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Messages - iceheart999

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Application Sheet
Name: Kori
Nicknames: She has none. Kori is Kori.
Gender: 'Why do you need to know?' Slap female on her.... though some males have high-pitched voices.
Age: You can call her ageless because of what she is. She's only 13 in a human-based system.
Rank: 'Hmmm~ you decide~' She is a civilian. Definately not a meister.

Personality: (Simply tagging here.)
Prone to becoming irritated or pouty.
She is proud of her species, the Kitsune.
Likes: Sno Cones (A type of semi-sweet chocolate candy)
Liquid (Frozen, evaptorated, or not)
Steak (Well-cooked)
Dislikes: Salad
Raw meat
Strengths: She's stronger at night when battling with fists and such.
Her ears. They're your basic radar systems.
Her two fists and feet. Don't let looks fool you; she packs a (tiny) punch.
Weaknesses: She's weaker at day.
Her ears. Don't let her remarks about them being completely senseless fool you. They are sensitive and very, very ticklish.
Her tails. They hurts like hell when pulled.
Her curiousity.


Right eye color: Icy blue
Left eye color:  ^
Hair style/color: Her hair is a pure white, and turns a slightly silverish color at the ends, which reach her back.
Clothing: A white, thin-strapped sundress.
Accessories: A small silver locket is worn at all times.
Scarring: A small scar runs across her left cheek.
Other form: She isn't a weapon, but she has another form, which is that of a twin-tailed, white fox.
(Hope this is alright, Oka. As you can see, I didn't go overboard with powers. And she had no control over fire or ice. I promise.)

((Night is basically waiting outside *will wait for them to get outside before I post.))

Stories / Re: Sweet As Honey, Book 1 [WIP][Come check it out :)]
« on: May 18, 2012, 03:09:33 am »
Moremoremoremoremore! I must read MOOORE. *q*

She nodded, "Okay! I gotta go deal with some stuff first." She nudged the money into her almost-full moneybag. "I'll see you there!", she said, racing off with it. She then deposited it into the Persian bank once she got there. Racing back, the Zorua darted into her tent, grabbing a few empty baskets before walking out. She walked the entire way to the beach.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:09:12 pm »
Airi looked around, before scooping Dodomon up and hopping on the huge fox-like digimon. She now pulled out her digivice as Dodomon said something to her that was to low to hear.

The young fox-like pokemon popped out the small tent behind the stand. "Hello Metis! I just got a new batch of oran berries in. There are still a few Pecha berries left. Let me go get them for you!" She shuffled back into the tent before bringing out two sweet-smelling baskets. "Take your pick on the best ones!" Of course, these two baskets were the oran berry stock. Each basket had at least enough berries in one to last over at least more than a month combined. "Each oran berry is 1 Poke', like always!" She smiled at the Vulpix, obviously happy. Well, she was always happy, but today everyone seemed in a good mood, so that made her happier.
For such a young zorua, Night had learned the ways of buisness fast. Her little tent served as a home as well as a storage place. Each basket was once in the pelliper post office from carrying letters that had not been took to their destination yet. However, when one wore down, Night took it and mended it. With so many baskets, she was able to pick for hours at a time. She had at least ten that were empty as of now, and five full of berries, excluding the two with just oran berries.
"Do you have anything, well, important to do after this?" She asked Metis. "It's just, i want to get as many baskets as I can filled tonight." She let out a sigh, "It's a bit hard to do it alone."

Name: Night
Pokemon Species: Zorua
Gender: Female
Position: Team Member (To be a), for now is a shopkeeper.
Other Characters*: None
History/Past*: Her mother was killed by a fissue opening up. Using a Pellipers guidance, who knew her mother was gone and decided to help her, she found her way to the town this is centered on. She makes a living off picking berries and sellling them.
Personality*: She is a scared, shy Zorua who likes to help others and see people smile. She hasn't got a mean bone in her body... yet. She seems to always like to help people.
Theme*: Hey there delilah lyrics
Other: She has red eyes and where her markings end there are speckles of the same color as them. She also wears a red amulet that has something etched in it, it is supposedly her mothers.
Extra: Taco Burrito Man

Stories / To the Rythm (Akari's full backstory, part 1) (WIP)
« on: May 01, 2012, 02:45:45 am »

A small, cream color, almost golden fox pounced on a black and white one playfully. She was quickly pinned down. "Got ya!" The black and white one said proudly. They both giggled, before the golden-like one spoke up. "Hey, we'll always be the best of sisters, right?" "Right" The other one giggled. Both were interrupted by an older kitsune's voice, in which the kitsune, a female, was pure white. "Come now, it's time to eat." ""Okay momma!"" The two said in usion, the black one getting up off her sister, who rolled to her paws afterwards. They raced to the small house, giggling and jumping. They then turned to a more human form, only their ears and tail showing, before entering the house, where they sat down at a table and began to eat.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:51:57 am »
Dodomon leapt from the slightly startled Airi's arms, "Sure! My names Dodomon!" Airi smiled slightly. "Hey, you know... I have a clubhouse. We could meet there if we befriended any other tamers. My parents do have a tendacy to be out the house almost all day. Either that or we could move the stuff in the cave, though I don't think a mini-fridge would work out here. Much less it'd be too heavy to carry" She was referring to the small, battery-powered fridge that was able to hold a few drinks and snacks in her small relaxaion place. "Though we'd have to carry the chairs and table out too... that would make some kids and grown-ups suspicious on what we were doing with them." She giggled, "So, I guess it's my place we could meet up at! It's not too far from the park."

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 29, 2012, 12:49:56 am »
((True... I don't believe Okami's posting here anymore though... if she was she would have done so a long time ago))

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