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Messages - wolfie1000

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Are you still making presents for people? And after your done making the "customer's" present how do you send it to them?

Discussion Board / Re: A new Erin Hunter series
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:37:45 am »
Awesome can't wait to read this series! :D

   (thats the pic of the dog up there)

Name:Kodiak (Koda for short )


Age:2 and 6 months (2 1/2 )

Breed of dog: Collie/Shepard

 Body modifications: Has a scratch/scar going down her front right leg, (sorry it wouldnt let me put the picture on here )The collar was made from black leather, it had spikes on the collar, the spikes were about one inch apart from each other.

History:Kodiak was born as a stray, her mom was a collie and her dad was a german shepard. Her mom was adopted out by a family and her dad was taken in to be in the dog fighting. She was only 3 months old when this happend, her siblings were also adopted, as they looked more healthy and dependable, kodiak was just a shaggy little mutt as the people said when she walked by them on the streets. Kodiak was walking along the streets when she saw a van moving along the road, she heard the yowling and the cries of dogs, she made a dumb decision and decided to follow the van. Later on she walked around the building the van had stopped at. It was pouring down rain, and all of the sudden a man comes behind her and ropes her, she tried to run away but the man yanked her and put a muzzle on her, before you know it she was in the building of horror.

How long have you been in dog fights?:2 weeks


Mate: None

What dog is awesome?: Pitbulls are aweosme! ( i personally Love pitbulls  ;D )

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