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Messages - duna the killer

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(Lol Evil Computers XD)

Darkstar looked at Lizardleap when she asked him about who'd be leader if him and Wolfheart both died. "I.." He took a while to think. Who would be the next leader if him and Wolfheart lost their lives? Darkstar thought. "Silvermoon. If we both lose our lives.. Silvermoon has my permission to become leader." He then raised his voice, "If anycat needs me, I will be in my den." Darkstar snatched up a mouse and trotted to his den. They would soon have to go to Shimmerclan and ask for their help.

Rosepetal, Wishdawn, and Falcontalon were eating together. The trio was silent, even the battle-ready Falcontalon was as quiet as the mouse he was eating. It was quite obvious they wanted to spend time together before the battle. Falcontalon spoke up, "Well, I dunno about you all, but this mouse is certainly not the last meal I wanted to have. I've tasted better." They all smiled and Wishdawn laughed a little. But it was true. The mouse's meat tasted bland. Was it because of the dread of the upcoming battle?

That actually kinda matches XD And I just remembered I had two good warriors I forgot about :I))

Darkstar looked at all the cats gathering. He sighed inwardly. These cats didn't know the bad news yet. He tooka breath, and mewed loudly, "Everycat, a possible battle is coming. Wolfheart and Shadowstripe have possibly been captured by Sunstar. I don't know this for sure, but we must treat this as if it is. I will take a battle patrol, meet up with our ally, Shimmerclan, and hopefully Jungleclan too, and take our combined clans to Brokenclan, and hopefully teach them that they aren't all powerful. The cats going with me on the battle patrol are: Me, Foxstorm, Silvermoon, Bloodclaw, Firestripe, Wishdawn, Falcontalon, Moonglow, Lightningscar, and Rosepetal. Lizardleap, you will bring your herbs. This battle will be hard and we will need you to try to heal our injuries if there is a battle. Get ready, feed up, rest up, this battle won't be easy."

Rosepetal was shocked hearing that a Cloudclan warrior AND their own deputy were stolen by Brokenclan. She wasn't even shocked Darkstar announced she was coming on the Battle patrol. He obviously wanted to fight beside her. But a little feeling in her stomach kept her nervous.

Wishdawn and Falcontalon were sitting side by side when their father announced they were going to battle. Falcontalon was more than ready, but Wishdawn was more hesitant. It was their first battle. But they would have Shimmerclan and hopefully Jungleclan on their side.

Lightningscar dug his claws into the soil, imagining it was Brokenclan flesh. Oh, he was ready for battle! Moonglow was ready too. She wanted to take back their warrior and deputy. Brokenclan had no right to hold them prisoner!

Forum Games / Re: Give the person above you a nickname
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:35:45 pm »
Ninja dude

Forum Games / Re: You know you're addicted with Feralheart when...
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:18:39 pm »
Me: "Hey, you doing anything tonight?"
Friend: "No..why?"

You know you're addicted to Feralheart when you make your pets/family as characters I did that once XD

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:14:56 pm »


Forum Games / Re: The Last Post Wins!
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:11:39 pm »


Nebula was at the bank, redeeming a check a friend gave her. She looked over as a blue and white wolf and some of his followers set off a bomb and ran out, bags of money clenched In Their jaws. The wolf and his gang ran off, and mere seconds later the SWAT and Police arrived. Nebula stood, jaw slightly agape as the police and SWAT investigated everywhere. Nebula slunk out and flew to her house, which was several blocks away. She landed by her door and rand inside, using the key around her neck. Nebula ran into her house and locked the door. {Dang it..} Nebula had forgotten the groceries!

"Darkstar's eyes widened as Lizardleap announced that Spiritkit and Silvermoon were shone to her at the Moonpool. Bu the part that scared him the most was 'The Dark will be lightened by the Sun'. Sunstar would make an attempt on his life... and sometime soon it sounded like. His blue eyes seemed distant, and Lizardleap whispering "Sunstar must betaken down.." snapped him back to reality. He looked at her. "Wolfheart had gone after Bluekit. If Bluekit went to Brokenclan and Wolfheart followed her, he will no doubt be in trouble. We and our ally, Shimmerclan, will launch a huge attack on Brokenclan. If Starclan tell me I am going to die, die fighting. You will also be coming Lizardleap, but you will stay on the sidelines, healing Cloudclan and Shimmerclan warriors." Darkstar nodded, then leapt and jumped onto highrock.

"I need everycat, large and small, to gather for a meeting of up most importance!"

(You are accepted! Let's start! Also guys, I will make Fraener currently controllable, but not as a character. I will also add some more things to the map.)


Cloudrunner was flying through her floating island. Cloudrunner was a young dragon, only about 35 to 40 years old. But she had her own island! And it was actually pretty good sized one two! Cloudrunner had found it by accident, when the owner was dying and needed to give it to another dragon. Cloudrunner lightly landed and explored a bit. After all, it was so big some parts were simply unexplored. After a while she came across a bush of berries. She plucked a few berries and popped them into her mouth.

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