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Messages - IvyWolf

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APV has 2 islands

Preset download:

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with the normal markings of her breed,Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.



Name: Talak
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Parents: Talima (Mother, deceased) Kalariak (Father, deceased)
Mate: None
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Serious, calm, loyal, cares about the tribe more than anything else, will protect anyone, a little bit worried sick about everything.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: IvyWolf/Maddie
Desired Rank: Mist-stalker
RP Sample: "I will put every breath in my body to serve the clan. Nothing else really matters but it." She spoke towards her tribemate.
Her eyes glared at her friend. She wasn't being unkind, but she wasn't very talkitive. She turned away to look into the horizon, she started to think. "Does my clan really matter to me? Or should I not bother..No! Thats not
how you look at things. You will be POSITIVE Towards your clan. After all, you have a place to live and somewhere to thrive, don't chuck it all away!" She thought to herself. Talak was now unsure, and not to mention tired.
"I'm off to sleep now, goodbye." She said to her clanmate and walked into her den.

Hrm...I'm thinking of joining. When I join, could I have my dog make a small clan?
Sure can! I'll advertise your clan for another person so your clan can be offical! ;D


Name: Chiyo
Age: Young adult
Gender: female
Species: husky
Username: Safran
Personality: cold hearted, doesent talk much and she hates other dog she doesent know
Background: she was abadoned by her parents when they tried to escape from the britains she grew up and shes cold hearted now
Do you agree to the rules?: OF COURSE i do :)
Clan rank: loner (if okay)
Accepted! Lovley character ;D

Welcome to Dogs Unleashed! We are a literate, Semi realistic, Friendly Dog roleplay. Our roleplay is very organised, and I'm hoping it will lauch sucessfully!  ;D
Please read ALL of the stuff, and if you don't understand, feel free to ask! I don't bite..

The year is 3011, All dogs are in captivity by the English goverment, saying they are "Brutal, sinister hellhounds." But a dog called Lopez frees some of the dogs in her captivity, and runs of to a new island: Belcaliga, part of the Britian. Other dogs free themselves and run free to their new home. BUT- Will the dogs survive with their new small packs? Or will the British hunt them down again?
Rules of Belcaliga

No godmoding! It isn't fair on other dogs.
No serious sparkle dogs, strange coloured eyes are alright, but the other colours MUST be realistic!
Be respectful to other members and leaders!
No ruining the RP.
Do NOTNOTNOTNOT Argue in OOC about stuff in IC! If you do, its a banish straight away if you do this, because I cannot stand it.
No fighting your clan members! They are your allies.
Clan rules
Okay, so in this RP you are allowed to make your own mini clans with others. The minimum of dogs are 2, and the most is 10. If you wish to make one, message me this app filled out:
No. of members:
Simple, right?
If I accept your app, I will make your clan a place, with beds for it. You will have a cave, with 10 beds, a stone for the leader, medic hut and a small pool of water. Okay, so I'm not spoling you, but hey, at least your clan with have a place!
You don't have to join a clan, you may stay a loner!
List of clans

No. of members: 1
Map download:
Follow the ReadMe in the zip.

You will need to download some presets to get full pleasure of some characters.
Lopez Preset: Spike Preset:

Roleplay times
The WHOLE GROUP roleplay times are every Saturday or Sunday, 1-4pm GMT!
Next week is our first RP: 30th October-1pm is the starting time.
On 24th October to 27th October (Monday-Thursday) I will be giving tours of the map.
The tours will start at 2pm, and finish at about 2:30pm.
Form to fill
You need to fill out the form below to join! c:
Do you agree to the rules?:
Clan rank:

List of members

Age: 4
Gender: Female
Species: Shiba-Inu
Username: Ivywolf
Personality: Serious about some things, Kind of Shy, Serious most of the time, Will protect her friends no matter what, A little insane and paranoid.
Background: Unkown, not one to share pastimes.
Misc: Has a phobia of fire.
Do you agree to the rules?: YES!
Clan rank: Loner

