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Messages - Gargantor

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Game Discussion / Re: Den claiming issue >.>
« on: May 26, 2011, 12:57:35 pm »
Hmm.... had my share of these guys lately.
Once i was moving around with my lion. I went close to a den, and a pack of 10 or so wolves "blocked" me from the den entrace. So, as i was bored, i went and started to RP. Its actually not as bad if you are bored and want a good laugh. In the end others joined on my side and the pack left the den, the leader guess (sorry for the word) "butthurt" that i wouldnt leave, and im still asking them to let me in the den to rest.
They said its a private RP, so they wouldnt like me there. I suggested they better make their own map, or RP in group if it is that private.... brains guys... brains...

be careful guys. sometimes "den-claimers" are just RPing. ive come across many of these kind. they just want to spice up the boring RP with intruders, and wish for you to join. i was too first offended by these ppl, but then when i started to RP, i realized they too are just RPing, and dont mean harm.

In my free, boring time, i do like to go around the plains and approach every den to see how ppl would react. If there is no reaction, i leave, if they are harsh (like: gtfo wtf its our den! LEAVE!!!) then i stay and have fun... and watch them get furious, and curse their lungs out. Its fun. try it.

Thank you for posting this.
Hopefully 2 hyenas wont go up to my male lion and "rip him to shreds" as they like to say lol.
I just love it how much they like to bite me in the neck and kill me instandly. I mean comon... i dont have a mane for nothing. The mane protects the male lions neck from fatal bites actually that could kill them instandly.
Thats another reason male lions dont really want to try and bite their opponents in the neck (if the opponent is a male lion that is).

On the hyenas end:
there have been situations where hyenas hunted and succesfully killed female lions(looked up vids but not posting them. to graphic, and goory for young viewers). So females are in grave danger if they are alone or only 2-3 in a group and facing a pack of hyenas.
Plus hyenas when hunting or killing lions dont actually kill them. They tire them out, let them bleed, and eat them kind of alive. (hence why im not posting links).
So if a lion does get caught by hyenas.. they are in for great pain, and a slow death.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: May 25, 2011, 01:04:41 pm »
What annoyss me nowadays is the word "rp-begger".
I mean.... what?
I hate that word, considering its like youre compared to the mate-beggers and other annoying stuffs.
Looking for an RP is nothing bad.
And i do feel offended, because i do look for rps on general chat.
Once someone was looking for a lion rp on general, and someone else said : i hateee rp-beggers!
Excuse me....?
It is LOOKING for RP...
after all this game isnt there JUST for spamming the general chat with non-FH related stuff... but for RPs as well.
Why else was the general chat made for i ask?
So i told them back whats going on.
We argued for a while, they said they hate how ppl SPAM the general chat with these things.
i lol'd at that. Nothing is worse then how they spam it with sex,drugs etc related things...
And i suggested them... IF the "spam" of the general chat disturbs them sooo much. then turn it off! problem solved.
So in the end, they told me: i see you are trolling me then.... i ignore you.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / ideas-> chat, friends list
« on: May 20, 2011, 06:02:18 pm »
ive got a few ideas here regarding the chat, and some other minor things. maybe they would be more work but... its just an idea... ideas i got when playing other games.
okay lets list them, shall we:

1. notes at friends list: i dont know about you guys, but... sometimes i look at my friends list and its full with names i dont recognize.. i dont know where i met them, and im really not going to ask all of these ppl who they are and what rp we seen each other because im sure in 90% of these situations they wouldnt even know who I am.
So my idea: we should be able to write notes at the friends list. we could have an option to add additional details... like: rp title.. or character name so we dont forget.
2. "world chat": Its a bit annoying and time consuming that if i want to look for a RP, i have to go around all the maps and use the general chat everywhere... wouldnt it be much more comfortable if we just wrote on a chat type and everyone on every public map could see that? i guess it would. But of course there is the problem of ppl spamming it with non-FH related stuff. This chat could be only used for advertising rps/packs/prides and ppl can use it who are looking for these. Spam would be punished. (of course this would mean more work for the mods.... but maybe a few more mods could be on the maps then.)
3. "Chat History": well.. it could mean 2 things...
a) being able to look at the chat history pressing a button. Many times because of others spamming the chats im left behind in rps or in my own conversations. It would come in handy.
b) being able to send messages on the chat we posted earlier. Nothing is more annoying then when you are advertising a RP or something, and you have to write in the same thing over and over again... My idea would be: being able to use the text we sent earlier.... like, you click on the chat box, and instead writing inside something you press... lets see... the up arrow key, and the text you posted before appears. pressing it again, and the text even before that appears. pressing enter will post that message.
4. Names of friends on maps: its kinda confusing to have millions of dots on the map, and you dont know who where is? My idea would be: when you hover the mouse above a dot on the minimap, the name(user or character) of the said person would appear. No more confusion on where anyone of your friends is.

so what you guys think?

(sorry if some were suggested already.. i looked at the first page only of this forum section.)

