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Messages - WolfBrother

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Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 16, 2013, 03:20:33 pm »
8/10 Love the quote.
& Thanks, we rescued him about 5 years ago, he my big baby! :)


Dean Martin

As Dean walked in the direction they had came with Delia in his arms he felt a slight jump and hear Delia yawn. "Are you sure? ... OK." Dean mumbled before setting Delia gently on her feet, and catching her as she almost stumbled. After Delia was able to manage on her own, they continued their journey, the silence was broken when Delia thanked him for carrying her and cleaning her wounds. "You're welcome..." At first Dean thought about asking her what the hell happened, but, quickly thought otherwise, he already knew it had to do something with patrollers or what not.

 When Dean's ears heard the sound of Delia's voice talk about how pretty the sunset was he felt her hand wrapped around his. When she looked up to admire it's beauty, Dean kept his eyes on hers, "Yeah, sure is." He admitted while smiling at her. Before she spoke again he looked straight ahead, not sure if she noticed him staring at her out of the corner of her eye. "I agree." He barked as they continued to move forward.

As they reached the shed and opened the squeaky door, Delia started to lecture him into resting, he nodded, knowing their was no way of talking her out of anything. It was one of the things he liked most about her, but would never tell. "Alright, if you insist." He barked playfully before laying his head down on his backpack next to Delia's sleeping bag. Their faces were inches apart when she wished him to sleep well. "You too." He smiled back, before rolling onto his back with his right arm suppoting his head and closing his eyes.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 16, 2013, 06:25:59 am »
8/10 Haha :)

((Haha, no worries. And your post is fine by the way. :) ))

Dean Martin

A few moments after Dean had laid down he was out cold, I guess you could say he was more tired than he thought. As the Marksman had fell into a deep sleep the world around him had disappeared and he started to picture the world how it once was. It was like he was looking through another man's eyes when a picture of him and Alice showed, they were holding hands while sitting on the tailgate of his truck, Ana-Lucia was with her boy toy, Jack next to them. Things seemed to be perfect you could say. As the dream Dean went to kiss his girlfriend, he paused. Soon, Delia was standing behind Alice a couple of yards away, uncontrollably, he walked towards her not hesitating to lean in for a kiss, when he snapped out of it. He wasn't aware of the guns fired nor what was happening to Delia, not until he saw her rushing through the door and flinging her arms around him.
 At first he was shocked at the site, speechless. "What the hell happened to you!?" He demanded as he followed Delia to her knees, her head on his chest. When she warned them about they were coming, who knew exactly who she meant. "No, you're not fine. You need to rest." He argued as Delia tried to persuade him into believing she was OK. When she finally came to her senses and rested, Dean took it upon himself to tear pieces of the bed's sheet and wrap it around her leg, just over her bullet wound. It won't heal it, but it will stop the bleeding a bit. For the gash on her forehead, he managed to find a half bottle of Alcohol and a rag. Instead of pouring the Alcohol, he damped the rag and gently patted the wound. He saved the Alcohol for later used, perhaps when she is awake.

 As Delia laid passed out on the bed, Dean went ahead and packed the bags, grabbing all the supplies they brought with them, and the ones Delia had snagged with Food, water, and medicine. He could tell by the way Delia was positioned that she was out cold, and probably won't wake up for a good while, but he also knew they must head out, at least if they wanted a good lead. So, he swung the bags onto his back, places a few inside each other to save room, and lifted her into his arms before nudging the door open and heading back home.

((If you want me to change something, just let me know.))

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 16, 2013, 05:23:19 am »
8/10 He so cute!


Dean Martin

Dean threw his head back while laughing a bit, "Right.." He said looking down at where Delia had laid out her sleeping bag. As Delia argued for Dean to take the bed he gave a her a soft eyebrow lift, thinking that it was big enough for the both of them. But, he also believed it would be inappropriate to say so, and Dean wasn't that type of guy, at least not anymore. Dean's eyes couldn't help but follow as Delia walked out to the balcony, sighing in a bit of relief as he saw the moon still high in the sky.

