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Messages - xShadex

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Species / Edhal Huan Species
« on: February 25, 2012, 06:51:34 pm »
Edhal Huan
Translates to Elf Dog

EDIT:: The Group and Map are done!! I will pm you guys the link!!
The Group
You can see our map HERE!


Kermen Island used to hold all sorts of magical, mysterious wonders. The species that even lived there were magical, including the Edhal Huan's ancestors, the Templa Huan, which means Magic Dog. They were a peaceful species, with beautiful bright color markings, but it didn't last. Another species arose and hunted the Templa Huan, the Gurtha Rauko, which means Death Demon. They hunted the Templa Huans to near extiention, but the remaining Templa Huans got together and cast a spell, with their dying breaths, they changed the species into the now existing Edhal Huan. The Edhal Huan chased the Gurtha Rauko off the island, claiming Kemen just for them. But will the Gurtha Rauko one day  return..?

Edhal Huan are a pack oriented species, the pack is the most important thing. They will defend it with everything they have. They are loyal, but not to the point to have blind trust. They are wary of other species, and rarely ever come to trust them. They can rarely ever exist peacefully in a mixed species pack, they usually must have another Edhal Huan near them. Nor will they usually go off on their own. They are intense fighters, and all Edhal Huan are fighters. With the island, Kemen, they hail from, they learned to climb trees, even grew to build cave and dens in or under trees. They prefer the sky to the ground. They do not bark, they can only yip, snarl, yowl, or chirp, much like a cheetah.

The Edhal Huan always have a brown pelt, and underbelly. They will usually have elbow and rump tufts, and sport a back and head mane. Their manes are either the color of their underbelly or pelt. They have many body and tail marking variations, but only a few face markings, (such as: Swirl, Spiral, Skeleton [RARE], Celtic, Butterfly, Diamond Back, Simple Stripe, Eye Stripe 1 + 2, Eye Blaze, Eye Patch, Cheek Spots, Orbs, Starry, and Freckles 1 + 2.) Their ears are always sharp, (Either Sharp or Pitbull). They have very slim tails, (Either Thin Tail or Cat Tail). Their noses are almost always black. Their eyes can be any color, and shape, and their tail tips match the eye color. They are medium sized, the males usually being bigger than the females. They are skinny, from their years of climbing trees. They can live up to 500 years of age, with immunity to many diseases and viruses.

Upon Kemen only a few species remain, and they were twisted by the island's magic long ago. The Edhal Huan only hunt the Taure, a deer like species, the Menel, a bird species, the Shae, a fish species, and the Ndor, a reptile species. They hunt in small groups. They hunt by stalking their prey, chirping instructions to each other (in a very low frequency the prey doesn't hear), and then attack as a group. Rarely do they hunt alone, or only when fishing.

Mating Season: (Warning: Might Be Graphic)
Mating season comes in the Autumn, when the weather is cooling down.

A male Edhal Huan reaches sexual maturity after their 3rd year.They will chirp, and fluff up their pelt to attract a female. Their tail color will become brighter, and they will put on some weight. They will hold battles to see who gets the best female. They will throw themselves at each other, biting ans snapping. The heavist male will usually win.

A female Edhal Huan reaches sexual maturity after their 5th year. Their noses will go to a bright red color, and they will chirp loudly. They will slim down some, and will usually get a fluffier tail.

The Mating:

 Please fill out the form below to adopt one.
 (Also, I would prefer if you use this translator if you want to use Elvish, just so we use the same dialect: Elvish Translator)

Code: [Select]
[img]Full body shot image url here[/img]
[b]Name:[/b] (Prefers name to be in Elvish, but it doesn't have to be.)
[b]Name Translation:[/b] (leave blank if not in Elvish.)
[b]Parents:[/b] Father x Mother
[b]Siblings:[/b] Sisters:   Brothers:
[b]Short Bio:[/b]

Game Discussion / Re: RP Fighting, and How To Fix It
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:13:41 pm »
Like, how do you state a range or know when to attack or dodge? I might just be over thinking this..

Forum Discussion / Re: ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, Lawful Access...
« on: January 28, 2012, 04:35:09 am »
I'm sorry, but the "Internet blackout" just proves we can survive just fine without our lovely internet. Shows that if all the sites "Protesting" shut down, it isn't the end of the world. This is the most reverse protest I've ever seen and it proves nothing.

" Oh hey guys, they're going to censor the internets? Durrr, lets just shut off the sites they want us to censor for a day, that'll teach them". Completely backwards.

Instead of turning off your website and annoying dozens of people, how know... writing a letter to congress instead? How about proving there is value in the site remaining up?

