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Messages - Agentpaws

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Community Activities Hub / Re: The Kreptic Circle Christmas Party!
« on: December 13, 2015, 04:06:49 am »
How cute! I might be able to attend, but I'm unsure! I may have some family matters to attend to.  :D Great idea, folks!

Merry pre-mature X~mas!

Game Discussion / Re: Your favorite glitch!
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:46:28 pm »
DEFINITELY the creepy-square-mouth-tongue-sticking-out glitch. It makes characters look so spooky & abnormal, haha!

Game Discussion / Re: Moons and Suns
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:40:52 pm »
Bahah! What beauties.  :D

Introduction / Re: I apologies for my disappearance...
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:38:46 pm »
D'awh, welcome back, love!  :D

Presets & Markings / Re: //Softie's Preset Gallery// ~ !REQUESTS OPEN!
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:33:06 pm »
Not that I have a request or anything, but these are astonishing! I love the amount of detail you put into these pieces! Amazing!

Art Gallery / Re: Vipen's Art Gallery! [UPDATED 12/12/15]
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:28:40 pm »
What an absolute gold-mine this thread is! :D You have SUCH unique artwork! It's really amazing. I love these pieces. They are very intriguing & pleasing to the eye. :)

Good job!

Game Discussion / Re: Your least favorite type of roleplays!
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:25:08 pm »
Plotted role-plays are definitely a 'no' for me. I enjoy when you join a group & you can kind of 'go with the flow' & figure it out from there. It makes for more interesting events, I think. I also kind of dislike the 'role-play' groups where there is kind of a clique of the 'cool kids' & they create a sort-of barrier between themselves & the other members. I'dunno. It makes me feel very intimidated if your little group are the only ones you'll ever speak to. I enjoy when groups are kind & include every member, not just their ringlet of friends.  :D

I would most likely accept, because even though it is obviously not all fun-&-games, the community on Feralheart is so loving. I simply adore it. I would definitely be shocked, though. Although I love to help people out, make friends with you lovely floofs & make things for this game, etc etc, I think there would always be better-suited people for the job. I would truthfully be nervous that I would screw up somehow, hehe. I'm a butterfingers--always have been! I feel like I am a rather kind person when it comes to helping people out & chatting with fellow members, but I have a hard time telling people 'no!' That's not a very admirable quality if you wish to be a moderator, unfortunately. :D

Forum Discussion / Re: FeralHeart History
« on: December 12, 2015, 07:59:29 pm »
What a creative idea! This is so neat to take a look back into the past, haha! It feels like only yesterday I first joined this game, on a humongous rainbow pooch.  :D It's amazing to see how far this has all come!

The Feralheart nostalgia is real.

Game Help / Re: Presets won't show to others
« on: December 12, 2015, 07:52:17 pm »
what if i want EVERYONE to see my preset?

Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible for EVERYONE to see your preset! For your friends & what-not, you'll have to upload your preset file somewhere. (I personally suggest!) How you do this is you go to the FeralHeart opening screen, click 'Tools', then 'Preset Maker'. Go to the last tab on the top of the character creation box. Click whatever preset you want to get people to see, then press the big 'ol 'Export' button. A loading bar should pop up & then say something along the lines of "Exported preset as presets/#yourusernamehere!" Go to then, & create an account if you don't already have one. Upload your file. It should be something like yourusernamehere_#.fhp You can find the file in your Local Disk(C:)/FeralHeart/Presets. It's important to note that you should enter the folder name presets, NOT My_Presets! (Unless you want people to be able to WEAR your preset themselves!) Upload that file to & then voila! You will have to send the link of your preset to whoever you want to see. I would suggest copying your link for your preset, going to, pasting it in & creating an easier link to remember, instead of a bunch of numbers after  :D Then, send the link to your friends (Or put it in your bio for safe-keeping!) & have them download it. They should download it & open up their file manager, & move your preset file that they downloaded, to Local Disk(C:)/FeralHeart/presets. They'll have to restart their game, but they should then be able to see your preset!

It sounds very complicated, but it isn't too bad after about the first time you do it.  :)

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