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Messages - pinkrose137

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ACCEPTED! Thank you <3
Also, now I have edited the form. Please include your breed (eastern, western, mix) For those of you who have already applied, I think I can guess your breed ^-^

Also please give out your timezone! Thanks! I need to know how to plan some group rps ^-^

Accepted ^-^ put the pice whenever you have time :D

Species / Re: NUAGE LIONS// [MAKE YOUR LION ^_^]
« on: April 08, 2011, 10:27:45 pm »
Well the royal females are both taken :)
But you can be a part of the council. I'm putting up the available ranks on the pride page ^-^

King (you must rp with me)
Male Beta (must rp with the betess and the royals)
The Council (the royal advisors. 5 needed)
Lead General{s} (one more MIGHT be taken in. DO NOT APPLY. A Warrior/Hunter would be promoted for this.)
Warriors/Hunters (as much as possible)
Cublings (the cubs of the pride)
The Elders (some of the most respected in the pride. most of them are retired.)
Suggest some to me :D

THE LIONS (listed from highest rank to lowest rank)

Queen Thirrin / US CENTRAL TIME
Three years of Age / eastern x western
In-game Username is PinkRose137 / Forum Username is PinkRose137

Betess Rivera / US CENTRAL TIME
Four years of Age / western lioness
In-Game Username is Defect / Forum Username is Defect

-pic coming-
Lead General Kezoh / US CENTRAL TIME
3 Years of Age / EASTERN LIONESS
In-Game Username is *LittleLemon* / Forum name is The Rainbow Crayon

Guardian Raviolli / US CENTRAL TIME-ZONE
Three Years of Age / Western Male Lion
In-Game Username is Ravi / Forum name is Tini

Warrioress Saphire / US PACIFIC TIME-ZONE
4 Years of Age / western lioness
In-Game Username is dangerousbunny / Forum name is Return to Sender

Warrioress Aella / US EASTERN TIME-ZONE
Age coming/ eastern lioness
In-Game Username is ElectraX12 / Forum name is Electra

Cubling Misa / US CENTRAL TIME
Under 1 year of Age / western lioness
In-Game Username is ClaudiaIvy / Forum name is ClaudiaIvy


Code: [Select]
[img]PICTURE HERE[/img] (crop only at 200 (width) and 250 (height)! if you don't know how to crop it, I'll crop it for you. So just put it here if you can't crop. ;)

Rank Wanted:
RP Sample:
In-Game Username:


[since they are up north, in FH, mountain terrian, it snows 3/4 of the year.]
delete the other map and put this one in :3 I think that's how you do eet LOL <3 love y'all.

Cloud lions were orginally from a land very far north of FH, and kept to themselves most of the time. It was a very small piece of land that the brightly colored lions placed themselves on, and were extremely peaceful for a long time. A civil war broke out, for some of the lions believed that the Queen and King were being far too peaceful about the outbreak of war that was going on around them. Queen Tarnach and King Oskan did not like the idea of war, and kept the small lands free of such an evil sin. Most of the lions wanted to take advantage of the war that was raging in the next country and drove the small land into a civil war. The peaceful lions were surprisingly savage, their long line of warriors helped that for sure. Half of the lions were driven out.

While the banished lions migrated south to look for a better home that was not tainted with war, their home country was ripped apart by invading countries. Queen Tarnach and King Oskan were no more, as they died protecting their helpless country. The leader of the banished band was Eldera, whom then adopted the name Queen Eldera of the Nuage Lions (they were originally Ciel Lions) and led them into the safe country of FH. They were used to settling high in the cold climates of the Mountain Range and the sudden drop of temperature (on the part of FH that they were traveling on) led to many deaths of the young and old. Soon they populated an unoccupied piece of land at the very north of FH, where they have stayed for many years.