Name: Chiyo
Age: Young adult
Gender: female
Species: husky
Username: Safran
Personality: cold hearted, doesent talk much and she hates other dog she doesent know
Background: she was abadoned by her parents when they tried to escape from the britains she grew up and shes cold hearted now
Do you agree to the rules?: OF COURSE i do :)
Clan rank: loner (if okay)

Name: Petrichor
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Species: Mutt.
Username: f.eather
Personality: Petrichor is quite a bouncy dog. He has a split personality though. When you first meet him, he is bouncy and bubbly a big ball of sunshine. Instead of using I, he uses we to indicate his split personality. Petri's other personality, is a harsh and cruel one not afraid to rip open others.
Background: His background is cruel and harsh. He was a traveller, going from country to country on ships. He saw the world, but when we returned to his home country Britian had changed. He was thrown into a dog jail and watched the dogs come and go. He never whined or howled, just stayed in his cage and the humans started to forget him. Eventually a dog came and free'd him. (Note there is a lot more, this was just quick)
Misc: Loves the smell of dust after rain.
Do you agree to the rules?: Eeyup!
Clan rank: Loner.


Age:23(human years)
Species:I guess a black retreiver.
Personality:He is blood-thirsty,and is only aimed to kill others,to claim the whole place..his.
Backround:He used to be a pet,but when a crazy human chased him off,he was lost and hungry.He grew up to become a cold-hearted dog.
Do you agree to the rules?:Absolutley!
Clan Rank:Leader

No picture able to be shown

Name: Ace
Age: 2 months
Gender: male
Species: German Shepard
Username: Kovu!!
   Ace is a very shy but playful pup, he is also very wise and outgoing for his age. He is also very down to earth, Ace loves running around and looking up at the stars, he is fascinated with them.
  Ace's father was police dog, he was trained and he didn't know the meaning of play. At times he was very harsh on Ace that is why Ace is very shy. Ace didn't know his mother, she died giving birth to him. When ever he looks up at the stars he thinks of his mother looking down, watching over him from those stars. (Find out more in RP)
Misc: He isn't scared of anything.
Do you agree to the rules?: YES!
Clan rank: Pup loner (If that is ok and maybe later I can be RPed into a pack)

No picture able to be shown

Name: Raven
Age:2 months
Species:Border Collie,German shepard,Husky mix(If thats ok if not just Border Collie)
Username:Jessie Dagger
Personality:She is a good little pup,but she is very fighsty when it comes to humans,she doesn't like them at all and won't tolerate them near her.She likes to play with other pups,mostly male pups,but she loves all pups and dogs.When she grows up she will be a fine pack dog.
Background:She was riped off her mother and driven to wherever the british take dogs,her mother and father fought but with little sucess,they were both shot dead.She hated humans from that moment on and ever since that (she was 1 month) She has tried again and again to escape the horrable british.
Misc:She is shy and skitish sometimes,but once she get used to something she will either:like it,kill it,or just plain fight it (note:depends on what the thing is)
Do you agree to the rules?:YES!
Clan rank:Captive dog (hoping to be rescued by a pack)

Draglua Haize
They Call Me: Draluga Haize
Say It Right: Dral-oo-ga Hai-ze
Life On This Earth: 3 Years
Sexy: Female
Take My Blood: German Shepherd X Duneshadow
Known As: ThePsychoHybrid
Know My Soul: Draluga is quite the outgoing type of girl, she loves to venture off in search for new places: which is where her curiosity comes in. She's sometimes quiet and likes to keep to her self, mainly when she loses a close friend or relative. Draluga is very respectful, she respects everyone she meets equaly unless she has a very good reason not to. She's also energetic, so she moves around a lot and doesn't rest or sleep much. She hates showing her emotions, and doesn't feel, to her feeling is pointless. They only emotion she shows is anger and she gets angry quite quickly. She loves violence, she never really starts fights but once she gets involved in one she never backs down and she wont give up until she's inflicted some sort of serious wound. She has such a loud mouth and her language is bad, she swears almost all the time, even without realising she's doing it but once she's told she tends to shut up.

