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Messages - Ex0rcist

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54
Poems / Re: Sin wrote a song
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:10:37 pm »
That is very well done. I enjoy dark and emotional things such as this, and I hope to see what moar you may have thought up of. Very beautiful indeed.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:57:05 pm »
Ah, son of a biscuit...


Art Gallery / Re: lilly's look changed a bunch
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:46:59 pm »
Awr, so cute! ~

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:15:29 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:25:51 am »
I love the style it was drawn in, simple yet unique. The character itself looks very interesting as well. ~

Forum Discussion / Re: What Do You Post With?
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:12:08 am »
Hurr.. I use a computer most of the times, but when I'm off for a break, I usually go on my laptop to check the forums real quick. When I'm away from the house, I usually go on my iPhone to view the threads rather than post in them for the typos are unbearable when typing on a small screen. So yuh... I use several things. xD

I lurf the humour found in these pics. xD I shall see them in my dreams... o_o" More so the second screenie... lawl. Keep them coming! I'd love to see moar! c:

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Advertising Ideas / Suggestions
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:45:45 am »
Not so sure this is the right thread I should be posting this under, so please move it to the correct thread if so.


ANYWAYZ. I think it's agreed that General had a very negative impact on advertising needs, such as no more global word of those recruiting and only a limited chat range for very few to see. Not open-minded about this situation, eh? I've come up with a couple of ideas I hope works for those who are eager to gain moar members for their wonderful groups.

- New "Sticky" Topic under General Roleplay.

This "sticky", in addition to Ramine's Roleplay Guide, can list those popular "advertising" landmarks and where on the map(s) they can be found. I know there are many of those who are very new to the game and forums, and without General, they won't be able to find out about those areas in case they want to join a group.

- Modify a bit on the Advertising board.

I believe this board should be cleaned up a bit, not saying the work of those who put it together have done a terrible job, not at all. What I mean is that some of the roleplay ads on there mostly rely on "forum roleplaying", meaning they choose to roleplay on that thread and that thread only, not even bothering to create their characters and roleplay in-game. It is quite a mixture of both in-game and forum roleplaying on that board, something I have found confusing.

Perhaps separate it into two categories? One for said "forum roleplaying" and one for in-game advertising. This'll give a fresh and clean start to any advertising needs, and will possibly cause less confusion to those who believe they'll have better luck searching for a group on the threads.

Hopefully with this idea, players can search for what they specifically want in the easiest way possible, whether it be an in-game group or a group only based off of threads. Those who request joining the forum roleplaying groups can now possibly move onto the Groups child board and roleplay with them thar while the in-game advertisements lead those who wish to join an in-game group into the Feralheart world and roleplay thar.

- In-Game Recruiting Method

Here we have some fun! Expand your group by assigning about four to five members a task to recruit. They can spread ALL over the map and search for moar people there.

What I mean is:

I Recruiter : Found in Stone Bridge.
This recruiter covers one area of the map, searching for people who are willing to join.
II Recruiter: Found at Cape Portal.
Another recruiter from the same group covers that area of the map, doubling the recruitment speed.
III Recruiter: Found at the +.
A third recruiter covers another area, tripling the rate.
IIII Recruiter: Found at Y River.
Quadrupling the rate.
And so on...

This, I believe, could be an affective way to expand your group in no time.

Feedback is very much requested, pluz. c: If this helps, then I am thankful. Keep in mind that these are only suggestions, not demands. I go by how much it may affect the flow the game and if the players agree with it or not.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: June 19, 2013, 04:23:05 am »

Forum Discussion / Re: girls or guys?
« on: June 19, 2013, 04:12:53 am »
Aye, I've noticed the large number of faes who play rather than guys in-game and on the forums... And as Virtuex posted, the reason it looks balanced is because (and I find this rather amusing to me... but hey, I'm one to talk as well) a wide number of girls typically find it moar comfortable playing as the 'guy' characters. So really, Virtuex, perhaps 75% of the males you see in-game are played by girls.

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