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Messages - HeroOfCanton

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Almost the same you just put the preset files into C > FeralHeart > Presets

Yes you will need to download both. It wouldn't let me put all the maps in the same download.

Accepted :3 I shall pm you the password to access the maps and stuff.

It's funny that you should mention that ButtonsLady. I haven't yet translated all of my original thread into English yet but all the creatures have their own language but speak "common". I'm translating the rest of the group information, just did a little snippet last night since I was tired and it was taking longer than expected but it should all be up shortly.

I hear you though about not being able to pick a side. In my Swedish version I have a character in each fraction because they all have their separate strengths and weaknesses and it was so hard to choose for even me.

We are always accepting new members {Wolfy}   :3

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Ranks / Member List
« on: December 13, 2012, 07:36:26 pm »
I I Ranks and Members I I

Clicking on names will link you to full character profiles

CHIEF: The Ruler of each fraction. They make the important decisions for their fraction. They demand the upmost respect and obedience from their fraction. [One for each fraction besides High-Rock]
The High-Rock Fraction: Rayoto - M Other leader MUST be a Cheetah
The Ember Pond Fraction: Wreq - M
The Dim Sands Fraction:

GENERAL: The second in command. If the Chief is not present they make decisions in his place. [One for each fraction]
The High-Rock Fraction:
The Ember Pond Fraction:
The Dim Sands Fraction: Rokuso - M

MEDIC: In charge of keeping their fraction healthy. They know what plants can be used as remedies and how to heal most afflictions. [One for each fraction + one trainee.]
The High-Rock Fraction:
The Ember Pond Fraction: Saved fur .-.Voltaire.-.
The Dim Sands Fraction:

SHAMAN: The Shaman exists outside of fraction lines. He lives in the tree of souls and is wise beyond his years. He reads the moon and interprets the will of the ancestors for each fraction. [Only one total + his trainee]
Dikota - M

TRAINEES: Once young ones reach 6 months of age they start training to become useful member of their fraction. [Unlimited for each fraction apart from the Ember Pond Fraction]
The High-Rock Fraction:
The Ember Pond Fraction: [Maximum of 5]
The Dim Sands Fraction:

UNRANKED MEMBERS: The unranked members or each fraction are in charge of hunting, fighting and guarding their fractions camp. [Unlimited for each fraction apart from the Ember Pond Fraction]
The High-Rock Fraction:
The Ember Pond Fraction: [Maximum of 5]Inerria - F
The Dim Sands Fraction: Hokarty - M

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Roleplay Information
« on: December 13, 2012, 07:35:03 pm »

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