He gave a her a soft look as she spoke about the cold weather, nodding his head in agreement. "I don't know..." Dean admitted, returning the look to Delia. As she asked him what he would have done if things didn't happen how they did, he looked to the ground. "I was in the Navy Seals, wanted to settle down with the woman I had loved. But..." At this point Dean was holding tears back, he never spoke about what had happened a week before Ana-Lucia offered him a job on the Raiderz team. As Delia opened up about how she wished she could started a family, Dean wrapped his arms around her waist and wiped away the tear that had wandered from her eye. 'Kiss her you idiot! Do it now.' He yelled at himself. He wanted too, but, then the thought of Alice creeped into his mind. The way he felt when the patrollers took her captive and how he failed to rescue her. Deep down Dean knew he had to let her go, but he just wasn't ready. 6 months wasn't enough time to get over someone you had loved for 5 years, not for Dean. "Right..." Dean nodded before heading back inside.
'Dammit' he thought after he passed up the opportunity to lay one on her. Dean was blind to see Delia's true feelings for him, and the ones he had towards her was undefined to him, he wasn't sure what he felt, but, he knew it was something for sure.

Dawn Marie Martin

As Dawn was playing with a few other kids her age, she felt a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. Sure enough, Dawn vomited up her dinner before fainting to the wet and muddy ground. "Help!" One of the kids screamed, couple of seconds later Dotty ran over who was just next door in one of the tents. "Oh my god, someone, go find Ana-Lucia. Quick!" She ordered as she lifted Dawn into her arms and hurrying to the living room, laying her down softly on the old and dusty couch. She felt her forehead while the other kids were telling what had happened, although, Dotty wasn't a nurse or doctor, she knew Dawn was burning up and she had a temperature.
The elder lady rushed to find a rag or something she could get wet to place it on the young girl's head to cool her off, until Ana arrived.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 15, 2013, 02:15:56 am »

@ Kiaz: Same, I have loved wolves since I can remember.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:59:22 pm »


Dean Martin

Dean stayed crouched behind the shrub along with Delia until the soldiers were in their truck and out of sight. "I believe so.." He agreed with Delia's comment about luck being on their side. He couldn't help but smile at Delia enthusiasm when they saw the tops of buildings in the distance. "Alright.." He laughed, by the way she spoke, Dean knew he was talking about him. What could you say? He likes to impress the ladies.

When they arrived to the city, Dean hesitated. He knew this place, at least, he thinks he does. There was no doubt that he had been here before but he just couldn't put his finger on it. But then it hit him, this was his home, this this where it all started. Where he met Ana, where he went to school, Dawn being bown, and when he had his first love. As Dean tried to fight the memories of everything that came rushing back into his mind he heard Delia's speak about how this place wasn't picked dry already. "Yeah... It's weird." He agreed. As they watched the night sky Dean thought it would have been a good time to kiss her again, but, he chickened out. When they reached the hotel room and noticed there was only one bed he heard Delia sigh and say he could have it. "No," he paused, "You have the bed. I don't need a comfortable place to close my eyes. Besides, Some one has to keep watch. I can go days without sleep and still manage a 20 mile hike. You sleep." He demanded nicely, even given a small smile.


Dean Martin

Dean looked forward towards the rising sun, unaware that Delia was smiling at him and of her crush. When it came to the opposite sex, Dean was very...Unpredictable, I guess some would say. Only Ana-Lucia knows why, most have even thought they would end up together in the long run, but they both made it clear towards one another that their love is more along the lines as a sibling. "I agree, but we have to move fast and cat like." He joked and began to walk at Delia's pace. "Alright.." He implored. As they walked a little further Dean heard the same engine as Delia and the both went prone, "I wasted a clip in both of them.."

After a moments hesitation Dean remembered. "Oh -Removed by Moderator-, the guy I straggled, I didn't have time to check his pulse, the other two were fixing to open fire in the hole you were in." He stated. Seconds later Delia mentioned about a shrub as she pointed to his right and the began to crawl silently. When the reached it, they both sat up, next thing he knew Delia's lips her brushing against his. He could tell she was embarrassed by the sound of her voice and how she couldn't find the words to say. All Dean could do was smirk, "Alright..." He agreed.

Dawn Marie Martin

Dawn's stomach growled when she heard Dolly call that dinner was ready, they are only served 3 meals a day since there isn't that much. After she finished her soup and bread Ana-Lucia moved her to the sofa so she could stand, Dawn watched as she exited the room, always wondering where she wanders to..."Grown up stuff." She heard a voice call from beside her, it was James, another Trainee;he had blonde hair and beep green eyes. "I wish I was a grown up..." Dawn said in a sweet voice as she watched everyone around her eat their dinner and talk.
"It has it's up and downs." He explained before he got up and ventured off.
As morning started to come Dawn raced off to find something to keep her busy for awhile until Dean made it home, safely. 

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