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Messages - Scornhound

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Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:32:04 pm »
Game taken down as stated above. If I came on to see this game permanently canceled, I'd be depressed for a very long time.

I honestly would find this pretty cool. If it was a certain map or there would be certain points you have to get before you engage in battle with someone, it would be a pretty cool thing. If you had a certain point count on your character to where you could send a battle request with someone and suddenly you respawn into another map with just you two or a few other players to battle with it'd be awesome. But to stop people from abusing it, people could also have a setting on their character clicked that denies any fighting requests sent to them. Honestly in my mind this is a good idea if it were to ever be a thing.

1- Is the person suffering from depression, stress? I always think of this when I get into a quarrel with someone. That being for one I also suffer from clinical depression and stress. Although I always try my very best to help others even though they have negative thoughts against me or have misinterpreted my intentions. Though I cannot due much being I feel the same hurt as they do, I always will try. I always will. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and I never talk to that person again, or it can be the opposite and we become or stay good friends. In all honesty, I hate it when I can't be friends with someone due to the problems that we've gotten into. I hate it when people hate me. I... really do. It may not look like it, but at least when I try to apologize, I mean it. Sometimes though I've become very hurt by some people and my emotions just won't let me have that person back into my life. But all in all, I never wish to share bad connections with people at all. I suppose it just has to do with different personalities and sometimes some personalities that are different from one another just cannot cope with each other.

2- Will this affect my future? or is it important? I've always dwelled on this. I always fear it will affect my future in a negative way. However I'm always told that it will affect it in a positive way. I don't know which could be true. I guess time will tell. However, it being important? Yes. It has taught me to be stronger. So I can help both myself and others who have the same problems.

3- Will me being positive, drive the other person to be positive too? I believe in this. I have many I associate with who look up to me because of how positive I am. Even though there are times where I just lose it and jet out, I really don't mean what I say because my emotions are just getting the best of me. I always try to be positive with others even though they can be negative with me.

4- Does it waste my time? Sometimes I feel after I've lost contact with someone, I feel it was a big waste of time even trying to associate with them. But does it waste my time entirely? Not at all.

5- Should I take it to seriously? Yes, I always take these things seriously. I even provide advice for others to try and help themselves because I am not physically there with them. It just all depends on if they feel they can do it or not. It pains me to see some fall into such low depression levels and have no help from anyone to make them rise again. If I was physically there to help them, I'd do anything and everything in my power to try and make that happen.

That's my opinion on this, heh. ^^'

You're such a sweet and straight forward person, I like that. <3 I agree with you with everything, even if my view points are a bit different. But, the only thing I can tell you is that you should stay confident and not worry so much, especially since you suffer from depression and stress. Maybe practice being more spiritual by meditating, it really benefited my mental health and even all aspects of my health actually. Believe me, because you spend some time alone and understand yourself.

Aww, thank you. <3 And I try to stay confident but my feelings always get the best of me especially when someone speaks negatively about me. So then I try to change myself so I can fit their standards and sometimes that just doesn't work out.

And meditation? Hmm, I've thought about it but it's just I could never figure out how to exactly meditate. I might have to look up on how to do it later. But thank you for the advice! I really appreciate it and will definitely take it into consideration! <3

1- Is the person suffering from depression, stress? I always think of this when I get into a quarrel with someone. That being for one I also suffer from clinical depression and stress. Although I always try my very best to help others even though they have negative thoughts against me or have misinterpreted my intentions. Though I cannot due much being I feel the same hurt as they do, I always will try. I always will. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and I never talk to that person again, or it can be the opposite and we become or stay good friends. In all honesty, I hate it when I can't be friends with someone due to the problems that we've gotten into. I hate it when people hate me. I... really do. It may not look like it, but at least when I try to apologize, I mean it. Sometimes though I've become very hurt by some people and my emotions just won't let me have that person back into my life. But all in all, I never wish to share bad connections with people at all. I suppose it just has to do with different personalities and sometimes some personalities that are different from one another just cannot cope with each other.

