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Messages - kewlkiera

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Sounds exciting! I will definitely keep my head held high for the game. Best of luck! <3

And, when I click the forum button, it says it doesn't exist. Do you mind directing me to the correct place? Thank you!

Ah yes, sorry about that. That seems to be a problem. I'll get to fixing it.

For now, here's the link to the forum:

EDIT: The link should be fixed now.

Other Games / Re: Infinite Life - An IT server project (WIP) (IMAGES)
« on: April 12, 2014, 05:35:47 pm »

Just to note that IL is now currently in the beta testing stage for v1 and there may be a release sooner than we all thought!

Still interested in the community? Want to help us build a new project? Check out World of Denuo!

Infinite Life is my first IT project that I'm proud to announce.

It started back on April 5, 2014 from a small idea when I had created a multi-species RP on a planet I created called Denuo. I decided to make my own sort of "realm" of the planet, and that its theme would be based on nature, magic, the essence of life, and of course the infinite symbol. So then I dove into the IT source and months later brought out its first release. With much trial, error, and gaining of experience (not to mention tons of research), here we are now.

1.2.2 comes with many updates and fixes. These include:

- A new Default
- A working 'screenshots' folder
- PvP activated in Crater
- Staff are able to grow and shrink prey (Credit to Hyper and Redeye for the quick fix)
- Presets added and assigned
- New items (Credits for items and all other content are given in their proper thread on the forum)
- We zipped up our files to keep those pesky thieves away thanks to KITOZIP
- Sharper shadows (Credit to Jayse)
- Double jump with wings activated
- Crash fixes and bugs have been squashed

And more!

Eventually I'm hoping to create a body selector version and transfer all accounts over to that and continue to work on updates, but for now the game will be available on the FH Skinny Body in the oIT/KITO source.


Currently creating and editing a new trailer for the new year as well. Hoping to get it uploaded once I'm sure that there aren't any clips that are too long or aren't as interesting. Once I have it up, I'll post it here where this message is.

Thank you for reading!

Game Discussion / Re: RP Ideas are Falling?
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:35:06 am »
I have to agree with this post, actually.
Lately nothing seemed to interest me as much. It just almost seems like all of the different categories of roleplays are the same. They don't really have that "wow" factor that gives members motivation to jump in and join in on the fun.

I'm not saying that the group leaders/recruiters are doing a horrible job. Good gosh, no! All I'm saying is that sometimes it wouldn't hurt to just take your hands off of the keyboard and mouse, and brainstorm an interesting plot. A lot of people are impatient when it comes to this, however, and that's completely understandable! When people see large groups forming as they wander in... Say fluorite, we all know that we just want to make a group with the standard things so people don't get confused.
I just wonder: is it that much of a big deal to simply explain something new? Something that people may have never thought of? Surely it would interest them more, even in the tiniest bit.

Maybe, as Oceanwave mentioned, there could be this great Dragon roleplay, where the creator or volunteer took the time to create this exotic map. Floating islands and crystals, endless mountains with a flowing river, and for a twist there could be a set time before this world that they lived in suddenly "explodes"
Now don't just simply say "uses powers to protect the world from self-destructing". Even Spyro in 'Dawn of the Dragon' had to fit the peices of the puzzle before he found his purpose in the world.
Create a good antagonist in the plot! This is what truly keeps the roleplay interesting with good twists as turns. Have an epic battle and decide the fates or destinies of one another.

And remember, EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT. I cannot express this enough. There cannot be just one character who always takes the spotlight. Let others in the roleplay have a chance too! It makes them feel special, believe me.

Take your time when progressing through the roleplay. Yes, it will be slow at first. No, it won't always go the way you want it to. But that's why in a roleplay you must have one key thing, that I see most people miss.
You must have patience. You can't have a successful roleplay without it. Trust me when I say that if patience is involved, everything will turn out in the end. There is always a light at the end of a tunnel.

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest Things You've Done In-Game
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:59:59 pm »
One day I was in a bored state, and my friend was there with me when I decided to look at her character's biography. Then when I selected her character, I stopped a moment to pause and look at the "block" option.
Then it hit me.
I was at first sitting next to my friend, when I felt in a "trolling" mood and blocked her. Obviously at this point it would have looked like I had dissapeares, which was what I wanted. I then skooched over to the opposite side of her, and unblocked her, so it appeared as if I had teleported.
At first her expression was "waitwhat." Then I did it a second time, moving across from her and unblocked her again. She kept asking me how I was able to do it, and I just continued on doing it.
By the time I stopped I was in tears from laughing, as she was mad at me (perfectly understandable, I was being rude, after all)
After I finished and stopped laughing I told her how I was able to do it, and she later laughed about it as well.
There was another time where I had the lag glitch which made me become the "???" Person in a chat, appearing as if I was controlling her character. (This was with the same friend)
At first I was upset about this, because the map we had downloaded was giving me a hard time for me to get into.
Then I thought of something better.
Use this opportunity to my advantage.
I started up a conversation with her:
<???> Hello.
</Friend/> Why is your username ???
<???> What are you talking about?
</Friend/> ... Your username is ??? To me.
<???> Hmm.. I think you may have to restart your FH... Might be a bug.
</Friend/> Yeah.. Okay.
/Friend restarts, then comes back/
<???> Did it work?
</Friend/> No.
<???> Your computer might be broken.

I eventually told her, and when I did she had to get off for a bit because she had apparently felt stupid, but I knew it was just because she was laughing again.

Game Discussion / Re: Are all Mate Beggars like this?
« on: October 07, 2013, 11:52:12 pm »
Depends on how... desperate the person is for a mate. They can either be as you say, and rage about it afterwards, or they're a little embarrassed that they asked and walk away.
I've had this happen before, when I was on one of my characters. A person came up to me and sat beside me, then starting whispering me asking if I wanted to be their mate.
I tried to reject the offer as kindly as I could, and they simply said "Okay, thanks anyway." and walked away.
A useful tip is if you don't want any mate beggars, you can add into your biography that you're not interested in having a mate or (if pups/cubs are involved) offspring, as most people (or beggars in this case) are likely to read your biography first to make sure you're not... taken.
Why do they do it? I'm not entirely sure myself, but some people just want a mate faster than others who like a slow pace, or if they even want one at all.

All finished.
Feel free to post now.

RoaNE Pictures

Let's wrap this all up with a few pictures supplied by our members of RoaNE.

Images (c) bluesnow26, Arual, xxxraincloudxxx, and yourataco69

Contact Information

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Join our community here for all of the latest announcements and updates of the Role Play.
Please note that if you are not an actual member of RoaNE yet, it is advised you first fill out a form before registering on the forum, as the staff there check over the member list regularly and your account may be deleted if found you're not a member of the Role Play.
I am seen as 'kewlkiera/Pinestar SCL' on the forum.

Forum created and coded by kewlkiera.



PM me for my Skype username.
Please do not add me or anyone else of RoaNE unless completely necessary.

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I want to join - How to sign up

Simple, simply fill out this form and leave it in a reply,
and I'll get back to you as soon as I can with your results.

Code: [Select]
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