Sorry if this post if a little mean but I'm just trying to make a point here... lol and this is my favorite part xD

"D- I can't play this game anymore, I quit.
*Well that's nice of you to give up on the suppose 'sh*tty community' that you YOURSELF been part of so long. And if you just joined, then just quietly leave because you're not helping us much at all make it better.( or running my mouth around claiming  that another game will be ' teh better erp derp' when it isn't even released yet .) But to be fair, from the way things are going I've thought of going into hiding myself, but instead I wanna try and improve it and make it better instead of b**ching about it.. (: *

E - Dimensions
1- As Gem said, this will make it even HARDER for in-game mods, there is not enough of them and none of them can be on all the dims at once. This is basically giving trouble makers more power to hide from mods.
2- "They aren't going to be added." ~ Kovu , the maker of the game
3- Kinda forces you to learn how to make a map and be creative like the game is about, durhur."

but in all seriousness... Those are great suggestions and honestly, if you want to be whiny or b*tchy, then go for it. The block button still works, the Mods will eventually hear about it, and IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. If you're being picked on, let it go! You may never see them again, you will never meet them in real life, honestly "rub some dirt in it" and toughen up!
It builds character if you are the better person and you just ignore it. Whining and complaining and reporting just gives the bully what they want: ATTENTION. They want to get a rise out of you, so just let it go and don't feed the fire!

disaggree. you just sound like you say irl:
oh look boys harssing a girl, maybe they will hurt her... then shout:
hey girl! just ignore them,  no worries if they hit you, they ill get bored eventually, and if you go to police it wont do anything because they will be harassingn you more...
this just sounded so wrong...
see the problem?
this is the problem with kinds, teens and some adults.
They just ignore it because they never were victim to such a thing.
they find even fun in this.
dont tell me that irl life doesnt have to do anything with this...
trust me.. if you ignore stuff here.. there is a super huge chance you do the same thing irl. and it does more damage.
now just tell me... would you just stand there and watch how those boys beat up that girl?

about mods being spammed with ppl asking stuffs, and reporting everything and seek attention while pressing the "report to mod" button: have a punishment for that.
just an example:
spamming mod in work: 1 days bann
pressing "report to mod" without anything happening: 2 days bann.

Totally agreeing to Wall of Shame. Could stop some ppl.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Keyboard icon bug
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:12:45 pm »
i dont think you can actually make games for american or european or any settings...
many games are made and none seems to show this problem...
most are made in america, and sometimes even the guide shows american keyboard settings, but no problem on the european keyboard... Its just sometimes its annoying how the "z" and "y" is swapped. if i dont look on FH, and this glitch happens, i am tzping this waz and its annozing. and ppl look at me like im some idiot o.O

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Keyboard icon bug
« on: May 09, 2011, 08:44:25 pm »
ive got the same problem. i have to restart sometimes every 5 mins or only 2 times in ahour. completely random when it pops up. i did mention it at a thread called book of glitches, but didnt really get a response.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ban notification system
« on: May 09, 2011, 08:31:42 am »
I think cursing should be allowed.. If they put in a chat filter that you can toggle on/off, the banning for cursing would be fixed. That's probably what I got banned for. Was on last night whispering a friend, come on this morning, "Banned 3 days"
-.- I mean, yes, there are kids who play this, but there are also older people who don't give a ___ about cursing.

Im one of those "older ppl" and yet i do care about it. Im choosing my words carefully, and like quality rps.
Basically the only thing we need is frequent mod visits in bonefire and plains (though im sure there are already)... and maybe a list of rules somewhere... and that clicking-on-name-at-chat-and-shows-random-char should be fixed as soon as possible. Things would be oh soo much easier.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Im done.
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:50:14 am »
Well, for all those who hate WQ bashing, thats really something you cant get away from on this site. Since half the community seems fed up with WQ's ridiculous chat rules. (I am too and thats the reason I dont play it anymore) I get offended when people bash my fav games but hey, we're all intitled to our opinion and if we dont like WQ we dont like WQ. Nothing we can do about it. You like what you like and you dont like what you dont like.

then be nice and polite and hate somewhere else, or privately. after all, here are players who actually like that game and are offended by that.

anyway... back on topic.
i do agree on your opinion about the "public humiliation".
i see it in a few games. 
...i wanna laugh...
But i do agree with ppl that some would take it as offensive against their own person... well.. at least they wouldnt do it again? less problem to take care of...
its not like i said that because it would solve the problem.. just an idea for another interesting topic somewhere.
i dont know the real extent of the problem or how bad it can be, as it only happened to me 2 times... maybe we do need such a thread to see how bad it actually is... we can only speculate.

@Wudiin and others i forgot:
basically the chat-displays-anothers-page thing is not only a problem at reporting and blocking.... but actually find someone to join a group who advertised, you see an interesting name and want to read the bio or actually just the bio of someone beside you... i somehow always click wrong on the chars...
it would be awesome if it would work again... it would make many things easier.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Im done.
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:31:02 pm »
Spamming is easily solved by blocking a person, which you can either do by clicking them on the chat, or manually.
just pointing it out again:
clicking on names rarely work. they show me in 98% of the time a random persons page. this makes easy reporting and blocking an annoying try-to-click-on-the-right-spot-on-the-char ritual.
such threads about spamming and this will go down once its actually fixed, and ppl can easily block/report.

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