2- Will this affect my future? or is it important? I've always dwelled on this. I always fear it will affect my future in a negative way. However I'm always told that it will affect it in a positive way. I don't know which could be true. I guess time will tell. However, it being important? Yes. It has taught me to be stronger. So I can help both myself and others who have the same problems.

3- Will me being positive, drive the other person to be positive too? I believe in this. I have many I associate with who look up to me because of how positive I am. Even though there are times where I just lose it and jet out, I really don't mean what I say because my emotions are just getting the best of me. I always try to be positive with others even though they can be negative with me.

4- Does it waste my time? Sometimes I feel after I've lost contact with someone, I feel it was a big waste of time even trying to associate with them. But does it waste my time entirely? Not at all.

5- Should I take it to seriously? Yes, I always take these things seriously. I even provide advice for others to try and help themselves because I am not physically there with them. It just all depends on if they feel they can do it or not. It pains me to see some fall into such low depression levels and have no help from anyone to make them rise again. If I was physically there to help them, I'd do anything and everything in my power to try and make that happen.

That's my opinion on this, heh. ^^'

Game Discussion / Re: What brought you to FH?
« on: June 21, 2016, 03:44:28 pm »
What brought me to Feral Heart was Wolf Quest.

I remember being in an open game on there and someone told us that they were going on Feral Heart. I did not know what it was at that time so I decided to look it up and then I found this.

Oh how excited I was. First time I tried the game though I didn't know what to do, so I paused for a month and then tried again. xD Loved the game since then!~ ^^

Game Help / Re: Failed to connect to front server!
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:29:39 am »
It may also be a server-sided issue. As far as I know considering how many players there are in-game, the server may be cutting off some people who have weaker connections. I have a high connection but experience frequent game crashes (more than when the game was not updated). This may be a server issue though I'm not sure. Just throwing out some theories like everyone. I'm not a real techy person when it comes to internet connection. Though I have also heard that it may have to do with your router not letting FH in through its ports (again I've heard this from a sibling of mine involving another game I cannot play due to ports we unfortunately cannot access in our router due to not knowing a certain password). This might be the issue though. Your router might not be letting it through. You can try looking this up and maybe it might help some. Hope you are able to get in-game soon though! ;3;

Game Help / Re: Failed To Connect To Front Server.
« on: May 05, 2016, 08:35:55 pm »
Was about to just send a in a forum help thread about this. Having the same problem here.

I'm not really organized. When it comes to putting in objects, I just take that chance and stuff them all in my_objects folder. But what I do do is that I'll keep the zip/rar folder up so I know the name of the objects in case they do not come with any .object file. Well, I'm also so not organized that I also stuff the .object files into my_objects folder too and they still work. What I really have trouble on is having to find exports of objects that are in my exports folder after exporting a map. ^^; Yeah.

Game Discussion / Re: If you could..
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:04:09 pm »
Same as most here.
Would use it in case there was a big problem going on.

News Archives / Re: Hacking Update 30 Nov
« on: November 30, 2015, 08:46:13 pm »
I hope more and more people will think about going on the forum to see why they are not able to log in to the server. Because, knowing me, I have many friends who do not view the forum often or don't use it at all. What makes me wonder however, what is this for? I know it's for security reasons but is it some sort of 'tracking' thing probably? It just makes me curious is all and am also wondering if this will be temporary or not.

Sorry this is just me being the rather curious person I am. ^^;
To answer your question, we don't have the connection page set up for tracking, but so that users are able to log into the game (since the server is in maintenance.) Without the page, no one would be able to log into the game. For the time being, we are using this as a temporary aid in connecting users to the server. Razmirz is still working on things to make the server more secure and stable, so yes, this is a temporary solution. I apologize for the inconvenience that it may bring. Please bear with us. <3

Ah! Thank you! Your response has cleared everything up! <3 That I shall!

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