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Messages - Spottedbears

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Species / Mouse Lions
« on: January 28, 2014, 02:14:21 am »
These are MOUSE LIONS!! They are a species made by, yours truly.

This is an image of the fabled mouse lion. Here's some info:

Mouse lions have small muzzles-though not as small as a domestic cat's. They don't take huge bites and use their claws more often than teeth, so they don't use it that much. Their noses can be pinkish-tan to dark brown. Eye colors include any color within the range of amber and yellow, and sometimes there's a rare gray-blue. Thier tails are rounded and, although named 'lions,' males do not have manes and look similar to the females, except larger. They have generally normal, proportionate paws, except as a cub their paws can be bigger than their muzzles. The only colors they can have on their pelts are any sort of brown, tan, or caramel color. Their markings, these colors as well. Ears are quite large, and some of the mouse lions can swivel them like radars -- but not all. Normally these lions can have ANY type of marking, as long as it helps them fit into their environments.

Where they live?:
Mouse lions can live anywhere as long as it is warm, has trees, and water, and grass.

They eat anything available to them!

Feel free to make your own~

Art Gallery / Re: Tumblr's Artness Corner |Requests CLOSED|
« on: January 27, 2014, 10:00:19 pm »
Ah okay! To save them transparently, save the image as a PNG and select the option that says "32bpp AGRP (Each pixel have opacity)"

If you don't touch the white background at all, it should be transparent.

Art Gallery / Re: Tumblr's Artness Corner |Requests OPEN|
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:41:23 pm »
What art program do you use?

Game Discussion / Re: Sad Lack of Dancing? :O
« on: January 26, 2014, 05:15:05 pm »
In my opinion people only dance to be trolls. Since 'dancing' is commonly known as 'doing bad things' ehehe, whenever you dance you'll be constantly yelled at for breaking the rules and being inappropriate. It happened to me all the time.

Jodie, not trying to mini mod or be a meanie, but please try not to post on 2--no, now 3 year old threads~ Make your own thread please :c

offline <3

heey! It's Birdi/Spottedbears now on my main account. I know there's already a thread for this (btw can you delete that please) but I moved accounts, so.. Yeah! So, if you want to come please do!

Game Help / Re: Map Sharing Confusion
« on: January 21, 2014, 11:15:29 pm »
I think you're looking into the terrains/your map's folder. Once you export a map you should go to FeralHeart/Exports. There you should find 'n' copy all of YOUR MAP'S files, placing them in a zip folder. If you have other public maps, it's wise to put those temporarily in a separate file/folder before you export it.

Discussion Board / Padlock, anyone?
« on: January 21, 2014, 04:07:59 am »
So recently, if nobody here has noticed, there's been a ship going around on Tumblr called 'Padlock.' I love it, 'n' honestly it's really weird. If you've seen Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, you might want to know there's a second one! Yeah go watch it right now ya li'l fluff. Anyway, the ship: It's the clock 'n' the notepad from both those videos! I personally think it's really weird as does the rest of Tumblr -- that we're shipping a clock 'n' a notepad -- but honestly it's adorable to see those little psychopaths go after each other! Their names are Nancy 'n' Tony, by the way. Feel free to share your thoughts, I don't mind a negative one; this is just to see what people think. If you want a few images, here; (credit goes to original artists)

aww ye, gather 'round mah jelsa shippers

Anyway, like the others said, it would be better if the Frozen storyline stayed the same; however, throwing Jack in there somehow might be possible. I've seen fanart on tumblr, which is what I'm basing this off of: Jack helps Elsa realize her powers do more good than the evil she thinks they do. That's how she figures out how to let it go 'n' love her ice powers. After Anna leaves when she's shot in the heart with Elsa's magic, it could be Jack that stops her from destroying herself, because Elsa knows she really hurt her sister.

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