In The Past: Just like most other pups Draluga was born into a family, except she was an only child. As a newborn her life was easy and just plain simple, her mother and father did everything for her but when the day came that she could walk and run...she lost everything, while she was out learning to hunt with her parents, they were shot...dead instanly, entry wound to the head. Draluga's heart was shattered after watching her parents die right infront of her, she didn't stay long to say her goodbyes as she had no choice since the humans were closing in on her dead parents. Draluga had aged and grown in size since the day of her parents death but she was still a pup only smarter than most her age, she taught her self everything she knew, even how to fight and protect her self from danger. Days passed by and Draluga had grown into a teenager and stronger but also grew more hatred for humans and for some strange reason everyone she ever met. She learnt to survive off human blood to keep her self strong, even though she knew she would be hated for what she did, she didn't care at all...she had turned off her way to feel and decided to feel nothing. A few months had then passed and she was now an adult, still feeding off human flesh but she had learnt to control her anger towards others except humans...her parents killers.
A Little Extra: Suffers from depression, Sensitive ribcage and spine.

Do you agree to the rules?: I do indeed.
Clan rank: Rogue (until she decideds to join one of the clans, if thats okay?)
No picture able to be shown


Age-1 year
Personality-Rose thinks she's all that. With a younger crowd she can be immature but with adults she'll try to show off. Under all that she actually very down to earth and sometimes wise. All she really wants is to be accepted and to have a home.
Background-Rose os a pure bred husky. As a pup she was put out for adoption. She was last of the pups to be taken to a new home but that wasnt that last of her problems. Her new owners complained that she was too jumpy and hyper so again she was up for adoption. Her next owners loved her greatly and never wanted to give her away, her new family had to move for work and she was forgotten. After roming the streets for a day a scary man picked her up and took her home. He abused her and wouldn't feed her for days on end. One day she got sick of it and lashed out at him. She ran away but before she could get anywhere the dog catchers got her. (andthennowwiththeplot :3)
Misc-..? She HATES Water
Do you agree to the rules-Nu! Jk course I do Smiley
ClanRank-No idea..I like being scouts and such but that doesnt really suit my charre.. Maybe pup sitter or something?
Description- (causeicantgetapicrightnow) Ill make this easy and just say she looks like jenna from bolto.

APV has two maps

Preset download:

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with the normal markings of her breed,Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Screenshot: (I possibly will be changing her apperance into a preset soon, though.)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with a white underbelly, pastelish cream eyes, fire like ears and back tail tip and nose. Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.

Talak lacks salami :c once you achieve salami you shall be all good! c:

Salami? I don't get it, what do you mean?


Name: Talak
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Parents: Talima (Mother, deceased) Kalariak (Father, deceased)
Mate: None
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Serious, calm, loyal, cares about the tribe more than anything else, will protect anyone, a little bit worried sick about everything.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: IvyWolf/Maddie
Desired Rank: Mist-stalker
RP Sample: "I will put every breath in my body to serve the clan. Nothing else really matters but it." She spoke towards her tribemate.
Her eyes glared at her friend. She wasn't being unkind, but she wasn't very talkitive. She turned away to look into the horizon, she started to think. "Does my clan really matter to me? Or should I not bother..No! Thats not
how you look at things. You will be POSITIVE Towards your clan. After all, you have a place to live and somewhere to thrive, don't chuck it all away!" She thought to herself. Talak was now unsure, and not to mention tired.
"I'm off to sleep now, goodbye." She said to her clanmate and walked into her den.

Species / Re: ~Red Mask Wolf~
« on: September 11, 2011, 01:57:09 pm »
I was wondering if my wolf could have a head mane? If not its fine. c:

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