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Messages - DangusMangus

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51] 52 53 ... 55
Game Suggestions & Ideas / A small group idea...
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:51:33 pm »
Well. First - hello. I have thinked about this idea and... Thats what i thinked about ->

 When you open group tab, thre would be edited group creator page. There you can choose a pride or pack and also its name. When you maked it, there appears a new two tabs, one is ranks another is group information. In ranks, there will be "leader female, leader male" and so on.

Just post here what do you think about it :)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Need mesh help!!
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:49:28 am »
Umm, first you have to find tv picture, move into desktop. Then open it with gimp or photobucket. Go to google, and search for picture that you wanna for tv screen. It must to be same form as old pictures form. When you find it, press right button of mouse, then save picture as.... Press it. Then save it in another picture that you placed in desktop. If you cant see that picture, you have to change format into .jpg or .png. Then, when you finished it, place in feralheart folder, my objects.

NOTE:Dont rename it to anything else. It will chrash your mesh.

Soon as possible and thanks

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Airless short bio!~
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:42:31 am »
Aww thanks guys :)

Member Bio & Journals / Airless short bio!~
« on: August 05, 2012, 09:28:29 pm »
Hellowz Peepz!


Likes-I like to draw, sing, DANCE, RP, create presets, create maps, search for something new, listen to music, SLEEP (a lot...)), Play with my kitty, be with friends, play OW (OurWorld) and more!
Un-likes-Being silly, when someone rules to her, wake up at 8:00PM...
Fav Color-BLACK... <3
Fav animals - Cats, dogs, horses, brids.
Where I born - Vilnius.

Well, im smart, not silly. Sometimes I training my kitty. Im going to 6th grade in my school. I would never hit my cats... Its so cruel >:|. Also, im second dancer in my school. Im not really beautiful, I just have great figure, can easly make friends with noone ((russian/american...)). Im freindly, like to be cruel in RPs >:D. Im also making DETAILED maps.


My kitty "Sparta"

When she was 3 months -

After some months -

Before 4 months in this years -

Name - Sparta/Starka.
Age - 3 years old.
Gender - female.
Likes - she likes to play, meow with me ((XD)), sleep with me, be with me. Also likes to stick tongue at me  ???
Un-likes - grass, when my dad scares her, she doesint likes when you waking up her from sleeping.
Boyfriend - Micius (my other cat :D)
Personality - friendly, cute, funny.
Extras - she cant be without me, where I am, she is with me =).
Life story - She borned in wild, with her sister. After some months, she become really pretty and friendly to humans. Her sister was scared of humans. When I get her to my house, Micius wasnt friendly to her. He attacked her. After some years, other cat killed her mother (that day she was SO sad when I told her... TT-TT)). Her sister is somewhere lost in time ((xD)). Now she lives with us.


Oh yeah..!

Name - Micius.
Age - 6 years old.
Gender - male.
Kits - none.
Girlfriend - Sparta/Starka.
Likes - he likes to go outside and spend some days, also likes sun, hunting, being with me and Sparta, steling food from kitchen. Sometiems Sparta is really anyong Micius.
Un-likes - Not tasty food.
Personality - anyong, cute, friendly, funny.
Extras - He is REALLY anoyng me...
Story Line - Thats what I know - We took him from other humans for FREE when he was some months. Then he was SOO cute <3. From now days, he likes to sleep, be outisde.

I hope you like it!

FeralHeart username - HelloKitez4Ever/FightWolf/Pandoraz/Monoxida.

Username/Character Name:SilentArrow
Description/Image:She is dark pelted wolf, underfur is balck and pelt is darkish red. She had FairyTail Guild marking on her butt, face markings - drip. Tail is biohazard. Markings color is gold. Mane is dark blue (Not really blue... Blue/black/purple mix...)). Also, eyes a neon red. Form - ring.
Preset? Link? - soon will be a preset :D
Clan: (Speed? Strength?) Strengh.
Class: (Fighter, Healer, Non-Combat?) - Fighter ((She is pro...))
RP Sample: SilentArrow rises her claws out, then straches her shoulder, as dark redish blood pours out. She smirks, as she heard "Fight!". Silent runs to sides, tryies to dodge every move. She jumpes by wolf butt, bites tail tip and slips under. Pushes and flips over, she bites wolfs neck, also letting ehr fangs in wolf neck flesh, reaching neck nerve. Bites it and makes very big pain, then lets go. Bites wolf muzzle, as turns her head and flips over wolf. Sweeps her legs, as jumpes on wolf belly, bites neck, holds. Then slashes head into ground, as blood pours out. She again slashes wolfs head, bites head flesh, slashes again, then bites her paw. Jumpes on her belly, pouches her paw backwards, as she heard "Crack!". She brokened her leg. She lets go, as knowing "Its enaugh for that wolf." Trots a bit away, where she can rest a bit.

Well, one thing. She have some skills up -
-Not feeling pain.

Finished Maps / Re: FightArena/ForgotenCity (UPDATE OF FIGHT ARENA!!!)
« on: August 03, 2012, 01:10:41 pm »
Guys, tell me what you think about FightArena

Member Bio & Journals / Re: A small question
« on: August 01, 2012, 12:13:20 pm »
Okey, thank you for helping me out =3

Member Bio & Journals / A small question
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:26:28 am »
Ugh, first - hello. I have a small question - Can I put here JUST pets biographies..?

Finished Maps / Re: If I make these..?
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:52:48 pm »
I would make those maps... But im afraid that noone will RP in it =( Then my all work will just flew away...

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