forum Help / Re: download is...forbidden?
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:22:28 pm »
Hey, that happened to me too!
   I deleted Feral Heart since I really didn't use it.(don't ask) I thought I deleted it for good, but when I was in a FH mood, I decided to get the game. But when I tried to download it, it didn't work. And then I was like  >:( >:( . But luckily, I still had it in my trash pile, probably still downloaded and all. But if I actually delete for good, I probably wont be able to re download it because it wont work.

Ask Me / Re: You Mustache Me a Question
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:14:28 pm »
Not too personal eh?
Well, here's one, hopefully not too personal....

Is your refrigerator running?

Game Discussion / Re: How to make BETTER RP.
« on: May 08, 2015, 12:03:43 pm »

     There just hyenas, nut with stripes.Oh well, I suppose I should go now, thanks.

Meant to say but with stripes. XP

Game Discussion / Re: How to make BETTER RP.
« on: May 08, 2015, 11:59:54 am »

[just wanna comment my opinion cx]

A good definition of a decent role play post coming from me would have to be a person who is able to read and write with the exception that they should be able to use correct punctuation, capitalization and be aware of grammatical errors.
I myself enjoy role plays that sound like a story/book, with smooth flowing sentences that can easily be read and are detailed to describe a character's surroundings, thoughts and actions, as well as describe how said character feels about a certain situation.

A couple things to remember when role playing;
- Using continuation symbols such as >>, -c-, ~> to signify that you're not finished with your role play post. Rather annoying having a million people cut you off before you get a chance to even finish, aye?
- Don't post too much or too long of posts! People can get bored if you type like 8+ paragraphs per post. I know this for a fact. I'm both a victim and someone at fault for this~ I used to write A LOT in one post.  ;D
- Don't post too little! I understand writer's block is a thing but a lot of people get annoyed when someone only types one or two sentences per post, especially in literate role plays. Mostly I see the minimum per post is 4 sentences, which is a pretty decent amount~

     That's probably the best best RP tutorial I have ever seen. I have one question though, is this a a story/book RP sample, right? It looks like it. The one that I did was a simple RP sample, I liked your though, and whats so bad about the striped hyenas? There just hyenas, nut with stripes.Oh well, I suppose I should go now, thanks.

Game Discussion / How to make BETTER RP.
« on: May 07, 2015, 11:20:56 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: May 07, 2015, 10:32:10 pm »
Faenet ud the bedt gen

Close enough

sigh.... dang, I never knew that Garnet had 3 eyes... huh weird.

Forum Games / Re: Paste It!! {Forum Game}
« on: May 07, 2015, 08:33:40 pm »

Yeah.... don't ask.... -_-

*starts dancing to the song*

Site/Forum Help / Re: Unable to send or receive messages
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:15:15 pm »
I'm not able to send or receive messages...

Every time I go into my inbox and outbox, it says that I have 'no messages' when I know someone sent me a message and that I've sent a message

Hey Lonewolf!
    I heard that you can't see messages that you sent or messages that you receive, right? It's kinda confusing of what's wrong since you said you can't send or receive messages, then you said that you have "no messages" even though you know that somebody sent you a message. I get that. But what I don't get, is what is after that, you said that you sent a message even thought in the title it says that YOU can't send any messages. 

   I hope I got that right, but what's happening is probably a glitch or some kind of bug, you can try to log off and on, or maybe even reset your computer. Hope this helps, and I hope that I got this situation straight, if not you can send a reply a little easier to understand.

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