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Messages - Sunpaw

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ability to Kick Players From Your Map
« on: September 26, 2011, 09:11:12 pm »
This is a great idea! I've never made a map before -Doesn't have GIMP due to laziness and not ever deciding to download- or had this problem,but I've heard a lot of things like this happening and I think it would be a very useful thing to have! ^^

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Quotes/Sayings.
« on: September 25, 2011, 08:44:15 pm »
"Moss is mother nature's carpet."-Sunpaw

Characters / Vira
« on: September 25, 2011, 04:05:11 am »
Name: Vira
Species: Red fox
Gender: Female
In-game name: ViraTheOutlawFox

Vira is a female,scruffy looking fox with a deep shaggy reddish pelt. She wears a necklace with a small hunting knife attached to it,a gift from a close friend from long ago that she uses in combat. She is a pretty negative fox,tomboyish,and a little bit cowardly. She's usually a loner outlaw,the kind that can start a fight an finish it without needing to go whimpering back to a bunch of others for backup,though she did have a large group of outlaw foxes twenty members strong,until it fell apart and the group scattered (There was a glitch and the group was erased.) however she plans to rebuild it again,and rid FeralHeart of all the police canines she can. She isn't the strongest fox,she doesn't have any kind of special unique powers other than the ability to grasp objects thanks to thumblike dewclaws lower on the front legs that allow her to do so. She is thin,a little bit bony,and overall a pretty scraggly looking fox,but she can do serious damage. She's hunted about five police dogs,and when she kills an enemy she then skins it with her knife and keeps the pelt as some sort of sick,messed up trophy of some sort. She doesn't have any kind of angst filled oh-so tragic past. She's a young fox who strayed away from her home and decided she wanted to put an end to the way Some of the police dogs were trying to control everyone. She has a twisted mind and wishes to control the population of the fail cop dogs with her little eradication program.

I'll post pictures on here of Vira when I get the chance,right now I am using a very bad,stupid computer (My very own computer,which I call Compy ^^) and Compy won't let me play FeralHeart and barely lets me click things.

NOTE: This character doesn't reflect my own personality,she is simply a character and when I roleplay as her I will type the kind of things she will say. I do write something at the beginning of posts when in a roleplay to indicate speaking out of character. I'm sorry if people here are somehow offended with my character being a cop-dog killer,I will inform you that the character is friends with a FEW of police dogs and only targets the fail ones that go around trying to control every living thing that has the ability to type. I myself in real life have a great amount of respect for police dogs and their handlers/cops. (I didn't make the character or post information about her to "Troll bait" this is a character I made because I wanted to and I really,really,want to avoid starting drama or appearing to be flaming anyone or their characters.) -Sunpaw

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Sunpaw's many random ideas!
« on: September 25, 2011, 03:09:38 am »
Character Customization:

Ears: I was thinking it would be cool to have more ear types,such as a set of ears where one ear is down and the other is standing (Like for a canine character) or be able to choose which ear is floppy/folded. Another similar idea is to have one ear that is torn,as well as the option to choose the right or left ear,and the other still standing. I also think it would be cool to have something that tapers into tentacle like ears (I bet that would be good for mutant-like characters.)

Tails: I think it'd be neat to have more tail choices such as:
Docked tail (Doberman)
Plume tail (Irish setter/golden retriever)
Double curl tail (As seen on some Japanese breeds)
Ring at end tail (Afghan)
Whip tail (Weimaraner)
Curled tail (Shiba inu/Akita)
Otter tail (Labrador)
And the ability to choose how long the tail is.

Mouth: Canine character breed choices are just a bit limited,you can't really create a pit bull or mastiff character with that slender wolf muzzle,can you? I think it would be a nice touch to the game to be able to choose the width of the muzzle or choose from a few different muzzle types.


Animation: I know this is a lot to ask for (I've already suggested so many things already) and I know that this isn't something that could be put into the game real easily,but I'm just throwing out some ideas. The run cycles need improvement,I may not be an expert on animal anatomy but its just a little bit bothering to see the front legs and back legs move back and forth the way they do.

Actions: I know we already have howling but a lot of other people may want a different sounding howl,it would be really neat to be able to adjust the howl sound,such as choosing how deep or how high pitched they want it to sound. Or at least add different kinds of howls and other sounds like the cackling of a hyena,the eerie calls that foxes make,the deep booming bark of a mastiff,whimpering,and many other kinds of vocalizations. For the feline model there could be sounds like meowing,hissing,and yowling (For the little kitties. :3) and that cute little chirping sound that cheetahs make. Another action that would be a nice touch to the game would be the ability to wag your characters tail.

