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Messages - whitesnow

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Game Discussion / Re: Friends that really aren't your friends.
« on: February 22, 2013, 09:34:00 pm »
I agree with you, Thrillex. I had a lot of issues like this in RL even now when my 'best friend' is trying to steal my crush from me! I-I think he likes her too and I think i'm too late, I know him WAY better than SHE does, he doesn't understand that I'm the one for him, It's not fair. :'( I also honestly feel like i'm a bad friend, Thrill which I don't wanna be, I really don't. If the person you're talking about is me, I am very sorry for being inactive and I'll talk to you more. If 'm not well, correct me.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Meurtrier Pride (OPEN)
« on: February 22, 2013, 07:28:45 pm »
True, thanks WG for the advice. -hugs-

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Meurtrier Pride (OPEN)
« on: February 22, 2013, 11:52:20 am »
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Mate: Icarus (Jaaku Clan)
Parents: Nathan x Anna
Personality: Caring, Ruthless at times, Protective of pride and Underestimated
Status: 100% Healthy

Caylis| whitesnow

Rank: -Warrior-
Roleplay Sample: -The lioness bolted through Shadow Veldt, her claws unsheathed, she was prepared to hunt down whatever stood in her way. The 'ess leaped, tackled her prey-- a rabbit-- and took it's life with a bite with her fangs. She snorted, she wanted something else to do than to just hunt rabbits, she wanted to actually achieve something. "Pathetic!" she growled, picking up the lifeless body of the rabbit and brought it back to camp. Brynneth would make sure that she'd please everyone.-

Security question: -How many characters are you able to have? Hint: Visit the LAWS- 5

Lucy nuzzled him. "She won't be here for a while but I won't dare bring the alliance between us to doom. Besides she has her pride to look after it."

Lucy zoomed after him as she whined. "They're gone now, you can stay if you wish." She looked at him with hope. He would be the only member who understood her, unlike the others. Her other family members were all about killing Aerialin. She honestly didn't see what was wrong with them!

Lucy watched her brother and yelped. "Jake!" She whipped around and growled, her eyes blazing gold fire. "I think you should leave. Now."

Lilith was shocked, as she barked. "Young lady!" Lucy, however didn't need her mother to tell her what to do, besides she was leader of DarkClan. "NOW." she growled.

Her mother obeyed and zoomed through the forest, thinking with concern. What if Lucy and Jacob turned their back on her and the circle? Then she'd only have Luna and Altador!

Lucy gasped and made a purring-like noise. "Of course you can! You don't even have to ask, walk on our borders anytime you wish. If any wolf dare disobey me, they will be punished." (Who's in DarkClan?)

Lilith landed, her golden eyes gleaming with pride. Her daughter was leader of her ally! She swooped down and furled her wings. "Greetings, Lucy."

Lucy gasped. "Mother!"

(Hawkpath and I have a site for TAP and TBC! :D)

Other Games / Re: ~ Last Moon ~ Released! - Impressive Title Server.
« on: February 20, 2013, 08:46:22 pm »
Kenta! It's whitesnow! <3

Lucy gasped. "Oh! I am sorry, dear one. I am Lucy, leader of DarkClan and this is my brother Jacob, he's part of an ally of ours, The Bloodred Circle as well as my other siblings." She looked at the new alpha. "I shall let you pass unlike the other loners that stalk our borders."

Lucy gasped at her brother. "Jake?!?!" She ran up to him and nuzzled him. "What are you doing here? How's mother and father?" She looked at the loner. "You can trust him, Jake."

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