The western lions have more of a cool, easy going personality. Most of the time they keep to themselves and some even have timid personalities. They would rather have fun over the idea of a diplomatic meeting, and love playing with those younger than themselves rather than romp with those whom are older. They actually tend to have a more clique-ish nature though, gravitating toward those that have personalities similar to themselves as well as those in their age group.
These have more verbal and exciting personalities. Not that their cousins have boring personalities. They are open to relationships with almost any lion, despite the fact that their Queen and King forbids mating outside of their race. They tend to be a bit more obnoxious, though, not afraid to voice their insane opinions and ready to fight for them too. Most of the time, though, they openly obey their superiors with loyal-hearts. They tend to be a bit more loving than their cousins, though, taking to their mates and keeping them. They also tend to have mates for life, and when the mates die, they don't really ever get another.
The Nuage Lions are not un-like most big cats. They live together in a 'pride' and depend on their 'King' and their 'Queen'. They hunt together, spend time together, and own a large expanse of land that they guard jealously. The Nuage Lions have a fierce attitude toward strangers and those who pass through. Although their attitude is fierce, they do not hate making allies, in fact they are constantly looking for formidable allies to have under their (imaginary lol) belts.
There are many things that separate them from normal lions, though. They have a much more advanced system of ranks in their pride and gravitate toward having Queens rather than Kings. Yes, females tend to be more dominant than males. Most males only have one or two mates that they keep for life, never getting another. While males do that, females tend to only want one mate and actually feel more free to get another mate after their past one passes away.
Many of the lions are extremely loyal and hold fast to their Queens and Kings. When a new King or Queen steps up, they tend to be stand-offish and testy until they are sure that they are in safe hands. During war, they are savages, not caring at how barbaric they look. While some keep their Kings and Queens safely hidden during battle, they openly let their superiors fight with ease.

The western lions consist of mostly dark browns and light browns, to dark grays and light grays. (white underbellies always) Although they don't blend into most of their environment, they use different hunting techniques than most lions. While they indeed blend in mountain, they often come down and hunt in the forest part of their territory. They are smaller and more lithe than their cousins, able to use speed to bring down prey. For big prey, they team up and take it down. They have unusually large claws, but small statures. Big ears and big eyes are their trade-mark, used for their sharp eye-sight and acute hearing. They lack the ability to smell prey from far away, so they use their enhanced hearing and eyesight instead.
They normally have markers that blend into their coat, always full body stripes or spots. They do not normally have masked faces, and never have brightly colored markings (unless a royal).

They usually consists of very light colors, from bieges to the lightest of grays. Their underbellies are usually a lighter shade, although it is not uncommon for males to have a darker color underneath. They have small claws, but tend to be a bit larger than their cousins, rising to a good and tall height. They have large ears and large eyes, just like their cousins, but they tend to have better smelling. Although they seem to be better at hunting, they lack most of the speed needed for it, so they focus mainly on fighting. Much bigger than their cousins, they fight fiercely and use their huge teeth for a good grip and a deathly wound.

-Royals have bright colors so they stand out from their commoners.
-Mixes (eastern x western usually) can look like any of the breed, usually a heavy mix.
-You do not have to follow what I described to a T, mostly because I was very vague :
-All manes are a darker shade than the body!)

-Males usually do not re-mate but can.
-Females sometimes re-mate, as well as stay alone after their beloved's passing.
-Relationships are NEVER forced.
-You must have permission to have cubs, the Queen and King do not want a lot of cubs running around.
-A healer must be present for the birth of the cubs.
-Any defected cubs will NOT be killed, but given more attention than the rest due to it's condition.
-Cubs will be kept inside the nursery until they are around a month or two in age.
-They will be assigned a future rank at a young age.
-The killing of cubs means the death of you. The cubs are our future.

-The can see prey as well as other living bodies from far off. When they choose to, they can see from even a mile away. From that far away, though, they can only see pink/red blobs. As they get closer, it gets more detailed.
-The Nuage Lions can hear things from around a mile away when they choose to, and it is helpful in battle.
-They have an extreme sense of justice and stay away from sinful nature.
-During the night, they can control blood flow as the temperatures drop to very low levels.

-You always respect the leaders
-NO mating out of breed. As a result, you and your mate will be banished. If spotted back on the territory, you will be killed on the spot. All of you.
-Cubs will be given their future jobs at two months old, determined by what skills they show early on. It may be changed as they grow, if they show any differences.
-Any lion that turns tail and flees battle will be severely punished, chosen by the Queen or King themselves.
-No lion will ever be forced into a relationship. If one is caught in the act, they will be severely punished by the Queen or the King.
-No lion may leave the lands without telling another first, the Queen and King worry deeply about every lion in their pride.
-Lone Nuage Lions will be treated with respect and dignity, whether they show respect or not.
-Fighting among the pride will result in immediate demoted and or a punishment.

Species / Re: NUAGE LIONS// [WIP]
« on: April 08, 2011, 02:47:13 am »
That would be amazing ^-^
putting the link up for the map now too as well as working on taking pictures lol

Species / Re: NUAGE LIONS// [WIP]
« on: April 08, 2011, 02:37:32 am »
Heck yeah that would be awesome ^-^ pictures are being uploaded ^-^

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