Random Idea: I think it would be very useful for people trying to locate eachother in the game (Especially Flourite Plains)
to be able to simply open a little menu,perhaps by clicking a little icon that would be located at the bottom right corner of the screen with the other icons,and then enter the username of someone and then have it show basically a little screen of the person wherever they may be so that the user searching them can easily find them if they are trying to meet up. (Or perhaps a type of little GPS?) -A wild idea appears- and/or maybe be able to add certain people to a list and then toggle if you want to show where they are,and a large brightly colored name tag will hover over this persons char and you can simply look around,see that little tag,and go straight to it.

Okay,whew. I think I'm done with all of these ideas. (For now atleast :3) Also,sorry if I "stole" someone's idea,I didn't know if anyone had the same ideas as me. I know that the tail customization had been brought up before but I didn't think people suggested some of the tail types listed as before and such. If anyone DID have the same ideas as me and have already posted it somewhere,please let me know so I can edit my post! :)

Member Bio & Journals / About me. (Sunpaw)
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:40:48 am »
Hi I'm Sunpaw,but you can just call me Sunpaw.

What's this? Sunpaw finally writes a bio? Yes it is.

Real life name: You will never know.
Age: You will never know this either. Never.
Forum name: Sunpaw
In-game name: Sunpaw
Nicknames: Sunny,Sun,Sun-Sun,Sunnypaw,Pawsun,That weirdo wolf freak girl,stop biting that you retard.

Likes: Computers,grilled shrimp,breadsticks,gorillas,mongooses,spoons,cacti,octopuses,shiny things,socks,grass snakes,baby scorpions,barbecue,mangoes,fish,parakeets,soup,egg rolls,burritos,moss,wolves,coyotes,ferns,the color orange,gerbils,narwhals,soda,chicken pot pie,hyenas.
Dislikes: Sardines,pomeranians,badgers,Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo,people comparing Arokai and FeralHeart,circuses,clowns,medicine that is cherry or grape flavored,Justin Beiber,people that like Justin Bieber.

About me (REAL LIFE): Most people are quick to judge me based off of how I look and people that are my friends,and it greatly irritates me and I wish they didn't,so please don't think I'm an extremely weird or strange person,I'm mocked enough in real life. I'm usually a pretty serious person and I act mature both in-game and on the forums,and I love to play multi-player games and chat. I can often be found lurking around the dark corners of the forums like a strange little creature,waiting for people to reply to posts and searching for topics to read. I do not appreciate rudeness or a sarcastic tone,especially when being serious about something and expecting others to act mature and be polite. I always try to start topics or reply to a post being as polite as I can,but sometimes (all the time....) I seem rude and blunt about it so I apologize if I ever seem to be mean,I don't intend to be,ever.

About me (IN FERAL HEART): I have many different characters,you may see one of the following often:
-Keya The Hyena

 None of these characters reflect off of my own personality (Except Sunpaw :3) so if Vira ever gives you attitude,or Lillia attempts to sit on you,or Smokefur tries to devour your offspring,or Keya bites the tails of your lion characters,remember that those are only their personalities. ^^

EDIT: Sorry about the huge gap between some of the words in the "Like" and "Dislike" section here. I dunno how that happened.

Game Discussion / Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:08:22 pm »
I'll do that next time,Tigg,thanks. And yes it's extremely annoying. :)

Game Discussion / Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« on: September 24, 2011, 05:25:52 pm »
True,very true. But I just feel this has been going on for quite some time and it would be nice to have something done about it. ^^ It would be a shame though that if it got so bad that certain actions have to be removed from the game due to people acting in such an inappropriate manner.

Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: September 24, 2011, 05:20:50 pm »
Thank you,Winter. ^^

Game Discussion / Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« on: September 24, 2011, 04:59:51 pm »
I agree,the movie spam is another issue that should be resolved and as soon as possible.

Introduction / Hello there. :P
« on: September 24, 2011, 04:57:10 pm »
I'm new to the forums,but not to the game. I've played in-game for quite awhile now,and have read through the forums a lot too,but have finally decided to get more involved in it. Some of you know me in-game as Sunpaw. (Not a warrior cat,my character is a Mexican gray wolf that is orange colored.) I am also known on the forums as....Sunpaw. Anyways here I am,hello everyone that reads this horrible introduction of myself.

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