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Messages - TheApplePie

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Mapping Tutorials / Tricks with the masks
« on: May 14, 2014, 08:19:44 pm »
I'm gonna write this on my phone so if there is any stupid mistakes, you will know why.

First, get into your gimp or Photoshop.

Make your mask in only two colours.

For example, I'm (pretending) doing a red and blue one.
I want that desert texture. Not all sand, but not all pebbles.

 Draw over the red with a green/blue and lower the opacity down. You will get a green/blue+red texture.
If you open up the mask in map maker and load "pebbletex" and "seasand" it will give you a nice, mixed look!

You can do this with any other terrain, but some of them (Like snowtex + bluecrystal) will make it very bright.

I hope you found this useful, thanks for reading!

That's really quite helpful!

But I still have a question left... not sure though if you can help me with it.

Doing heightmaps isn't the problem itself, but often it happens, that my ground isn't flat... I mean I make hills and all, but the ground has everywhere some sort of echelon form. Even at places, where it would be all flat, there are those stairs.. I'm not sure hiw to describe them, English isn't my mother language sorry ><

But I added a pic so you can see what I mean...

Make sure you do the background (one gray/black/white) at the bottom layer. Everything else you should draw on different layers. Then just flatten it down. If it doesn't work then try re-installing the game. If hat still doesn't work, try to find an answer I. The help board. If it still happens after re-installing and checking your files, it must just be a problem with your computer.

Mapping Tutorials / Re: How to make cool, textured heightmaps
« on: May 13, 2014, 07:09:22 am »
Now, I found this quite interesting too.
I often use
Filter>Render>Clouds> Different clouds
Then I set the detail up to 9. This is what most people are looking for so I think you got the cake for making this. Thank you for sharing this with the community!

Thank you for moving it where it should be.
I'm glad that ya' like it, I hope other users do too.
Thanks for reviewing!

Introduction / Re: I'm back!
« on: May 12, 2014, 04:46:13 pm »
Welcome back!
Next time when you download things, make sure to check how much space you have on your local disk.
Also, you might have downloaded something that blocked a certain thing in the system. For example a virus.
I highly dbout that it is FeralHeart though.  It is safe and comes with no viruses if you download it from this site. (Also what Vespain said before)

Again, Welcome back to this amazing community!

I think this could go hear, but that's me. It also could possible go to the FeralHeart Tutorials. I'm not to sure. A staff member will move your post if they feel it is in the wrong area it has been posted it.

I was thinking about that too, but people would find it quick enough. When they go and ask for help in the help section, they might stumble up-on this. So I thought I would put it here..Because..Why would people look for help in the tutorial section? (There are actually a lot of reasons, but they rarely notice that xD)

Mapping Tutorials / Map problem answers/tips for people making maps
« on: May 12, 2014, 03:49:31 pm »
If this topic isn't in the correct place on the forum, please tell me where I should put it.

This topic won't be me asking you for help, it will have basic and complex answers to the problems you may have experienced while making maps.

Firstly, lets take a look at making the height map. As you may have noticed, paint won't work. Photoshop and Gimp are the the things you need to look for.

Canvas sizes? Ah, here you go! 513 x 513 is the answer.

Greyscale mode should also be selected. RGB colour mode will make your game crash while typing it into the map maker.

Make sure you use simple brushes while making the height map.

Don't make it to detailed unless your computer won't lag while opening it in map maker.

To make it more natural, use SHARP edged brushes! There isn't a lot of  smooth hills in the mountains (in real life), is there?
That was just a tip that I stick to, but do what you want.

I think you should referance from the real world if you want it to be realistic. Instead of using only the default feralheart objects, why don't you download some new ones from other great and fantastic players?

Flat areas are quite boring on maps, it hardly ever happens in real life too. If you have a flat terrain somewhere, why don't you add some splodges of darker and lighter greys? It will add more realism into your map. It is all about the details!
Unless you want to have a simple and boring map...

If your game crashes, make sure your map:
-Is one layered, make sure you flatten all of the layers down while drawing out the height map.
- Has no alpha channel
- Is in greyscale
- Uses simple brushes
- Is 513 by 513 pixels!
- Make sure this is the name of the map: MapNameTerrain.png

Masks are quite simple to make. As a starter, why don't I explain to you what map masks are?
If you have a height map and want more than one terrain colour, why don't you add a mask to it?
Masks should be in the RGB (Red Green Blue) colour mode. Copy your heightmap and paste it into your RGB canvas.
Now, make a new layer and cover one  part of the terrain in the map you want  in red. Next, make a new layer and do the same with green. Finally, do the same with blue. Remove your heightmap from the bottom of the canvas and save it.
Make sure this is the name of the mask: MapNameMask.png

If you blend the colours together, the mask will have a smooth meeting point of the two. If you don't blend them together, it will have a cutt off point on the map terrain. (It won't be blended in nicerly, it will be a solid line inbetween the two terrain textures)

- Use any type of brush you want!
- Want help? Look at photos of terrain in  real life to get inspiration. For example, look at these links.,d.ZWU&psig=AFQjCNFP701Ni018RyjeOejmx4EwM9p5EA&ust=1399995897813430

I hope I helped you at least a little bit, any other questions from you will be answered, or at least I will try to give you the correct ones. Thank you for reading!

Art Gallery / Re: Art requests -CLOSED-
« on: May 12, 2014, 06:16:39 am »
I love it<3

I'm glad you do. Sorry for the background, I'll fix it as soon as  I can and then I will notify you. ^^

Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: May 11, 2014, 06:21:01 pm »
That the lag monster from the deep water in Bonfire Island will come over and jump out of my closet then [Inappropriate word removed] my dog with a bananna. Thats what I'm scared of.
But seriously, lag. I'm scared/worried that FH will lag so much if I do something important. For example, finnishing a map. Then, Poof. Gone. Laptop crashed because of the game lagging SO much. (Yes, it happened a few times before..)

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: More genders?
« on: May 11, 2014, 06:08:03 pm »
Generally I find I most often just leave myself as a male, to be honest. I feel more comfortable with that over switching - but for those that don't like to choose (or don't find it as easy as I do; it's a particular thing), this would definitely be a very good option. :) I believe it'd help a lot of people out, just to have an 'other' option in general, not just for genderfluid people.

I do agree here with you.

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