Ung, I'm frustrated by this nonsense.

I do not support SOPA by any means, but I do feel there are better ways to deal with it and protest it than proving people can survive without the sites they are trying to censor.

I don't care if you live under a freaking rock! Guess what! You like Youtube? It's American. Like Facebook? American. Mibba? American. Wikipedia? American. DeviantArt? American. ACTA or PIPA passes, you loose all of these sites and more. Yes you can use them, but guess where the servers are, go on. That's right American.

So stop complaining about not being able to sign the petition and go out and call your embassy. Do something, cause guess what, these bills are national. You could be next, act now and you might not be in our shoes.

I know alot of international people, on, Youtube, Facebook and such. We pass the bill? Kiss 'em goodbye.

Kay, I am off my soap box for now. ^_^

Species / Re: .:Johari Mzimu:. ~The Jewel Ghosts~ [With Pictures!]
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:27:00 am »
D: Im sorry I haven't been active! School has been kicking my can!

Species / Re: Snowy Lion.
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:24:12 am »
Sweet! Im joining!! XD

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: Reporting People. Easy as 1-2-3!!
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:18:33 pm »
There is already a thread made for this, under Rules and Official Information. As well as the Administrators available to send such information.
Yup, but for some reason people never look there and instead either post "THIS PERSON IS MEANN!!11" or something similar in the game discussion section.
  Now see? This kid understands my reasoning!! Windance. You are my hero!

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: Reporting People. Easy as 1-2-3!!
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:19:42 am »

FeralHeart is not ruined. It won't ever be ruined if people will just try this. It only takes 3 steps, and just a few minutes.


If it does, then the mods will move it I am sure. :3

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Reporting People. Easy as 1-2-3!!
« on: January 06, 2012, 09:46:25 pm »
Reporting People
Easy as 1-2-3!!
Okay, so many have asked: "Why don't the mods ban those people or 'trolls'?", "Why aren't the mods here?", "What can I do to report this 'troll'?!". Well here is your answers!! The mods have lives, (shocking right?!), they have school, boyfriends, girlfriends, ect. They can't be on every second of the day. Now so far, the report button in the game? It doesn't work yet, so please don't try that. Here is what you do need to do though:

~Step 1: Ask the offender to stop, nicely! Nice is the key.
~Step 2: If the offender does not stop after being asked, do not proceed to attack them. Just calmly take a screenshot of them. Make sure to get the username in the shot! (Don't worry it saves in your screenshot folder, just go into you FeralHeart folder in your game and there should be a folder titled 'screenshots'.)
~Step 3: Just PM one of your mods with the screenshot evidence, explain the situation a bit, and you have just reported a 'troll'.

Blocking People
A few simple rules

~Rule 1: Now some reports are to tame, such as someone just trying to use a den or being in the same area as you, with that you just block them.
~Rule 2: After you report them block them to help stop any further "trolling".
~Rule 3: If they keep bugging you about joining your RP and you said no, just block them.
~Rule 4: If you feel like you shouldn't report them cause it would waste the mod's time, block them.

It's simple guys. All that needs to be done is the few steps and rules and I am sure we can clean up FeralHeart!

 Happy roleplaying everyone!!

Game Discussion / Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:43:12 pm »
Neither does just expecting the mods to so it! The point of the reporting is to stop it, not just complain about it! The reporting system we have, if people would just stop being lazy and do it, is effective! The point of the game os to have fun, not stalk every troller out there.

     Mods I'm pretty sure aren't PAID for their services, and they aren't supposed to babysit us. We are obligated to behave as at least young adults, and advise others to do the same. When we see someone behaving horribly and breaking rules, it is our duty to not just turn our heads and hope "a mod will deal with it." Just like in real life, Police aren't around every corner stalking us. It is up to call, aka screenie the issues and file a report to our "authorities."

Thank you for understanding! No one want's to be a leader here! Well I am!

Game Discussion / Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:47:57 am »
Again with the just report it? OK, mods I love you all so much. Your great people. But saying 'We can't be there all the time, just report it ^^' doesn't help. I know, you do have lives. But, whats the point of this game, if we don't have a good reporting system. OK lets say there is... 10 reports on the hour, every hour. thats 240 reports a day! There needs to be more mods. So people feel...well safer.

Anyways, I agree with this topic -lemoostache-

Neither does just expecting the mods to so it! The point of the reporting is to stop it, not just complain about it! The reporting system we have, if people would just stop being lazy and do it, is effective! The point of the game os to have fun, not stalk every troller out there.

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