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Messages - Jacoby

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Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: September 22, 2018, 05:38:52 pm »
I'm Vegan, and that's bad enough.

Game Discussion / Re: Fluffy Wolves (Tuft Replacements) - Interest Gauge
« on: September 22, 2018, 05:34:47 pm »
I love these, so beautiful! Would enjoy these in game!

Game Discussion / Re: Canines vs Felines?
« on: September 22, 2018, 05:32:12 pm »
I personally always prefer canines over felines on feralheart, but for some strange reason I prefer felines over canines in reality. I just don't enjoy playing as felines but I love them?

Game Discussion / Re: What are your favorite memories?
« on: September 22, 2018, 05:25:48 pm »
My best and fondest memory of feralheart was back before the update. When we had all the original maps, it just use to give me so much adrenaline playing on those maps, discovering a new role-play or stumbling across a random pack in Flourite Plains. Along with the mate and pup centers all the newbies use to flock to In Bonfire. When feralheart was actually active and actually had some decently active, sought after roleplays. Goddamn amazing times.

But personally a memory that I hold best was probably my first Halloween party in game, 2015, I think and the 2015 summer party. I had been playing since 2013 but never knew how to download any maps so I could never go.

Though a memory that beats everything was when I first joined feralheart. I just got the biggest adrenaline rush when I could make my character lmao

Game Discussion / Re: Pack Names
« on: September 22, 2018, 04:36:41 pm »
Maybe this would fit better in the discussion board o:))
This is going to be super scatterbrained as I throw my thoughts here-

I definitely find myself being attracted to one-word names, especially those that are in another language or simply made up. I don't think I'm able to pinpoint why, it's just more aesthetically pleasing imo. Maybe it seems more professional? More unique? Adding "pack", "clan", "pride" might actually turn me away from the group, simply because, in my opinion, it doesn't suggest any sort of individuality or uniquity. I also enjoy "storybook" style names. Some older examples I've seen are Day of Wrath or Reach of the River. If a tag at the end of the name is used, having something that's actually pronounceable rather than a jumble of letters pulls me in as well, especially if it isn't a direct abbreviation created from pulling the first letters in the name!

I don't actually join many roleplay groups and then make a new character-- I like to find groups that suit a character I already have instead (unless the roleplay seems super fascinating and I see the opportunity to make an interesting character I would enjoy playing). Because of that, the amount of members doesn't usually have a huge impact on my decision to join. However I definitely prefer roleplays that include some sort of malevolence in the plot, it just makes everything more interesting!

Anyway that was my splurge. I myself am pretty picky..
Throws +Floofers. Interesting topic. I hope more folks reply!

Thank you, I appreciate the reply.

Game Discussion / Role-Play Names
« on: September 22, 2018, 03:22:32 pm »
Hello, I've decided to make this post because I'm curious and I'm not sure if it should be put here but it seems like the logical place to put it.

Anyway I'm curious to know from anyone's point of view, this includes if you like malevolent, disrespectful, rough role-plays or if you stay more over to the side with benevolent, kind, trust worthy ones or if you chose to just join warrior cat or feline role-plays. But what makes you curious about a role-play, curious to join? Only going on names, say you are more likely to join a role-play that has a name in another language, a role-play that has wolf pack or pack at the end of it, perhaps one word names? But what makes you interested to join such role-plays is my question. You don't need to only count on names, I'm just looking for answers like; you look at how the characters look to determine if you join, you look at how many members, or just the information provided on the clips. I've noticed role-plays with one word names or a name in Zulu, Japanese, whatever seem to spark tons of members, but why?

Hello. Me and my friend whom I will not disclose the name of due to privacy reasons, have been working on a pack for quite some time now. We've secured alot of information on the pack, worked with maps, sites etc all for the role play. Though we're still in need of some help by dedicated people. Before I go any further we are literate and require a role play sample even if the pack itself is not even established in game yet.

One of the many reasons we're not yet established is mainly my fault. My PC decided to shut down on a Windows update and hasn't turned on since, reason it's not fixed yet is I haven't been able to afford the money. I understand if this reason is why you've decided to indeed not help, but thank you for reading all of this, I appreciate it.

If you're still interested in lifting a pack from the dirt to hopefully, success. Private message me, I'm active most of the day and I'm more than happy to speak to anyone. I strongly recommend you having a discord account so we can discuss things more easily and I can also go on to expand on the pack more.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Serene Semblance
« on: October 20, 2017, 12:47:59 am »
Serene Semblance

Serene Semblane is seeking for active staff members to help along with this newly formed, but yet to be joinable pack.

Religious | Mapped | Sited | Literate | Semi-Real | New | Mature | Dedicated

Serene Semblane, a place for the week and strong to linger together in peace.

Serene is a two religion based pack. Almost like God and Satan, but reversed almost. The good ones, whom bring shelter, food and warmth. The bad ones whom cause havoc across the terrain. This is as much information we're willing to give to strangers. Give the pack a try and we might just unfold more.

Soon to be mapped. With many maps all conected to one single base map. Images will be posted soon enough.

We're also a sited pack. That is still currently in progress, and information being wrote. Link can be privately messaged to any one that wants to help.

You must be literate, at least being able to create 4 lines. I May ask for a role-play sample on meeting you. Literate pretty much means; being able to read and write. Buy y'know our feralheart community likes to mess things around.

Semi-real pretty much means being able to stay within that small block of looking realistic, but adding maybe sonme colours that you'd never see a wolf actually have. These can be blues, reds, greens, and/or purples. This denys any neon colours.


Please be mature about things, and no this does not include being the strictest human being on the planet, because we all know how annoying that can be. I mean being able to deal with, gore, cussing, violence, ect. Because we all like to have some fun and games from time, to time.

What do we care about within our pack?;
We do not care the amount of members that we get, even only getting 5 would be amazing for us. We do not care much the number of wolves to seek our role-play, but how active those players are. We offer large ranges of land to role-play on for hours at end. Perhaphs even offer you to take part in events and competitions.

Interested in joining as an administer? Fill in the application below;
Ingame username:
Character name:
Character Age:
Your real age:
Why have you chosen to help?:
What could you make better?
How Active Will You Be 10/1:
How Dramatic Are You? 10/1:
Role-play sample:

Emolicious [ Noctis ]
LycanSIXX [ Jericho ]

{ Updated 23/01/2017 16:10pm }

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