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Messages - Raspbearies

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Forum Games / Re: Count to 0 from 10,000!
« on: December 20, 2017, 07:26:28 pm »

Introduction / Re: I Came Back
« on: December 20, 2017, 04:00:10 am »
Aww, well welcome back! I see you've already been informed by some other people about the newer changes, haha. I'm happy you've decided to come back, though! -- I hope to see you around sometime! ;D

Discussion Board / Re: #Selfie
« on: December 20, 2017, 02:28:04 am »
AAAAaaaa (might delete this later LOL)

Forum Games / Re: Count to 0 from 10,000!
« on: December 20, 2017, 02:10:28 am »

Game Discussion / Re: Does anyone else miss when FeralHeart was big?
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:26:53 pm »
Unlike a lot of people I actually really miss the days when Fluorite Plains was so full that you had to wait a bit for a the server to make room for you to hop into the game. It was so fun. So many RPs and so many wonderful people on the game. I do admit, compared to back then, right now it is definitely a lot smaller of a community.. it saddens me quite a bit.

Oh my gosh. I could not agree more with this.
I LOVE Feral-Heart so so much, & I still ADORE the community so much! but I do miss the large, vast community & the multiple new people I would meet in a single day. It was such an adventure! It is still nice now. I do miss the larger population though.

Discussion Board / Re: How's your Christmas going?
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:18:58 pm »
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAYYYY! I hope that it is AMAZING. (Also, I really like your avatar! I think it's really cute!)

My Christmas is going pretty okay! I JUST got my Christmas shopping done like 20 minutes before I'm writing this post, haha. So that's kind of funny. One more day of exams (tomorrow), but those should be pretty easy, & then it's all Christmas wrapping & baking from here on out! I have to head to another state for the 23rd & 24th, so traveling kinda stinks, but it should be a good time once the family's all together. :)

I hope everyone else's Christmas is going well! ♥

Game Discussion / Re: Opinions about the new RP system
« on: December 19, 2017, 04:40:34 pm »
Hmm. To be honest, I classify myself as being "literate" & that's the term I have used when looking for role-plays since about 2012. I don't think anyone means any harm by the classifications! It's just a brief way of saying, "How well do you write?" in my opinion. Though, there probably could be better words used to describe the 'levels' of role-play writing than those.

I do think that literate role-players are sometimes more... critical than those that are not "literate." More than a few times, I've joined literate role-play groups & then ended up leaving after a few days because they were very (for lack of a better word!) stuck-up. I want to be with a group that can have fun! I don't want to just role-play when I join a group, you know? I also want to talk a bit out of character & find out things about my fellow members, so that I'm able to make friendships. I don't really care for groups that I almost feel uncomfortable being myself in, if that makes any sense? I do find that literate role-play is a bit more slow, but I think that is because more thought usually goes into the writing. I think that both "literate" & "illiterate"
 role-playing can be very fun! I think the reason that there are SO many literate groups around now is because Feral-Heart has been out for so long, & the vast majority of the community is probably very used to how everything works. I will admit, this does stink a bit for the newer members of our community, but I have seen multiple "semi-literate" groups waddling about! (Honestly, in my experience, when someone says their group is "semi-literate," their group is usually very lenient about role-play skills & will accept just about anyone -- but this is probably not ALWAYS the case.)

I do kind of miss going to Bonfire & being engrossed in some role-play with the "illiterate" people, though. Maybe they weren't the best at writing yet, but they were very creative & funny! Those are some of my fondest memories of Feral-Heart. ♥

I really don't like how rude some of the literate people can be, though. I have never been rejected from a group based on my role-playing skills, but I have been afraid to join groups because they seemed very "strict." Honestly, I think that it all comes down to the people within the groups & how they react towards one another. Although, I do wish that there were not drawn lines separating role-players from one another. I kind of miss when you could walk up to someone & just start typing away. I think that, perhaps, people just need to be a bit kinder when it comes to role-playing, instead of pretending they're better. Everyone was a "noob" once! :)

Screenshots / Re: Scarlet's Screenshots
« on: December 19, 2017, 04:20:26 pm »
Oh, Koru's preset is absolutely gorgeous! I love Ara's preset, too! I feel like I don't see purple being used too much, so it's a creative color choice in my eyes!

Introduction / Re: Henlo
« on: December 19, 2017, 04:16:20 pm »
Hey, & welcome! I really love your pet's names, oh my goodness. Beans is just too cute. ♥

Art Gallery / Re: Raspbearies' Art! ♥
« on: December 19, 2017, 04:11:37 pm »
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone!
Wow, what a lovely art style!! Loving how soft and cute the lineart and shading look like when together. My only recommendation on here would be to fix backleg anatomy- Other than that, the facial expressions the characters have are very humble and warm feeling to them- The ears look especially nice.
Thank you! I know, I really need to fix my back legs, LOL. I've always kind of struggled with legs, to be honest. D: They always look kinda funky, but maybe I'll practice them a little more & try to smooth them out. Thank you for criticizing my art but still managing to be nice!
 ♥ I appreciate it.

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